Kakio de la renard?

The mongrel dogs of AD always thirst for fresh meat


Yea, after you upvoted the Scarlet Crusade r-words post I will not bother.

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Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of yore?

dont care didnt ask



do you have any other AD characters or is this it


This crazy hot take an hour after the post where the dude said he would leave, and seemingly did so.

Instead, you’re just trying to put in a “Heh AD looooves drama, but I am ABOVE IT :smirk:



in fairness I think he spend literally all of that hour typing :clown_face:

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Nice opinion! :smiley: Just one tiny problem with it :face_with_raised_eyebrow:. Inspecting your post :face_with_monocle::email:, it looks like your opinion is different :red_circle::large_blue_circle: from mine. [clears throat] Let me tell :speaking_head: you something. I am the baseline :black_circle: for opinions. Any opinion I hold is objectively correct :ballot_box_with_check: and, as a result, any other opinions are wrong​:x:. Guess what? You happen to hold a wrong :bangbang::interrobang::bangbang::interrobang: one. I hope you know that your opinion is now illegal​:no_entry:. I have contacted :telephone_receiver: the FBI​:man_police_officer:t2:, the CIA​:man_police_officer:t3:, the NSA​:man_police_officer:t4:, the Navy Seals​:man_police_officer:t5:, the Secret Service​:man_police_officer:t6:, and your mom​:adult:t2:. You’ll be sorry :pray: you ever shared your opinions. By the time you’re reading :open_book: this, you’ll be done for. Nature :evergreen_tree::deciduous_tree: will punish you. Humanity :rage::rage: will punish you. Supernatural beings :ghost::alien: will punish you. Space :new_moon::crescent_moon: will punish you. We decided :envelope_with_arrow: just to make sure, we’ll nuke :radioactive::bomb::firecracker::radioactive: your house from orbit :dizzy: . So there’s no chance you can run :man_running: away, and everyone :busts_in_silhouette: will know you will die :skull_and_crossbones: . It’s a small price :dollar: to pay to remove your wrong opinion from this world :earth_americas: .


You’re dead wrong. I’m not. Ahehehm.

Your transmog is the worst thing since unsliced bread.


Have u paid roman royalties for that joke?


It’s happened again, as discussed -alot- in here, not in the exact same way but when it comes to disrupting roleplay/trolling and fans following to do the same, it has definatly happened again.

See above, it’s happened again, people have spoken up about it.

She* and no, I framed it in the very bare basics of what happened. I also wouldn’t call Kakio hopping in to call me the the worst of the server/bad for the server as defending himself.

So far, it seems to have only been you and Kakio who saw any malice in my post. It was and is frustration, over what happened, what has happened since, and how it is excused by some people as “le funny meme xDD, stop being so srs”

Imagine having a hobby then, enjoying the hobby. Then people come by to watch you do your hobby, say “that’s dumb”, procceed to disrupt your hobby and then make videos online mocking said hobby as well.

Doesn’t sound very cool to me. It sounds a bit disturbing.


It’s not for more than ten seconds, and as Gobbert says it’s like dung to flies. Kakio attracts OOCers to just swarm and try to get into the video to show their friends, it’s really zzz.

Yeah, this is also what people do when they get back home from school/work. Do you really think they want to have their evening of just doing something they enjoy ruined by spergs wanting to form around a youtuber that patronizes them for $$$? I understand money and all but really this isn’t a thing that part of the community enjoy.

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Yeah fellas I was gonna reply again but I don’t see the point. Whatever I say or whatever point I raise is just gonna drag this out, I was pretty silly to think I would be able to spit out some facts to turn the popular opinion around. The overwhelming majority here evidently disagrees, and that’s fine, I was wrong to chime in. Have a good one.

I never understand that mindset. “It’s a hobby, chill” while at the same time condoning and applauding people who are messing with said hobby.

I have a hard time with people who are only interested in their own amusement at the expense of everyone else. It’s a very bad character trait to have.


Then why put your piece in if you’re not willing to defend it?

Literally the most white + stuck-up thing you could say. Some OOCer who has no involvement in the realm isn’t gonna just make everyone on this thread agree with him cause he made a wall of text.

Don’t return to roman border’s again.

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Facts? No, you posted opinions, in a very poorly structured way. Facts is when it is 100% can’t be questioned -at all- whatsoever.

You thinking “kakio is a great guy and Vixi was mean” is not a fact, its an opinion.


Love him or hate him he spittin fax.

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Such faxes

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Vixi never mean.

Vixi the truest dudette.