Leaving Mythic+ instances

Unless hes referring to Information Technology or Pennywise the clown, but im just splitting hairs here. You know as well as I do that its pointless arguing with him - theres a reason I’ve got him on ignore…

I don’t most of the forums on the other hand

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I don’t think the Mythic+ leaver problem can be solved because it isn’t inherently a problem itself.

Every person has a right to leave when they have better things to do, may it be running for the store before it closes, preventing your baby from putting a fork into the power grid of your apartment or whatever.

The “Problem” is for the people remaining in the activity. And while it sure sucks, it is a very subjective problem. Because the person leaving technically didn’t do anything wrong, they simply used their given right to stop playing whenever they want.

The only real good solution is to not play Mythic+ with a public group and rather do it with a guild/friends group. Yes, it requires further socializing and effort to get there, but once you’re there, you have a regular selection of players you can trust to not leave without communicating it beforehand (i.e. “I have to go offline at 9PM, til that we can run a few keys”, etc.)

When you use the LFG tool to find a group for a Mythic key, you are doing that at your own expense and risk. Something people need to remind themselves regularly. Just because the developers give you an option to find a group more quickly, doesn’t mean it is intended/possible for every group to be a good experience.

It’s the same with talking to strangers on the streets. You could have good conversations or bad ones, even encounter people that straight up insult you because they don’t like your nose or something to that extent.

Bad experiences are part of being alive. They form us and teach us. And no game yet has found the perfect solution for every tiny social problem out there. So we are stuck with what we have. It’s on you and others to make the best of it.


And by that same logic, it’s much safer to play with a static as you won’t have a leaver then :slight_smile:

Since you would know the people and all …

So at the end we’re back to, the current system of no punishments is the best way to do it. cheers.

The way i see it if you leave when the timers done whatever. If you leave with time left, consequences. And have a vote to end requiring 3. And yes i know certain people veiw that as being held hostage in groups but tbh theyre not the type id want to play with so ignore list

That brings along a few more issues.

Imagine you have a friend that has to go away for an hour and leaves with agreement the group during the key. He gets a penalty. He logs out, the penalty remains on freeze till he logs in again. The next day he has like 1h before he has to get ready for work, time enough to run a single key.

Oh whooops, the penalty prevents him from grouping up again til it runs out, effectively wasting his time before work. Logging out won’t have the penalty run out. So he has to remain ingame til the penalty is over.

Just a quick example of where a system with good intention could affect the wrong people.

We are talking about malicious quitter after all, not your friends or regular strangers quitting once in a year due to something more important.

very easy for them to implement a penalty system that bans for 1-24 hours on dungeons, rising with more leaves, like in counterstrike.

actually that easy that the suggestions or people who blame it on you about who you invite is a totally stupid take

And even if you manage to complete the dungeon with 1 less person. They still get the reward when the 4 others complete it.

And what about people in regions with unstable internet infrastructure or maintenance? Those would be affected by that too.

You play, suddenly you DC and your internet is down for a few mins, the group removes you from the key, causing you to get a penalty (if Blizzard codes that system badly exploitable) and that rinse-and-repeats for some time, quickly you are banned for an entire day.

[/[quote=“Maghandama-blackmoore, post:67, topic:512232”]
very easy for them to implement a penalty system that bans for 1-24 hours on dungeons, rising with more leaves, like in counterstrike.
Appeal system :man_shrugging:t2: Also quite easy for them to tell between a leave group and a dc. Also finding the 1% good reason doesnt validate the other 99

You want to add an appeal-system for this game where GMs already need a full week+ to respond to your ticket in worst case?

By that time the penalty has run its course five-fold…

Re-read my comment. I said “if they coded it badly exploitable” regarding kicking people, causing them to get penalties.

I don’t appreciate the apologeticism for rude behaviour. Yes, leaving an M+ group ahead of time is rude and equates to playing music on your phone in public spaces.

Some players have weirdly pointed out that it’s a player issue and “how can you expect people to waste their time.” But it’s actually a Blizzard issue because the system doesn’t punish keybreaking like you said. Moreover the whole M+ system is an outdated holdover from the dead days of early MMOs where artificial barriers blocking players from simple gear progression were standard practice. ANOTHER outdated facet of M+ is that it’s yet another byproduct of Blizzard trying to enter the competitive gaming market in the mid 2010s.

It doesn’t need to be timed at all because players will automatically try to do it super fast anyways.

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Okay :joy: always a retort

Would be bad if I wouldn’t.

Or how about people get punished for not interrupting? A 24 hour ban from entering keys if interruptible spells go off when they have interrupt ready.

Also a 24 hour ban from entering keys if they interrupt nothing and waste their interrupt.

As a developer making a penalty system for it would not be that hard. While I do think that disconnects counts towards a leaver penalty though as you are technically still responsible for blocking player progression for 4 other players. Wow has a tendency to disconnect you. Which is why that should be taken into account when designing such a feature. Penalty systems that doesn’t take it into account or are easy to exploit is because that the design was for it to be that way.

Tbf, I barely have any disconnects while playing WoW on IPv4. On IPv6 however it happens more often, especially on public networks.

Can we have penalties for dps who didnt kicks/interrupt/avoid AoE and stuff ? please ?

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There is one, it’s called “dying” and “getting flamed”.

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The punishment for not interrupting is dying in higher keys :man_shrugging:t2: