Keeping WOTLK Classic servers

Wotlk Classic pvp server merging those both factions must happen !


I’ve been waiting for a wotlk ERA server since wrath classic launch, back then I saw that the vanilla ERA servers have a normal population and people who like the game not only playing because of the HYPE and LOGGING.
I almost skipped all of the Wrath content, even though it’s my favorite, for me the game is dead if there is no normal ALLIANCE/HORDE population. Several of my friends wanted to come back to wrath classic, but when they were faced with the server ratios, they gave up very quickly, so do i, but we have also talked several times about the fact that once there is a Wrath ERA with a mixed population, we will start it.

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Leave some wotlk realms for us to play i came from pserver to play wotlk back on retail as its my favorite expansion, now u had given us chance to play it again, dont make mistake like in dec 2010 leave us something, as cata was a big gamechanger.


I want too WOTLK servers. I understand that from business perspective can hurt Blizzard a bit, but i think much more can hurt that many people doesn’t sub again since for many people CATA was worstest expansion in all cycle life of WOW.


I’m really dreading Cataclysm coming and ruining the world and taking WotLK away from me a second time. I know I can still technically play the zone(s) both in retail and in Cata, but it’s just not the same with all the new mechanics and abilities.

WotLK Classic was a nice little nostalgic time-capsule for me.


Shut down WOTLK faster pls and don’t give them a fresh server tnx


and up

we only want 1 server connection, with firemaw and gehennas, then we have good open world pvp. wotlk is so much better than cataclysm.

cataclysm will be a epic fail.

blizzard removed class abilities in cataclysm like paladin seals or else.
talent trees from cataclysm are worst talent trees of all wow expansions - wotlk has best talent trees for all classes.
mastery is an attibute from since cataclysm. it reduces complicated classes to dumb 5-key-classes.
firelands is middle, between good and bad. all other cata raids are very bad. - all wotlk raids are good.
overworked low level zones in cata are uninteresting.
high end zones like hyjal, uldum or vashj are very boring. best zones of all wow addons are wotlk zones like storm peaks, howling f. or grizzly hills.
i know cataclysm and i dont know anything, that was good on cataclysm.

while i find wotlk is best wow addon, i find cata is the worst.

wotlk is the most played wow expansion on private servers. mostly nobody is interested in cata private servers.


Good luck on privates

That is why there are 2 very populated cata servers out right now? And lets not pretend that people aren’t making more wotlk private servers because they can be scripted by a 2 year old and can be used as a fast cashgrab while they’d have to actually put in work for a good cata realm.

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I think if Blizzard want to continue with Classic into Cata and beyond, thats fine, but how about something like Classic Chapters.

Chapter 1 = Vanilla, TBC, Wrath.
Chapter 2 = Cata, MoP, WoD.
Chapter 3 = Legion, BFA, Shadowlands (if they really want to go that far.

Classic, HC and SoD are excellent and Classic Wrath is brilliant too. No shortage of players, I DPS and get into groups no problems. Im not keen to go beyond Wrath in Classic but i appreciate that others might, so fair play to them. Surely Blizzard has the resources to support this. How many active accounts? How much income are they prepared to risk losing by not giving the paying customers what they want…

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They’ve already done the numbers and have deemed it unnecessary to do a wotlk realm sadly.

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After all it is not greatest expansion there ever was :smiley:

This is not TRue?
you still have seals what game you play? :smiley: :smiley:
Seals were changed in MOP into stance but even in MoP you had them

Bluzzard removed seal twisting and class phantasy with seals as temporary buffs that you put on yourself and discharge at enemy in Wrath. You would call it QoL, TBC fans - casualisation.

Talents from Wrath are cookie cutters with no more than 3-5 points to spent in situational builds. TBC had more broader trees and subspec variations like smite priest, dreamstate resto druid e.t.c.

Still an upgrade from haste+crit hoarding.

If Wrath raids are so good, why everybody despised Naxx for how casual it was and jumped to dragon flight in mid of phase 1? Why many guild found Ulduar particularly unforgiving (my favorite Wrath raid) and started quitting. Why ToGC a raid on a small arena was praised by many, because it is less that a hour long even for most hopeless PUGs to complete? And nerfed ICC has bored everyone allready, so realms are 2/3 empty. No, exept for Ulduar, Wrath has very boring rad content.

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This is the real reason why so many wrath private servers exist.

It’s the most recent version of wow where you can run a server out of the box with no programming expertise and take less then a day to set it up.

It will also run on bad hardware and isn’t too taxing, so it’s perfect to extract cash shop money from rubes.

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He’s not going to reply to you. He’s posted the same drivel in another post just to bait reactions. Just let the troll be.

I’m really going to miss this game. Pls keep Wrath alive, we loyal fans deserve our trilogy! Don’t listen to trolls and retail influencers, they’re trying to kill classic as they killed retail!



I wish that we could have wotlk era servers, I would be forever happy!


Numbers claim otherwise. Wrath Classic is on steady decline in numbers of raiders. Seasonal Wrath realm might be viable, but not immediately. Wrath Era on the other hand is dead on arrival. Most playerbase prefer continuity, especially because we have MoP and Legion aheard of us (however I suspect MoP would be the last Classic expansion, noone would like to go into WoD again).

Sure if people get wotlk Servers.
Then i want TBC servers.

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