Kakio de la renard?

the absolute smell of u :nauseated_face:

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Boush finna drop war and peace on us? :triumph:

You’re the first person who doesnt like Paco Rabanne Invictus. But oh well :slight_smile:

you remind me of a guy called Terrance

It’s the year 2022, the argument has raged on in the intervening years, keeping the thread alive. Vixi has become a paragon of Gnome posters and AD posters in general, bravely doing battle against those who would harm our community.

Boush is still typing.

Whispers across the forums make mention of a superweapon, a post so great and all consuming that it would take years to fully craft. So full of facts and gottems, bazingas and pogchamp moments that it would end not only this argument, but all others that raged across the WoW forums.

It could just be hearsay, rumour designed to keep people hoping, but keep hope they do.

One day, they say, Boush will save us all.


As much as I’ve butted heads with Athramus in the past and I’m also aware of the grudge he shares currently with PCU and how it muddles his otherwise often solid arguments, I think it’s equally silly to humour this delusional emotion-core posting of Vixi’s.

I’m going to go over some posts that appeared after you returned back to the thread but for a TLDR I will just say that the thing with you Vixi is that your posts very rarely display any actual evidence or substance to which you base your argument around, you argue and engage in the matters always with emotion first and the moment somebody corners you on the subjects you flop on your back and pull out the victim card or go on to tell somebody needs a doctor over an e-argument. It’s made you look (to me) sillier than Athramus in this thread ten times over.

Edit: I came to this conclusion before reading Athramus’s PoV.

However for your credit you’re the kind of poster that’s content with just agreeing to disagree, as we’ve done multiple times, whereas with Athramus he always wants the last word in- A trait (and vice) I frequently show too, though I very openly state whether I do it because I feel I’m right about something or whether I’m doing it to just spite the other person. I don’t pretend to be either good or bad person, people can, will and do make that decision about me all the time and I let it glance off of me or stick if it is of importance to me.

Right, now for the posts themselves.

How is it stalking when you can literally ctrl + f the keywords for the conversation? More to the point, people can happily bring up this guys Dragon RP, yourself included, both past (and present?) without seemingly any repercussions of being called creeps or having any validity behind it.

I don’t mind if people want to use somebody’s past muck to hit them with over an e-drama- But you got to be consistent. Either you’re OK with bringing up old stuff or you aren’t.

Also telling somebody to get a doctor because they disagree with you over an e-argument (and bring up muck you’d clearly rather not talk about) isn’t doing you any credit either.

Another really delusionally emotional argument with no substance behind it. I’m indifferent about most posters on these forums (including the ones I clash with on a weekly basis) but I can’t say I’ve never harbored outright dislike or hate for anybody. By your own admission, isn’t it quite unhealthy to get so wound up over somebody over internet?

Athramus is incredibly easy to wind up and keep going for your own amusement if you want to but telling him nobody likes him or wants him on this server is something I’d expect somebody from a kindergarten to type.

Not only is your memory outright wrong but one sided. If you consider his posting on the thread a personal attack however will you survive IRL in your country where people are shot left and right on a monthly basis on gang wars and bombs go off nearly as often is beyond me. It seems very outrage culture-ish and exaggerating for the sake of argument.

Anyway the broader context for the entire convo was about many more events than just the one you were contesting him about- Including whether the discussed people were sexist or racist, of which no proof ever came up in either of the threads and the whole point was that you (and the rest on that side of the argument) were spreading misinformation, which if we want to find an objective truth in a conversation (which is the entire point, why else have an argument?) is quite necessary.

Yes you are entitled to think about the guys however you wish but if you want to argue on common ground about to subject you have to omit the subjectivity- Which, you haven’t done very successfully during your posting history.

To be fair the guy’s been through mud-flinging and trolling throughout the entire thread (some of which is his own fault, mind you) so it’s no surprise he’s a bit wound up (although it doesn’t excuse his behaviour any more + he’s dug his own hole as he’s gone) but I mean, come on? A disgusting human being?

You keep dehumanizing him all the while calling him out to be a big meanie for calling you out on some example that he found useful for this topic. To me it doesn’t appear as if you’re genuinely upset with him because he brought it up but because of the implications it has for you.

Since, as per your own admission and anybody else who realizes that the opinion of a dime-a-dozen nobody posters or likes over a video game forum probably don’t matter very much in the grand scheme of things (judge the post by its quality, not by the likes, etc). I suspect it’s more due to the fact that you were the one to bring up the argument that the guy was a racist- Only to be subsequently proven wrong, and failing to provide any evidence (or bothering to), you just left it be and thought people’d forget. But you didn’t, obviously. He didn’t either.

As much as I disagree with Athramus on a lot of things I think this analysis holds water. Not because it’s malicious or creepy or because he’s a nasty individual, it’s because he analysed your past behavior based on your post history (which is available for all) to further his argument as was his goal from the beginning.

You could have very easily just taken it up the chin and omitted the point (or just ignored it) but instead you resorted to a breakdown.

You say, without providing any fact to back the statement up.

Maybe true. Maybe not. I haven’t seen proof either way.

Pot calling the kettle black (And I do not say this out of malice but observation).


