Kakio de la renard?

And as for the video I think he was doing exactly that. Things like “The King shall fail us as the skies shatter” rather than “Sylvanas is going to break the Crown of Domination and let Shadowlands seep into our world”.

Looks at how his Silvermoon disruption lasted for roughly 5-6 hours


You’re excused, as long as you’re willing to learn from your mistakes :slight_smile:

I don’t think that this “advertisement” will appeal to the kind of players who enrich the AD community but rather those who yell around in Silvermoon and spam toys.


It is factually not harmless. You’ve read the thread. You know better.


Despite the fact the Silvermoon incident took up litterally an entire day’s prime time of roleplay, I could kinda see it being called harmless, had he stopped then. Instead it only took him like a month to go back to doing the same thing and now it’s pretty much the only content he does anymore(he stopped the other videos for this)

Also, it’s never a few minutes. The videos are a few minutes, but those are made from cutting out -hours- of footage.


This is what memes me the most too.

I thought about it for a good while. I have some roleplay guide youtube channels subbed to and the only one who does not straight up do this is “Inquisitor Aura”. Though she did stop making videos and her lisp was annoying as all hell to deal with. However, her videos weren’t just reading the wiki entries but original stuff.

Kind of makes me think about creating videos myself about roleplay and all the different aspects and such in depth.

Hello Vixi.

I was reading this whole thread and found the discussions interesting, I am learning something about how not to treat you guys… I really do it just to have some fun, not at all to patronize or ridicule RPers.

I didn’t intend to answer at all, but when I saw this post I just couldn’t stop myself - You are lying to an extreme degree there. When I went to Silvermoon on stream with a bunch of lvl 1 trolls I did it to “go to war” with the Blood Elves, as a joke - I realized, when I was in the city, that it could annoy the roleplayers present at the time, so I left, told my stream not to annoy them and we departed immediately. I was in the city for 5-10 minutes, not 5 hours. Its sad you make that up to make me look worse, honestly, I think you are worse for the community than I am, if this is how you go about discussing things.

And to any other roleplayer who I’ve offended in here; I am truly sorry, it isn’t my intention at all - I think its fair to criticise me, but if I see people lying about what I’ve done, I am not gonna hold back. Thank you.


She isn’t.

The community is simply sick of OOCers coming and trolling roleplayers, which happens quite frequently, youtubers/streamers don’t help at all.


I can understand that, but no matter what space or what situation I’d find myself in, people who lie as much as she did to make others look bad, are the worst people to be around. That’s my opinion though.

I am sure OOCers and trolls are annoying, I totally get that - and as I said, if I attempt at making more RP content in the future, I will take that into account.


You do deserve to look bad, and you already do after what you did, simple as that.

Even if it was exaggerated by Vixi, you still did something bad.

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@Kakio, just ignore them. Seventy five percent of people who’ve left a comment here are as irrelevant as one can get, and of course they’re going to lie and attack someone just for the sake of it. That’s the 2019 policy of Argent Dawn.

Remember the story of Nero, who had to burn a whole city to be relevant for once in his life? That’s what some people are doing here. By attacking a content creator, they think they gain importance.

Just keep up the good vids; there, indeed, are people who truly enjoy yor content for what it is. It’s just common knowledge that the dissatisfied people of the already toxic community are more vocal.


Well, if I look bad to you after explaining my side, I can’t do any more. And exaggerated is a pretty mild description of what Vixi did.

I would just love for you guys to understand that my intentions truly aren’t malicious, I’ve made mistakes, RPed in questionable ways, but honestly, I just try to have fun with RPers - and largely, I find the RP community to be a lot of fun and nice people. If anyone I’ve met ever told me to stop or leave them alone, I’ve ALWAYS done so. But I’ll take this discussion to heart, learn from it and well, that’s all I can do.


Ignore all of this. Guild of trolls.


Just gonna point out that it’s not necessarily entirely your fault. While YOU may not have continued for hours, your fans might have.

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It’s good that you are trying to learn things, however much what you have done in the past and do is more having fun at the expense of roleplayers, and that is quite bad in my opinion.

You should have known from the start the effects of calling a bunch of trolls to “go to war” against a city during peak hours of roleplay would have negative consquences for those simply trying to have fun and roleplay.

I recall somewhat defending you in the thread that came up afterwards primarily because you apologised and said you were going to move on from this sort of thing. I kinda regret doin this now, both because that you A) are still doing the same things under the pretense of “Im just having fun lol”

And B) directly trying to insult me here. As I said, I used to be a fan of your videos, but when you moved away from making your old style to a whole series of “lets have have fun trolling these roleplayers” it came across as rather douchy.

As does you blatantly saying I’m terrible for the Roleplay Community for stating that I disagree with you making troll raids that lasted for hours, regardless if you yourself participated in them for the full duration.

I have not lied about a single thing here, nor have anyone else. And as I said, I used to be a fan, but considering how you come in with this kind of post directly in the aftermath of yet another “lol im so funny, troll these rpers meme” video and personally insult me, I find you nothing short but of a frankly disgusting and immature individual.

You have some growing up to do so, and your ego gives you no credit.

Thank you.


You can’t convince people who’ve already convinced themselves. A+ for effort, though!


Yes, defend trolling, go head. :stuck_out_tongue:

I can be convinced, but not by a very bare-basic “I did nothing wrong, but if people thought I did, I’m sorry…but you are all worse than me.” Post. Bootlicking him though seems a bit…weak?


“He doesn’t though. First time he did this, he specifically went out of his way to get fans with him to go to Silvermoon during peak roleplay time and spam toys and profanities for nearly 5 hours straight.”

Right, that isn’t lying to you? It heavily implies that I WANTED that to happen and that I was a part of it all. Also, you said earlier in the thread that I ask my fans on discord and twitter to come and join me? For basically all my RP videos I’ve tried to NOT have fans join me for RP, its actually exactly what I DON’T want. You’ve lied multiple times to make me look worse and you just assume the worst about my intentions.