Kakio de la renard?

Agreed, gnomes should think of important stuff.

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As dumb as I think you are, at least you stayed on topic. You’re smarter than x1 Dragon RPer


I said what I wanted and I hope he actually reads it this time.

I’m going to shut off the forums for most of the evening now I think. I feel stressed out and have things I need to do.

I hope everyone else has a good day and has read through my responses. Because it also kinda freaks me out that someone is so activly trying to specifically fabricate lies about me and spread around on the forums.

People can have diffrent opinions on things, and I can respect that. I can respect also people disagreeing with me. But I don’t like when a person has seemingly stalked me for a year to write stories. It’s creepy, disturving and unsettling.

Have a good day everyone.


We always stay on topic. Normally haters try to derail.

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Have a good evening my gnomish friend.

I open up my little flip book of “gotcha” moments… hreh… the gnome is done for…

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O-Oh cogs :weary:

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:flushed: :flushed: :flushed:

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“Same with me” what? I am too biased to read Vixi’s replies? Quite the opposite, I did just point out at a statement she didn’t even remember she formulated.
Vixi’s replies are this mixed attempt to defuse the situation while at the same time trying to win the conversation. He (or she) hasn’t understood that you can’t have it both ways, and that’s why she’s (I think Vixi is a she) so stressed right now.
Really, you claiming that she is right has little relevance, as obiviously I don’t think that you’re a neutral party in this discussion and most people (ie. Distantpeak) don’t even make an effort to understand what I write, but still want to have a say in it.

Yes, and if you did read my first posts, since we’re claiming no one reads each other’s points, I stated that subjectivistic claims in this type of arguments hold no water. What I mean by that is that racism is atleast an intersubjective concept, as it relies on certain constructs that acquire meaning in a specific setting. They can’t be just in your head.
Namely, racism is present only if there is discrimination, prejudice or intolerance based upon the ethnicity (and/or according to the Webster dictionary, religion).
Henceforth, your opinion can be correct or not. Shielding it as subjective means that it is unsubstantial.

You vaguely claimed this evidence was spread all around and people did see it, implying that it was common knowledge. But this is twisting what occurred: while there are videos on the event, in absolutely no video the professor’s behavior is worse than what it is described in the e-mail, while students were acting in the worst possible way, threatening the professor while demanding his resignation.

You claimed my points are based from right-wing extremist journals atleast twice (which is untrue - heck, the link I gave you was taken from a twitter page!) all the while slowly implying that my arguments are vile and cruel. And why shouldn’t I believe that these points wouldn’t lead a consideration of the person as a right-wing extremist, vile and cruel?
Yeah, that’s totally me.

50/50. I am always engaged when I defend things. But I don’t mix the content of my argument with my emotions as you do.

I am more than you are, most likely.

What makes you think that this is a new stance? The only difference so far is that you have been explicit.

Because you are the typical player which judges people according to how other people think or tell you to think, or depending on if and whether they feel good or bad about the situation.

This attitude is something I don’t like. The type of person who is lacks self-awareness and makes an empty facade instead of cultivating true integrity.

People are so hung up on the time as if they imply that a lot of grudges were cultivated but really most often is just an association that comes to your mind as you discuss.

Actually I did dismiss them on the basis that they were strawmen, not on the basis that they were emotional. But then I used your own criteria; the one you suggested = use your knowledge of the person and judge her/him.

And I have pointed out at our previous discussion. My interpretation for you using a strawman so often is that you react with your emotions and you subconsciously paint the argument in the worst way possible, for you to feel better about yourself as you mantain your own opinion.

Frankly I don’t have a shadow of doubt that this has been your stance your whole time, you just didn’t have the courage to expose it.


Hmmm good essay, really well written, but who asked


Don’t speak over the teacher, Athramus… =/


He asked himself, as he is the only one who matters.


Not good post

Didn’t read


Oh boy… the dragon rper won’t give up bashing his opinion while disregard everyone else’s will he?

Edit: Vix and all others stated what they think, all you are doing now is bashing said opinions while claiming your is the only right one, how blind are you that you can’t see this? Wait… i think i already answer that.

Imagine forum posting instead of doing something more productive IRL or IG so much that you give in to madness and begin upvoting people opposing you. :clown_face:


Tbh, if you read my posts there are a few situations in which I agree with whom I discuss with. In this very thread for example, I was ready to agree with an undead death knight in the Grim Gest (upon a point that may have turned my initial argument upside-down).

Don’t blame me if most people aren’t good enough when they formulate an argument.

Don’t try that: it was the other way around. I did state my opinion and she quoted me.


Just shut up. No one cares.


People wouldn’t have replied so much, really.
The zandalari above for example clearly cared a lot, he just doesn’t care any longer now that his chance to have the moral high ground in the previous discussion is gone.

Imho I liked the comment. I know who the player is and we have a lot of disagreements of the forums but I am not the type who holds grudges as Vixi claims - and that punch line made me smile.

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if ur nan knew what u were getting up to in Uni she’d come pick u up bro