Kakio de la renard?

Watch the Mandalorian watch the Mandalorian watch the Mandalorian watch the Mandalorian (its acc very good)


A cold shill went down my spine.

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Baby yoda has no power over me

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You watch your mouth Mr. Epstein, wouldn’t want you suddenly committing suicide…


A mystery for the ages, indeed.


This is my hedgehog, Sebastian. He turned 4 a little while ago so he’s officially an old hog.

10 points if you know the reference


Bladerunner is the future, all movies and television will become to be known as Disneys.

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I don’t, but he’s very cute anyway.

The rich rule the world. Don’t see that changing.

12 minutes since the last post… did the thread die?

It’s the silence before the next storm.


This thread…


Where did you find him? Surely not Mirkwood? But seriously was it a rescue? Loads of them around the garden back home.

This is now a pet thread.

Meet Lexie, she tried to dig beneath the decking and didn’t get far.


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10 points!

He’s a bred hedgehog - you can’t own European hedgehogs (the brown ones) as pets but there’s a breed known as African pygmy hedgehogs (usually white or albino and slightly smaller) which you can own.

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Meet Einari, a highly opinionated little doggo



He looks like he’s about to send me on a quest to gather firewood for the village where i witness something which sends me off on a kingdom saving journey. Making friends and enemies along the way.

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this thread used to be about a youtuber

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What’s the temperament of them? I mean all I’ve done is leave out some kibble for them in the garden and watch for foxes. Is there a trust level and do they show affection?

He chuffs and huffs at you whenever you do something he doesn’t approve of. He has been let down by one apprentice too many and he does not wish to lose another one.

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