Kakio de la renard?

Hmm you say that but you’re not really copy pasting to the cause.

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Yeah, it’s a bit WTF when you come across a dead tauren in Org called , but I suppose stuff like that doesn’t get traction because of the dumb high school cliques and server realpolitik.


There has been one thread in which you were blasted by members of the community for streaming/encouraging the spamming of yells.

Some of your responses (especially in your youtube comment section) made you very much appear that way, so I’m glad that you’ve decided to turn that around :slight_smile:


" If X is bad then what about Y "

Where’s the argument, bros? or is it just whataboutism only


it’s not ic until reshthul has a vision imo :triumph:


My last take before I let the thread sink.

I do enjoy the videos. I do cringe at times, doesn’t stop me from enjoying. Abandoning RP content entirely won’t be a good thing for anyone and I think there is huge potential there on youtube, given that from what I’ve seen so far the niche you took is relatively untapped.

How to make justice by RPers? As someone mentioned here, applying some basic things like walking when it’s more realistic thing to do, sticking to something an in-game character would consider plausible instead of writing it off as lunacy. Troll reporter, despite being a bit borderline is a concept I think rather endearing.

So keep doing RP content, I’d say. Make it fun, lighthearted if you like. I’ve had a Jani-cursed Zandalari acting as a tourist in Orgrimmar, carrying a gnomish camera around and wearing cheap goblin-made bling. We’re not beyond having fun. As long as it’s plausible within the world of Azeroth and sold in an immersive manner, only the most “gritty serious Game of Thrones” RPers will have an issue with it.


Marches over to NA to deal with Pixelcat and the US RP trollers



Looking forward to hearing about how he was there to defeat the coming raid bosses…


No, I do not regard his videos as an issue. It puts a humorous spin on those encounters, and Kakios videos has encouraged a lot of good laughs and the fact that he wishes to do something involving the RP community is great! I doubt it’s grating enough an issue for all parties involved and something that can’t be ignored for the unwilling, and it needs not be made super serious all the time. Loosen up a little, please.

Your content is hilarious and I love your videos, so don’t stop doing it Kakio.


It really isn’t an untapped nieche, it’s been around for ages but most people just do it in goldshire/join random RP groups in the group finder and mess around. His content does do harm, for sure, and would in fact be a good thing for the people in SW/Org/Silvermoon

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yeah idk about that


This post summarises things quite well.

If you truly wish to better/learn, just go with this.

Can’t we just game end all youtubers/steamers?


A french revolution for content creators and influencers, you say? :thinking:

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Sorry I don’t speak boomer.

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Why would you want to get rid of Steam users though?

As discussed to death already, it is quite a bad thing when the “good laughs” is at the full expense of a group/people rather than with them.


(Please Asmongolders don’t get mad) I think the youtuber who did the most respect for the RP community was Taliesin. He displayed a cool event of Sylvanas loyalists into a bit of his video and praised it, saying how it was interesting + cool to see how involved in the lore the RP community was. This is the type of youtuber the community could use more instead of le epic goldshire tier player RP.


I clearly meant streamers and not steamers and not our local cool guy gamers.

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