Kakio de la renard?

I hark back to ye olde Sodapoppin’s raid…

Where an army of level 1’s ran through Silvermoon yelling racial slurs and bigoted memes from the fourth chan. Truly… poor Sodapoppin… the selfless hero that he was… would have known, nay, should have known his fanbase would have acted like this…

Alas… the poor sweet prince ran through Silvermoon with his vast cohort of memers… truly he wasn’t in the wrong…


Lets just make an example of a big streamer that tends to have loads of people following him around.
asmongold trolls rpers.
asmongold viewers troll rpers.
Now who is responsible?
Both, simple as.


please don’t make it a copypasta, I don’t wanna get banned again


It sounds to me like you are in fact quite aware of what you’re doing, but you’re sugarcoating it.

Even if it is not maliciously intended, it is disruptive. How is yelling about the Shadowlands expansion IC not trolling?

By the look of this thread, it does not seem like everyone is having a good time.


My struggle every day mate


It isn’t because we can’t do anything.

In this case I think it isn’t even purely Kakio’s fault at all. Sure, he brought the idea to his fans but that Blizzard alone allows this to happen is their fault.

Here’s a suggestion:

make them real RP instead of some borderline trolling. Not even memeing. Show people how much fun one can have with creating their character and playing it out. Show people some nice spots to roleplay in seriously and of course play silly characters. I do play silly characters too.

For example:

one of my worgen runs around and approaches people with silly things like “My monkey ran away. Saw any monkey?” and in that way it becomes some serious roleplay with a lighthearted undertone. Make a pandaren character and sell noodles in Stormwind. There are a lot of ways to create fun (and immersive roleplay) for others without trolling.


Yeah true but I’m operating on the assumption that you’re an RPer + you care about RP and immersion, by all means tell me I’m wrong in that regard and I’ll adjust my post accordingly :slight_smile:


I mean, in the category of trolling and disrupting, wasn’t Orgrimmar littered with the corpses of people not long ago? With some named inappropriately too against ToS.

“because they felt like it”

Or are we not responsible for the actions of our community?

I’m an OOCer and I care about RPers RP and immersion.

What’s wrong with me Tehya?

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Well for one you say ‘my’ instead of ‘me’.

Woopsiedaisy. Fixed it. >_>

“Sorry that you thought my cool video was unfunny trolling. I sincerely, deeply apologize about the fact that you thought I disrupted RP.”

“I honestly am perfect, but if you consider me responsible for my actions then I’ll just have to take my leave.”


Come sweet Kakio, friend or troll, come. Come and look upon the Roleplay of Argent Dawn, and bring your viewers, we have need of them. Come to the Roleplay Hub, we wait for you there, where we last met, countless ages ago. Come to us through grief and drama, I welcome you! Welcome Twitch-and-Youtube, I have prepared a place for you! Come, bring viewers to the Roleplay Hub, together, let us free the cursed false pillars! Welcome Kakio, together we shall speak for the law and the land and drive the mongrel dogs of the Internet from Argent Dawn! Is this how you honor the roleplay server and the art unmourned? Come to us openly, and not by stealth. Argent Dawn welcomes you Kakio, our old friend… but to this place where quality lore is made, why have you come unprepared? Welcome, Twitch-and-Youtube, to this place where YOUR destiny is made. What a fool you are, we are good RPers! How can you troll good RPers? What a grand and intoxicating innocence! How could you be so naive? There is no escape, no apology or reporting can work in this place! Come! Lay down your excuses! It is not too late for our mercy…


like my post!
like my post!
like my post!



Give me your like, goblin poster, and I shall give you mine.


F’ing hell just put the knife down…

Somebody tell the courts because that’s not how it goes down.

In a situation where someone has done something criminal because another coerced/promoted/coaxed them into it, typically both get punishments, depending on the actions undertaken and the type of coaxing, the one coaxing can get harsher punishment.

Now I know this isn’t a court, but if this principle is applied in this manner, in a context where toleration for errors with proof etc is very low (due to people’s lives) then it’s entirely appropriate to suggest that in an everyday context we apply the same principle. That is you incur guilt by a) doing bad things and b) inciting bad things, and these can be done by two different people.

As Elenthas said earlier in the thread. Only a Streamer who is completely out of touch would claim ignorance over knowledge of their fan base and what they do. If you have an audience which you attend to and address (which he does) congratulations you now bear some responsibility for some of the stuff they do, if they’re “following your lead” as their maxim.

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My king…


I do like a good copy paste… and you sir made one

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I’m not sure if you are on the forums at all much, but there’s been -multiple- discussions about the Orgrimmar situation, particuarly the inapproriate names and slurs being yelled, and how that was not cool.

The people who were dedicated to roleplaying the Siege properly put in alot of good work and effort, but you’ll have to be pretty much blindfolded to not find people who have condemned the trolls/bad people. Across multiple threads.