12.5 end of WOTLK and thats related how ? And there is more than 1 million in China alone so you are way off.
Lol good bait.
didnt say i predict only 100k play. u rly beleive the number is thjat well neatly rounded? lmfao, ofcourse it isnt. no game would strictly have a number that clean permanantly, i gave u a Example which put a Fallacy in your argument, so now ur clinging to details to try and make a argument.
you said, blizz done something about it. thats clearly a statementâŠ
didnt SL Also launch with 11million players?.. but dropped 60% by 9.1 if i remember correctly.
There about i think 10.2 then dropped a great deal, China numbers can not be counted per saa as its works on a paye as you play system as well.
I said
and then said.
proving itâd remain profitable I.E Saying based on the business model including the Store, that the game could SURVIVE at 100k Playerbase Sustained in the last patch of a Expansion.
is very different to saying âoh it must be 100kâ
my argument has solidly been.
you cannot prove, the amotunt of people who do and dont Mythic raid. because u have discluded PuGs from ur statistics, those who have dablled in mythic but not finished the last boss in ur statistic and to Stack ontop of all of that, who do M+ to earn the same rewards as mythic raiders.
to add further.
how many players engage wit hthe game beyond 2months of a patch to even care for any gear progression.
and how many would prolong their Heroic Raiding Lengths to earn said Rewards to begin with.
i have no idea about official active subs. my and others estimate is 1-3 mill so 40 - 80k are mythic players = 3-5 percent? something around.
i left only with popcorn watching the rest of that mythic scene.
If you read which i do not think you can that 3% is that clears but people that actually raid early mythic is a lot more something in the 20% region they are still counted as mythic players btw so you are well off the numbers and trolling at this point.
if everybody left, and only that 100k stay. isnt that only Mythic players? Mythic is the reason why they stay, innit?
Mind your own business, you don;t have to play mythic, you already have lfr normal and heroic.
Removing 1 difficulty wonât do anything positive for wow.
Man, these classic Andys are just so annoying, seriously, mind your own business. Hardcore players having a difficulty catered towards them, has nothing to do with you, and does absolutely nothing to you, aside your feelings of inferiority. But thatâs a you problem.
Oh this comedy show is still going on?
Is Balance still attacking anyone who eveen remotely disagreeâs with him as âbig evil Elitist raiderâ?
Lol, not how it works.
you have to devide the players based on NA / EU and Oceanic, you could have 3% of EU players mythic raid but 30% of NA Players mythic raid as a Example, then u have to look at the chinese model which is excluded from all statistics due to a different pay model (its f2p in china).
to add to this.
if the game launchs at 12 million players, Each patch spikes to 8million.
you gottas break down reasons of returns
- a % Will only return to do the latest story.
- a % Will only return to get Mounts from new content.
and then finally
- a % will return for gear progression.
now if 8million players return, and only 2million of those Intend to gear Progress, well 6million players arent leaving because they cant obtain higher gear, theyâre leaving because its a part of the game theyt dont care about.
heres why ur argument is bad:
Because ur working Statistics like 100% Of the playerbase want gear progression, when its proven 90% of the playerbase dont even play the game to do Current content but remain in old expansions for Achievements and mount collections.
10% of players play current content or Roughly around that %.
if 3% of that 10% do Mythic raiding
and 3% of that 10% Do Mythic+.
your still ignoring the equation
that thatâd mean 60% of the playerbase ARE Progressing the game. not 3%, your looking at a total number, which dont work. because you arent deviding up the % of players who play the games for different reasons.
yes my dude, enjoying my popcorn, watching the Mythic Drama fight for gear.
Looks like you are the one desperate for the gear. âIf I canât get it then nobody else should get it!â. Nobody is stopping you from uhmâŠdoing the difficulty for the rewards.
there is no fight for gear lol theres just proving your wrong.
heres some things uâve forgotten in ur statistics
Multi boxers.
Boost Sellers.
People who stay in Old Content and dont buy new expansions
until u can find the % of each of those catagories, you cannot determine a Total Amount who play the game the same way as you do.
your arguments flawed, built on a Statistical Fallacy and ur Ignoring ALOT Of information to try and make ur argument Look good. while we all can see how fake your numbers are.
your saying 3% Mythic raid, as if 100% of players Heroic Raid.
what i know game had 12,5 mill players, now you said they are calculating for 100k subs, andwhere is the another 12,4 mill? huh? not enjoying Mythic raids
yep 12,5 mil played World of warcraft and 2000 or more guilds ended up clearing MythicsâŠthats how we ended up.
yeah that popcorn is so good. watching that battle for Mythics.
Think in WotlkâŠall those 12,5M where killing LK on heroic as well?
DamnâŠdo you even listen to yourself?
u cant prove the reasons those players Left, theres so many points of contraversy u once again are blurting another Statistic which you cannt realistically state.
- Phasing / Cross Server play.
- Borrowed Power Systems.
- Real life Situations.
the people who grew up onm this game are 30+ Now, with Lives that may not allow them to play MMORPGS anymore realistically. the games OLD, its lived PAST The time a game should live to.
Expansions excluding China are making sales of 10million, so obviously not 100k Subs. again ur pulling a number iâve stated 3 times was a Random number to make a Example, and Nothing to do wit hthe numbers who actually play.
yep it was clearly more then 2k guilds
can u prove only 2k guilds Do mythic Raid?
knowing u can make guild logs Private on all Sites so u wouldnt be able to find them? ALot of guilds do this to prevent their guild members Logging / Parsing as people think it Overall Damages the progression when people care more about numbers then mechanics.