Keep getting disconnected

I’m stuck in the obisidian citadel and can’t login. Game is disconnecting me so quick I can’t even use dalaran heartstone (Valdrakken seems unsafe aswell)

I could help myself with the “Stuck Character service” from the website and used the hearthstone to dalaran

Same issue here. Keeps getting kicked out after 5-10 seconds in Valdrakken. Doesnt matter which character I log in on.

Same. Disconnects after 5-10 secs of gameplay in Valdrakken, disconnects after few minutes in other DF zones.
Issue started with the hotfix patch earlier today.

There’s so many issues right now
Some d/cs i come back from only to find out that strafe stops working

Very buggy game

Earthstoning to Dalaran worked for me

Glad i am not the only one, was paranoid i’ve been hacked and someone was logging in to my account from somewhere else and kicking me out. Even changed the password and all but that didn’t fix it. So i came here and immediately found this thread. Crisis averted.

Edit: omg, i even got logged out from the forums shortly after posting this.

Come on blizzard fix this,

lets have a bet that world bosses are in the open world so the area will not be playeble when boss is up. year after year after year they dont freaking learn anything

i had my share of DCs earlier this morning in Vald, thought that i’d scan & repair the files if something was wrong there, now i can’t even log in and im stuck in either scan interrupting to an error, or now it just keeps looping scanning…

Same, get constant d/c the instant i log in for characters that are in Valdrakken

I had the same issue where I kept on disconnecting after 5 second in the dragon isles. For me, restarting my PC and resetting my router solved the issue.

Dont forget to add gay centaures in the next expansion.

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Ok now i cannot log my main anymore
he’s in Valdrakken
i d/c literally 2 seconds after i connect every single time !!!

Can’t stay connected on the dragon isles, but my alts in the rest of the zones work just fine. Playing an alt in zuldazar just fine.

Guys please be patient and wait until everything is fixed. Not everything has to be perfect :woozy_face:

I too am being affected by this issue. I’ve experienced multiple unexplained disconnections across multiple characters and in several different areas of the game (not just DF areas).

fix this blizzard ! its so annoying. keep getting dc’ing. its server fault 100%, my alt @orgrimmar is not effected from this problem. whenever i log in to my main @valdrakken, i get dc’ed in 5 seconds.

I get instand DC when visuals of my main load, be it on the char selection screen or if I click fast enough in the game itself. But if I click fast enough, I can log one of my alts and play without any problems.

Same for me. 3-5sec and disconnect. Nice Blizz, as always.

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2 Seconds later DC.

Rinse and repeat.

I want my sub time refunded by the amount of hours this issue is preventing me from playing the game I paid for.