Kakio de la renard?

It’s good that you are trying to learn things, however much what you have done in the past and do is more having fun at the expense of roleplayers, and that is quite bad in my opinion.

You should have known from the start the effects of calling a bunch of trolls to “go to war” against a city during peak hours of roleplay would have negative consquences for those simply trying to have fun and roleplay.

I recall somewhat defending you in the thread that came up afterwards primarily because you apologised and said you were going to move on from this sort of thing. I kinda regret doin this now, both because that you A) are still doing the same things under the pretense of “Im just having fun lol”

And B) directly trying to insult me here. As I said, I used to be a fan of your videos, but when you moved away from making your old style to a whole series of “lets have have fun trolling these roleplayers” it came across as rather douchy.

As does you blatantly saying I’m terrible for the Roleplay Community for stating that I disagree with you making troll raids that lasted for hours, regardless if you yourself participated in them for the full duration.

I have not lied about a single thing here, nor have anyone else. And as I said, I used to be a fan, but considering how you come in with this kind of post directly in the aftermath of yet another “lol im so funny, troll these rpers meme” video and personally insult me, I find you nothing short but of a frankly disgusting and immature individual.

You have some growing up to do so, and your ego gives you no credit.

Thank you.