I hate to use the phrase ‘touch grass’ but I feel like it should be said after reading whatever arrangement of words you used in that post and thought that it’d make you sound mentally sound.
Stop and think about things and please learn some perspective.
Okay. At some points you are right.
But as i said. if i got complainings about anything.
I would talk with the common person about the issue,
I would do give a punishment if i have to do that. what would depend how the story sounds about the common problem.
because i do not want to have people feeling that unconfortable at any ways.
I like to give them their enjoyment as long as they want to have.
This is what you want to make the community as good as possible right?
But people who are rping around me. And indeed doing cuddles, kisses on the cheek.
Fine you know. that ain’t not my problem. it’s theirs. and they need to take the consequences for it if someone caught them doing this. if it goes further then that.
@aldru First of all. I want to see this ToS first before i actually going to comment further.
This forum…
It somehow manages to keep going in circles.
Keti, everyone has their own way of running guilds, sure, but you do need to take ‘some’ responsibility of those within your guild.
‘What others do, is not my responsibility’ is just not the right frame of mind to have.
They’re representing ‘your’ guild, and by proxy, ‘you’. You can either hold onto them, or you can remove them for their behaviour.
You say that you’re going to be strict with it, that’s good, you should be. But remember that it’s still going to be a while before your guild is going to be taken seriously by those you share the space with.
It basically just says “behave” and to not disrupt or bother other players in various means, including not using or talking about certain stuff/using certain language(vulgar and sexual) in chat in any form.
Oh dear, are we doing this again? This has to be some elaborate ploy to keep the guild on the front page in hopes that it’ll benefit recruitment or something.
I don’t believe I ever said you were doomed, but…to be perfectly honest?
If you reform the guild with most of the same people and your stance towards their RP within your guild is “that’s their responsibility and not mine”, then - you might well be.
As has been said by both Obahar and Tuzoh among many others, you are responsible for your guildmates’ behaviour. Not all of it, but you have to be aware that whatever they do reflects on the guild as a whole, and that includes you as its leader.
If they behave poorly OOC, you must take action.
If they do RP that breaks ToS or makes the majority of players around them uncomfortable, you must take action.
And this action must be decisive.
For this to work, it has to apply not only to your guildmates, but to everyone you interact with.
You must take responsibility for the content in your guild, characters and RP alike.
This is where people go wrong when they don’t; it all falls apart in the end because some people are stupid and can’t follow basic rules. I know, I’ve been there myself, letting someone else run the guild for me in my absence, only to come back and see half my rules were ignored, because the other leader was thinking like you are right now.
It ruins guilds when there’s no quality control. People will avoid you or outright hate you if you don’t commit to a guild wholly and sort who joins and what content there is.
Except people have shown that people in your guild have had such behaviour, and pointed it out in this very thread. And your response was to double down and say we’re bullying you and crying martyr.
What’s the difference exactly, other than this being in public so it can question it in a manner that others can see it clearly for themselves?
I didn’t say that I thought that would happen, I clearly stated I didn’t really care.
I just tried to give some friendly advice to a stranger, do with that what you like.
And hey. What am I doing here again? We’re nearing a thousand posts and I don’t think it has anything to do with recruiting people for your guild at this time.
Shows me for being nice to a stranger on the internet.
Anyhow. Like I said, this is dumb, people like dumb things, people want dumb things.
I’m going to read Kafka or some Samuel Beckett before sleeping.
It gives a similar vibe to reading this forum, but at least it’s art?
I still would’ve liked to give you some advice, but at this point I think it goes on deaf ears.