Just started to the game

I didnt know there were boats in the game. where can I find them ?

and I want to ask you about another thing. I went to a dungeon(deadmines) for the first time like an hour ago. But I didnt understand the roll and greed mechanics. I found out that I cannot roll to an item that I cannot use (like mail or sth ) which makes sense. Should I roll even if I dont need it (like the one that I have on me is better). I passed the loot that I dont need but I realised that nobody literally passes any item. It’s always need or greed they pick. So whats the trick in this ?

If you play Alliance there’s a boats that will take you between continents - actually there’s also a neutral boat for Hoard too.

If you play Horde you travel between continents on a Zepplin. I’m assuming you’re playing Alliance, as you’ve not said anything about Horde.

The first boat is in Menethil Harbour, in the Wetlands. The Wetlands is a L20-23 zone, but most players run through it early so as to get the the other continent.

To get to Wetlands from Stormwind travel to the Dwarven District, take the tunnel and board the Deeprun Tram. This will take you straight to the Dwarf capital of Ironforge.

To get from Ironforge to the Wetlands you have to run. Run through Dun Morogh (which is the Dwarf and Gnome starting area), follow the signs for Loch Modan.

Enter Loch Modan, keep on running until you get to the village of Thelsamar, don’t forget to get the flight path!

Keep on running down the road, follow the signs for Wetlands until you get to the tunnel. This is where it gets dangerous.

If you’re low level you’ll likely die here a lot, as there’s L20+ Orcs who will shoot you. Ressurect, keep running. You’ll enter the Wetlands.

Keep on the road, run like hell! You will die from spiders, you’ll die from crocs. Keep ressurecting and running until you get to Menethil Harbour.

This run is known as the ‘Wetlands Gauntlet’, and is a rite of passage for all low level Alliance players. It’s a genuine adventure. I still remember doing it on my first character back in 2006, and I remember how fired up and nervous I was. It remains one of my most vivid memories of that time. Sure you can get a Mage to make you a portal instead, but that’s just boring! Plus you won’t get the flight paths. You can also get there with fancy swimming - but that’s also boring.

Once you get to the harbour, get the flight path, and you’ll have the option of two boats. The one directly opposite the Flight Master actually takes you to Theramore Island in Dustwallow Marsh. That’s a L40+ zone, and you don’t want to go that way yet, but it’s a gateway to The Barrens, Thousand Needles, Stonetalon and a whole bunch of other places.

The boat that leaves from the dock furthest from the Flight Master is the one you want, and it will take you straight to the Night Elf town of Auberdean in Darkshire. From this town you can take another boat to the Night Elf capital of Teldrassil, and it’s also the gateway to Ashenvale Forest, which is a L20-28 zone and a major quest hub.

If you play Horde, and I got it wrong, you’ll need the Horde info instead.

There’s another neutral boat for both Horde and Allaince that runs from Ratchet in The Barrens to Stranglethorn Vale in the Eastern Kingdoms - which is a L35-50 zone, massive quest hub, and a well known ganking hotspot, but we’ll worry about that later.

I wrote about need and greed or my first post to you, which I’ll re-quote here:

Remember loot rules in dungeons. Every time loot drops in a dungeon, you get a chance to roll a dice for it, and the options presented to you on screen are need, greed, or pass. Never roll Need on an item you do not want, or cannot use. If you roll Greed you are saying ‘I’ll take this if I get it, but I don’t need it’.

So let’s say you play a Warrior and you’re in a group with a Mage, and a cloth robe drops that’s designed for Mages. If you ‘need’ that item and win it you’ll be called a ‘ninja’, and people may get annoyed at you. Always pass on the loot in this situation, unless the Mage says he doesn’t need it, or rolls ‘greed’ himself, in which case it’s OK for you to roll ‘greed’ too.

I’m a bit confused over you saying you cannot roll on an item that you cannot use, as you totally can. You can roll on anything - you’re not physically prevented from doing is, but it’s usually a bad idea to roll on something you can’t use unless you’re absolutely sure nobody else needs it, in which case it’s OK roll greed.


A shield drops. The Warrior (who can use it) rolls need, everyone else rolls greed, or passes. This is the correct behavior.

A wand drops. The Priest rolls need, and you also roll need. You roll higher than the Priest and get the wand. This is considered ‘ninjaing’, and is bad behaviour, as you deprived the Priest of an item they could have used.

Each group is different though. Some people never pass on loot, and always roll greed. The rule of thumb is always: If I can use it, and it’s an upgrade = need, all else = greed, or pass.

When I asked the party members. They told me that you cant roll if you’re not able to use the item. maybe they were just trying to say that its a bad thing to do. but I get the Idea now. thanks

should I go to the place that you mentioned or is it kinda late. like I am level 20 rn. (I play alliance btw )

If nothing else I’d certainly do Gyromast’s Revenge for the water breathing potions. But to be honest you’ll get little or no benefit from the rest of Darkshore at L20, unless you just do it for the sheer joy of completing quests. You significantly out-level the content.

Best places for L20 are Lakeshire in Redridge Mountains, which is a L18-25(ish) zone. At L20 you’ll be able to do quite a lot of the quests there, though some will be red, and there’s also quite a few group quests that you’re unlikely to be able to do alone. Also a quest for a dungeon called The Stockades.