Correct me if I’m wrong but I haven’t seen him ever in this thread admit to stalking (although that’d be disowned by your own argument since you apparently have no trouble with people checking people’s alts/post history) you (by the word, that is). The only thing he’s admitted is to posting, true content or not, to get a reaction out of you- Which, he’s getting.

Unironically the most Jokercore post on this thread, especially the latter part.

It is the greastest mind trick you can play on people alongside telling that Soviet Union/Mao china/North Korea wasn’t real socialism.

By your own admission your opinion’s not even based on any solid evidence, which he pointed out, yet you argue it forth as if it matters for the conversation where everybody else was posting evidence for their claims.

If you want to engage in admitting an objective truth you got to commit to it.

Yet you keep replying to him. This is unironically one of the traits both you & Athramus share is that you both make grand claims of what you’re gonna do (e.g. not going to bother with x person/post) but in the next post you water it down by doing the opposite.

You also frequently lie about what he does, e.g.

Having a good memory =/= holding onto grudge. You yourself are no stranger to the topic in question so you clearly remembered it too- It’s just that he broke the social contract of bringing it up, to which you were not prepared to hence it felt like an underhanded tactic (it isn’t), which put you on the defensive.

Overall I think Athramus’s arguments in this thread that have concerned other subjects other than the history between you two have been of his usual grade- He’s much better at arguing when he’s got empirical evidence on his side.

Me and Athramus have butted heads several times in the past, more than you and he have, and sometimes we’ve even just done it to just clearly troll one another after neither side would buckle. Hell, look at the recent Saurfang legion thread for just that.

Sure it’s childish. Yet I can recognize that he’s none of the things you accuse him of and you clearly just went on the defensive instantly.

I don’t dislike you as a person Vixi. I think you’d benefit a lot more from introducing more rational arguments to your opinions over instantly leaping forward with outrage and emotion. I could bring up the disagreements we’ve had over the past year too but I won’t because as I said, we simply agreed to disagree.

Has Athramus been unreasonable? Sure, and I think he’d benefit if he didn’t take everything so seriously and would let go of his spite toward PCU and instead. He could have also continued the convo without ever bringing up the topic about the campus professor but he did all the same.

You kept returning to the point, over and again throughout your argument which, to me seems like you felt it was underhanded to catch you like that- Which, only really show’s its face now that you reacted to it.

Regardless of who’s right or wrong or whether he did this to just troll you or not he got a reaction out of you- Which, consequently, was up to you.

In your attempt to make him a clown you’ve actually clowned yourself. But you forget, we’re all clowns here.


Also if it’s unclear what my stance is I’m indifferent of Kakio because it wasn’t until the inception of this thread that I even knew/remembered he even existed.


What a turn of events, ladies and gents! This is getting heated!

We thought he came to bring it all to an end, when in fact he came to stoke the flames only higher.

The war begins anew.


The Madlad did it. A post so powerful it shattered our perception of reality.


Don’t pretend you read it

(and if u did, can you give me a quick rundown?)


“We live in a society.” :clown_face:

“This thread major gei”.

The TLDR is Boush’s analysis of the Vixi and Athramus situation. Saying that Vixi’s points are often from an emotional standpoint while correcting some bold claim both sides are actually doing.

Sorry man, i can’t read and have no interest in learning. Hopefully someone can enlighten us both.

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“You’re both wrong and you’re both stupid.”

Now if we’re not gonna use the power that is our collective voice to hold ourselves accountable for our actions in the world that we all live in we’re not going to get anywhere. The internet is not a place for civil discourse but for trolling. The best way to keep this from happening is to not troll each other. Don’t call each other ‘retarded’ for the purpose of making fun of them. Don’t be a dick about it either.

I know it sounds like I’m being hard on myself but really, how can I explain how upset I am about all of this? If I have to take it out on someone, then I’m not sure I’m a big enough dick to live with myself. If you’re going to use this language, it should be to make people laugh. If it’s to make fun of someone else, that’s not what you’re doing."

To the extent that these men are “transgressive,” they’re trying to be provocative and daring. But these are also people who have spent a lifetime learning from the mainstream, the dominant culture. “We have to be the new kids on the block, or at least on the block next door to us,” said T.J. Smith, a former high school principal who now works at the New York City School for the Deaf. These are people who are very much committed to keeping up with the times, and that’s what keeps them coming back to the show. They’re always trying to make some kind of statement about how the world is going.

You can’t argue with them, so you just ignore them. But if you don’t acknowledge them, you can’t respond to them. So when they come out and they’re saying, ‘Hey, I am going to fight against this system,’ then you respond. But you also don’t do anything to take them on and say, ‘Hey, why are you doing that?’ And if you respond, then it’s like they don’t want to take on the system.

It’s the same thing with the Black Lives Matter movement. If they’re fighting for their lives, they don’t have to be angry with anyone else. But if you talk about it and say, ‘Why are you taking on the police and the police aren’t going to take on you and fight against you?’ then they say, ‘You’re insulting me. I’m angry at the system.’




Paulie this gig isn’t working out for you right now.

How about another joke?

What do you get when you combine an uni-students free time with a guild that abandons him in peak hours to spam m+ for gear and a forum thread ripe for drama?

You get what you HECKING deserve!

Give me the bot already!!!

You don’t need it.