Kakio de la renard?

Yeah it’s fine to let people just fire their diarrhoea over our server every once in a while.

He only does it every so often!!!

Just quit already as you are obviously 0% invested in AD.


Yes… For you can tell with 100% certainty that I don’t care in the least about AD based on a single post.

Get over yourself.

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It’s about 1 post at a time moving towards a more consistent quality RP that does not drop once in a while…


Sorry could you elaborate. I don’t really understand. I can understand the worry about his video’s perhaps bringing more to drop the quality when he’s online, or was that about thinking MY posts somehow drop the quality of RP?

IF the latter, that’s not anything one who hasn’t RP’ed with me can judge, I’d say.

Not about your post…

and i have rped with you

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I honestly don’t think I’ve ever interacted with an Orc on this character. And my Troll’s faction changed.
So what character was it on?

Edit: I do have a tauren, but use it rarely so I might’ve forgotten.

On this character. Like 3 years back though, pretty sure you been to kosh’harg on that one too, even a redridge rp-pvp campaign (The hallowing corners the campaign is called i believe). Either that or someone with a similiar name i am mixing u up with

Edit: Good times


Anyone that complains about IC farseers doing “predictions” of upcoming events. I see you already forgot about the Doomsayers and other “Doomsday” types of NPCs that are or were in the game.

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Oh yeah that’s true! You’re right I have most certainly RP’ed with orcs before. Sorry it blew right out, yes the Kosh’harg, where we rolled a guy down a hill in a barrel. Good times. That was long ago, sorry for forgetting :scream:


There’s a difference between:

“The vassal of life disguises treachery. Beware the eyes of green.”


“The Legion are coming! The Legion are coming!”


Farseers who just access wowhead IC are dull and lame. Yeah I can read the datamines too mate thanks.

You’ll also note that the doomsayers are frequently wrong? Like the world didn’t end. We won. And we will win.


The concept of prophecies and doomsday blathering isn’t the issue, it’s the awful way it gets done. All the subtlety of a brick, so to speak.

True there is a difference, I merely meant it as a general point of: "Stuff like that exists even in game.

Yea I can see why people have a problem with it I guess. as Tehya phrased it “subtlety of a brick”. I guess I expected Doomsayer RPers to be either totally crazy and over the top like the actual Doomsayers during Legion pre-patch, or more subtle farseers speaking in riddles akin to Otmog’s journal.

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Sadly more often than not it’s people knowing exactly what’ll happen through their wifi connection “prophecies”. Or worse yet, people who RP that the moment we see something (like the Shadowlands trailer), it’s already happening in retail and start crazily telling people about it.

So, so many people going on about N’zoth all of a sudden when the end cutscene of the Azshara raid released.


Well, that is certainly not what I would like to see.

Is that how it was in the video? I thought it was… well quite on the nose, but still somewhat left to interpretation?

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In the video he runs around yelling in caps lock to people roleplaying about what happened in the Shadowlands trailer+what they talked about at the “What’s next” sequences.

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He pretty much just ran around screaming about the hole above Icecrown and the Shadowlands.

Subtlety of a brick would be giving him too much credit on that one. At least in his vanilla one he went on about vanilla ice cream.


It’s funny because my characters are hopelessly oblivious of stuff like N’zoth being free since 8.2 and they never seem to realise it until it’s ‘time’ for those things to be relevant. Like my priests being tormented by nightmares or my shaman noticing the waters growing dark and unsettling, but in the end they never figure it out before it becomming common knowledge to everyone else. Always found those things to be far more interesting to RP out rather than “knowing” next Big Bad is going to get us which can spiral out of control into entire hubs roleplaying the content 3 weeks early.


Well, excuse me for assuming subtlety from him then. I expected the video to be like “When the king lays beaten before the queen etc”, That minimum level of “subtlety” (though granted that was not very subtle as well.)

I’m sorry for assuming the good in people.


It’s harmless advertisement for the server, done in a way that pinpoints what the server is actually about - roleplay. Yes, the guy does it in a cringe-worthy way but it informs people outside of the server that yes, there’s roleplay in WoW and it can be pretty entertaining. Roleplay servers aren’t just there for you to join if you want a “a more mature server with a community,” there are people there who actually roleplay and this highlights that.

His methods need improvement and he could create his videos without referencing the latest content that has been data-mined or revealed at Blizzcon, that’s something that I agree on. Yet I think we’d be more likely to attract trolls and copycats if we reacted to his attempts to roleplay with us by shunning him and trying to scare him off of the server because he disrupts our more serious roleplay.

So my opinion is “let him go around and create content by roleplaying with people (even it’s questionable prophecy roleplay).” Worst case scenario, your immersion’s broken for a few minutes as you have to deal with his silliness and his predictions - there’s nothing stopping you from moving on if he tries to approach you. Best case scenario, you have an amusing encounter with the guy and you both walk away thoroughly entertained.