Kakio de la renard?

“Hello Shrek here! And i’m ticked off!


Also Athramus, stop editing your older posts to change the wording/get zingers in. That in itself is also quite messed up.


I’m also talking about Arth at this point, he clearly just wants to trigger people.

Don’t be upset, here, take this.



I mean everything I say, unless it’s obvious sarcasm.

Please provide examples, so I don’t have to look for them

I’m a big Athramus fan after all of this.

I’m not editing any older post. Heck you quoted me, you know if I am editing stuff or not.

See? This is what I mean when I say you subconsciously bend the reality to see it in the way that it pleases you the most.

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He does a semi-Thammaron thing, where his responses to our posts is edited into his older one. Scroll up a few and see how he changed that from 1 paragraph to like 6 more in response to these comments.

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You litterally have throughout the thread, and just edited an older post to -respond- to new posts rather than comment on it afterwards.


in ten letters

Speak not the serpent’s name.


To be fair I quoted him earlier and an extra paragraph mysteriously appeared.

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You are seriously wrong in every way. Go away. I am debating bringing it to attention to Blizzard as well that you have activly stalked me with soley malicious intent for a year. It’s kinda serial-killer-y.

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Wow that’s really sketchy behaviour.

Why are like most gnomes SJW’s all of a sudden? Or is that a well-established thing already?

Stop pulling the victim card, please.

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I guess you won the argument, given that you forgot about it and he became obsessed for several months

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I just think I have good memory on the subject. I can link back the thread again if others want to make up their mind.

I was hoping the right clip from the Futrama rp Mobius D¡ck would be avalible but alas… No good obsession video.

I don’t really care for winning arguments. But I find it kinda creepy that he does to the point that he holds onto things for nearly a year and then think he is cool and “wins” by personal attacks, something he claimed in several posts(sometimes in the same ones) to be a bad thing to do and accused the PCU for doing in the past.

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