Kakio de la renard?

That’s it. I thought it was funny. Done it to my german friend numerous times, we thought it was funny. Said guild disagreed, as is their right. You don’t think it’s funny, and don’t like it? Cool, you’re free to detest it. That’s about it. Shall we keep beating the dead horse, or do you wanna leave it?

The law of the animal kingdom is violence. And what are we but beasts…

I’m mostly offended by how painfully uncreative it is


No, I didn’t say I didn’t find it funny. I asked what the joke was.


No i meant you were slower
Vixi beat me and you to it… want a mirror by chance?

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It was, in fact; not a joke.


And I said that’s it. Strange, isn’t it. How different people find different things funny.

Yeah, you don’t really get it though. You CAN say whatever you please, sure, but you’re also simultaneously expected to be smart enough to know what is acceptable to ACTUALLY say to a group of people. You didn’t think before you spoke, and now we’re here with almost everybody that’s posted in your direction in the past twenty minutes agreeing that your “joke” (term used loosely) was in bad taste. Who cares though, right? That can’t possibly mean anything - free speech!

Quite frankly, I’m on the side of the coin that wouldn’t have batted an eye if you said that to me, but that doesn’t mean you’re not stupid for being so heavy-handed with your “humour”.

EDIT: Grammar


I believe I’ve already agreed with this? Having said quite a few times that I handled it badly. Who else wants to repeat themselves? We’re all just rounding the same thing over and over here.

Sure I love to look at myself

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Here’s an example. A German colleague of my dad’s said that he was feeling depressed. Someone replied with ‘best be careful, last time a German got depressed he invaded Poland’.

See, that’s a joke playing on the dual meaning of ‘depression’ as an economic event and also the mental illness.

What’s the joke in saying a fascist phrase in response to ‘guten tag’?


Stop mansplaining jeeze


You wouldn’t understand mate you wouldn’t understand . . .


I’ve already answered, this. Look up above. You may wish to repeat yourself over and over, but I’m not much for the same sport. So just one last time, already contradicting myself.
“That’s it.” <— as in that’s literally it. I found it funny, some other friends, germans among, has found it funny. Again, you don’t. You’re free not to.

Do you have anything new? Anything new at all.

It’s being hammered home because you continue to speak as if you’d just as willingly bust out a “joke” of a similar tier with no thought behind it

Maybe people don’t like your apathetic attitude to something that bothers a lot of people? Just a guess (it’s not a cool take either, believe it or not - makes you look a bit ignorant for the sake of being ignorant)

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Good, then you don’t need to stare at this :poop: show

Is English not your first language or something?

‘I found it funny’ is not the foundation of a joke. That’s why I am saying it’s not a joke - not that it isn’t funny.


I was indeed ignorant of how the officer would receive it. As I’ve already stated at least 3+ times so far. Anything else?

ill call my female friends to titform you about the situation then.

Quite right, English isn’t my first language. We’re on European servers, chances are quite high of this.

And I will also admit I don’t know how to explain it to you. Cause I don’t practice getting into detailed arguments. So calling me ignorant on it, would be an argument with solid grounds to stand on.