Other regions you should definitely visit are Ashenvale Forest, which is on the other continent of Kalimdor. There you’ll find a selection of green and yellow quests. After that check out Menethil Harbour in The Wetlands, which is back in the Eastern KIngdoms (you’ll have to run through it to get to Kalimdor anyway). This is a L22-27(ish) zone.

You can also easily handle some of the early quests in Darkshire in Duskwood, though others might be a bit tough at L20.

What I usually do is start Redridge at L19 (ish), do whatever quests I can handle, and then leave the rest for later and switch to Kalimdor zones. After that I’ll just tik-tak back and forth between there, Redridge and Wetlands until I hit L30. I go to Duskwood last of all, and I’ve already outlevelled some of the early quests there, but I don’t care about that, as most of them are long chains that increase in difficulty as I progress.

In any case you have a lot of options at L20.

Can I suggest that you drop Leatherworking and pick up Herbalism as a profession for 3 important reasons:

  1. Picking herbs can be extremely lucrative. Certain herbs are in demand since they are used in potions and elixirs that max level players use in high end raids. You can sell these on the Auction house for quite a lot of gold just search for the item you want to sell before you sell it and see how much other players are selling them for and then sell yours for slightly cheaper.

  2. There’s a herb called Swiftthistle that has a chance to drop from Mageroyal and Briarthorn when you pick them. Swiftthistle sells for a lot you can easily get 1 gold per swiftthistle if not more on most servers. But you can also get a cooking recipe from a rogue quest at around level 20 (from the rogue trainer) that will teach you how to make thistle tea, this is an extremely useful consumable for rogue as consuming one will instantly restore 100 energy which is very useful in both PvE and PvP content. You’ll need to level cooking to 80 to learn this recipe though - cooking counts as a secondary profession so you can take this alongside your other 2 professions.

  3. You also need blinding powder to use the ability “Blind” which you learn at a later level which requires Fadeleaf to make and will appear in your poison crafting window when you learn the ability which is another herb found out in the world you can also get it from pick pocketing humanoid mobs but herbalism is another method to get blinding powder. Blind makes the target incapacitated for 10 seconds which can be useful and is extremely helpful in PvP.

You’ll also want to pick up First Aid to make bandages which is another secondary profession as it’s very handy for a rogue and lets you recover health faster than eating after you kill mobs. You can also use them in combat although they get interrupted if you take damage so what you can do is gouge or blind a mob then bandage to heal in combat. You make bandages from cloth so keep hold of those Linen, Wool, Silk, Mageweave and Runecloth you find when leveling to help level your first aid skill.

The gold you can make from herbalism will help you pay for your mount at level 40 which will cost you around 90g.

To drop a profession you want to press “k” to open the skill page up then click the profession and you should see a circle with a red line through it, if you press it then it will ask you if you want to unlearn the profession.

That would be my advice to you however if you enjoy having leatherworking then keep it! :slight_smile:

I think I am going to this. because like you said, I’ve done some quests in redrige but there are some that I cannot handle. So I guess switching the location might help.

Hi ! thank you for your advise. I really was thinking about my profession selection. because as far as I see, I cant earn huge amount of money from leatherworking. But at the same time, with some researches, I saw that there are really good armors that I can craft with really good agility bonuses. On the other hand the things you wrote makes so much sense as well. Maybe I can craft a few items that I’ll use for a long time then I change my profession( I have no idea if that makes sense ). If I drop the leatherworking then I have to drop skinning too, right ?
I still am kinda lost in this part of the game ngl.

my cooking is level 90 or sth(I am gonna be the best cook in dragonfang xd) but didnt get the recipe yet. So if I dont have herbalism, would it be expensive to buy the needed things ?

my cooking is level 90 or sth(I am gonna be the best cook in dragonfang xd) but didnt get the recipe yet. So if I dont have herbalism, would it be expensive to buy the needed things ?

You can get the quest “Mathias and the Defias” at level 20 from Stormwind in Old Town he will send you to Westfall it will lead to a quest called “Klaven’s Tower” which is elite so you might need your friend to distract the guy while you steal the item required. Doing this will reward you with the thistle tea recipe.

If you decide not to take herbalism then you can buy the herb required (swiftthistle) from the AH but it’s usually quite expensive especially for a new player so I would wait until your max level till you do that and focus on saving your gold for your mount at 40 in the mean time.

Hi ! thank you for your advise. I really was thinking about my profession selection. because as far as I see, I cant earn huge amount of money from leatherworking. But at the same time, with some researches, I saw that there are really good armors that I can craft with really good agility bonuses. On the other hand the things you wrote makes so much sense as well. Maybe I can craft a few items that I’ll use for a long time then I change my profession( I have no idea if that makes sense ). If I drop the leatherworking then I have to drop skinning too, right ?
I still am kinda lost in this part of the game ngl.

It’s up to you, the way I see it is gear isn’t that important since you replace it so often while leveling and can find nice item pieces from doing dungeons with others although it is true there are nice pieces of armour you can have crafted with Leatherworking. However you don’t need to drop skinning it’s perfectly normal to have 2 gathering professions while leveling to make as much gold as you can - you can take Herbalism and Skinning and if they sell on AH then sell your skins but you can also vendor them if you want fast gold if they are not selling for much on Auction house if they do sell for a lot on AH then sell them there. You can also get someone else who is a Leatherworker to craft those items for you and since your a skinner you can provide them the materials to craft those items all you have to do is ask in trade chat in a Stormwind/Ironforge etc

Best of luck :slight_smile:

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