Key Depletion needs to go away and here's why

In the end, the difference in point of view is if people will be honest and downgrade their key or not.

And I personally believe that enough people will be dishonest and wont do “the right thing” for it to become a problem for those that do.

But its a different point of view I guess. Nothing wrong with it. I just lost faith in humanity a long time ago.

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It would increase the average key level by 5-6.

The funny thing is you keep saying “fail” the key, not realising there wouldn’t be failing if the key doesn’t deplete.

M+ has been designed with the timer in the center. You fail the timer, you will have to try again at a lower level.

You take that away, you also take the timer away.

Essentially, people will just CC groups, kill mobs 1 or 2 at a time. They will complete the runs, 20-30-40 minutes over the timer.

Come on and tell me that you would not spend twice as much time to get a +12 itemlevel higher vault reward when you are gearing, because you 100% would.

In what way? Because people being forced to do keys lower than what they are pushing is just horrible and a waste of time. I see this as a way where you play time is respected.

Failing the key means:

  • -1 key level next week in the vault
  • no score

If someone wants to sit in a key for 2 hours to get their vault reward, they already will. It’s called “weekly no leaver”. Item level doesn’t matter, because you can’t get myth track items anyway, and doing 8 keys that all last 2 hours each because it’s above your skill level, then nobody gets hurt except those who decide to sit in that key for 2 hours. And guess what, maybe it’s a learning experience because they eventually manage!

I see no downsides here for the system.

Getting experience, and the opportunity to see how you could improve and do better next time.

I mean, that IS an argument for not changing and downgrading keys. Since with the current implementation you can not even retry and get experience.

Make the key deplete to the same dungeon whether you complete it or not, then.


It is a bit annoying already have timed that key -1. On every +1 key where you pushnumber is on that dungeon you have to learn and get experience. I do get that from these topics.

I am against it since it will get into endless retrying with for example stupid risky first pulls. And just walk out every time when stars do not align. And kicking players who just did it 0.1% wrong. It will end up in banging your head hundreds of times against the same thing, like raiding. And there is a reason i am not enjoying that. Part of the challenge to me is that you have 1 try (allthough i am supporting a 2 charges key).

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I agree, and I’m against it for the same reasons.

But you pointed out that completing a key over time doesn’t give you a chance to learn from your mistakes and try again. I posed a solution to that. I knew it was one the community wouldn’t like at all, but it is a solution.

Oh i am very much for completing overtime keys! It gives a lot of experience :slight_smile: But getting a -1 key that you already timed is not going to help with using the that experience. There’s no retrying possible with the current key-system.

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That’s why I suggested getting a -1 key of the same dungeon you just failed to time. Perfect solution, no?

But that dungeon you have already timed on that keylevel. That is the thing.

Really? Just because I have a DHT +22 key doesn’t mean I’ve timed it on +21. I got the +22 from timing something else on +21. That’s how the system works.

I basically go +1 for every dungeon. Very rarely i go +2. But i guess that is me.

I don’t know. We just run the keys we have, which might mean upgrading our best timed by 2/3 levels (or might mean not upgrading it at all if we keep failing).

I just downgrade my key till it is +1 when i got a too high key :slight_smile:

How are they doing 20s with just one timed +20 boost? I don’t get it. I don’t understand your logic, I can’t follow it.

If your key never depleates. Once you get a +20 key you can sit on it all season.

Step by step of S4 with no depleates:

  • Week 1: Get a +20 boost.
  • Week 2: Get a +20 key in the vault.
  • Week 2 to end of season: Spam that +20 key that will never depleate weather you time, or abandon the dungeon. It never depleates, so it will ALWAYS be a +20. Weather you time/abandon it or not.
  • Profit.

Thats how.

How are you spamming it? You need 4 other people to carry you? Why would 4 other people do that?

In a way i do not really care about that when someone chooses to play their game like that.

Place it in LFG and hope that 4 PuGs will carry you. Does not matter if they can or not. No depleate. If the cant just try again and again. Untill you finish it.