Leaving Mythic+ instances

Think that is more of a skill issue. Also doubt that Blizzard would ever do that when there are CE (Cutting Edge) players that moan and say that its the healer’s job not a dps.

They should be banned for throwing the key.

If 5 people fail to interupt then they should fail the key

No, ban.

If you want punishments for people leaving, then those people causing leavers should be punished.

The people causing leavers are leavers. If someone consistently leaves keys they should be punished. Dont see why thats hard to understand. If you sign up for a key and leave you wasted 4 other peoples time

How 'bout we punish every single player for existing, while we are at it. Their presence in the game oFfEnDs me :smiley:

Sarcasm, for you unable to read it out.

No, it’s people that aren’t interrupting and so forth.

There’s absolutely no reason to stay in a key when people won’t stop casts. They should be punished for throwing the key.

:man_facepalming:Cant reason with some people

Indeed, you don’t understand why people leave. The people that are throwing the keys are causing it with their bad plays.

Nobody ever leaves a good run.

I understand why they leave. I just dont feel theyre valid reasons

What you feel is irrelevant.

Any reason that isn’t joining a key just to leave it, is a valid reason.

Oh no i sneezed gotta leave the key

Absolutely nobody leaves a key because they sneezed.

You said every reason is valid im mocking that :man_facepalming:

Being dumb isn’t “mocking” in any sense. It’s being dumb.

Yes im dumb because i think your point is ridiculous

So if someone shows up to to an event at your work, that you have for just fun, goes in and ruin it - everyone should just be fine with the guy destroying it? They’re not allowed to leave lest they be punished?

You people really need to get a grip on yourselves. I’ve had people go AFK in the middle of an arena game, where you actually lose rating, because a girl started talking to them. Did I care all that much? No, because RL > the game. In keys it doesn’t even matter because you lose nothing, you just go again.

It’s not the end of the world if someone leaves and they shouldn’t be punished for it unless they’re doing it just to leave.

Yes arena where there’s actual consequences for leavers

So you guys prefer punish the poor healer, for exemple, to make him stay 35 minute with bad players because the healer is scared about punishment for leaving

No, you get the same “punishment” as you get when you lose, if you leave.

What’s the penalty for losing in PvE? You go again. If you don’t want to go again, I question why you even play PvE beyond entry level as that’s the whole basis of PvE at the higher levels - if you lose, you go again and hopefully perform better in the next run with knowledge obtained from the failed run/attempt.