Non-RPers are critical to the health of the server

Yes it does, because that’s exactly what you are. Let’s examine your personality:

You attack me with ad hominem attacks for nearly an entire thread(that had nothing to do with the subject) under the false pretense that it’s to teach me lesson, when in the thread you in the same wave also openly admitted that it all stemmed back from an argument nearly a year prior where I didnt agree with you that SJW’s were conspiring to destroy western culture(This was your belief) and you got really offended when I told you it wasn’t pure fact.
You also admitted that I deserved it all because I had the time joined a PCU guild.

You also admit that this is not a nice thing to do to someone, but refuse to apologise. You really are a tool.

Edit: Since you refuse to say it never happened, I might as well also link the thread before trying to leave it at this since I know what comes out of your hands/fingers is pure trash:

I know I got an issue with it, but I get geniuenly bothered by how a man can be so purposly vicious towards people in general+myself and then try to smug it off as being some being of superiour intellect who is just always right.