Leaving Mythic+ instances

I just got blamed for a wipe on the 1st boss in Nokhud as healer for not doing the catapult, while the add had dismantled the catapult. Who is going to get banned for this?

You lose rating and i brlieve solo shuffle has consequences for constantly leaving. Dont see why that too much to ask

Which is the same rating loss as losing the game normally.

The penalty in PvE is to go again.

In theory, I’ve yet to see anyone get banned for it. Outside of that? No, because you don’t lose mmr from leaving, it can even be beneficial to leave a bad lobby if you know it’s going to make you go 0-6 because you can get the CR back because you retain your MMR when you leave. I’ve done it once to retain my MMR because I got a DPS that was just AFK, against a far lower rated healer. I would’ve lost mmr for going 3-3 due to the rating difference between us so it was better to just leave.

Solo shuffle also has that because it’s matchmade content, not content where you pick the players yourself.

:joy: haha lol

Ok give us key completion stats


They’re not gonna implement that. They won’t even implement a way to see more than people’s highest scoring key done on their profile, you have to rely on a 3rd party website for that and you think they’re gonna give us completion stats?

Ok what are your ideas then?

My ideas is that the system works fine as is.

If you don’t want to risk having people leaving your key - play with a premade.

I’ve encountered like 3 leavers so far this season and they’ve all left due to the runs being complete clown shows.

I’ve left 1 key myself on my priest and that was because it was a VDH that just flat out died in less than a GCD on pull. Guy was clearly way in over his head.

There is no leaver problem. I still haven’t got any in this season at all. People make theoratical statements like someone can just leave instant for 20 dungeons in a row, but nobody is actually doing that.

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Me neither with the new system tho I haven’t really pushed higher yet this season, but I know what it’s like trying to push higher if you are trying to score later in the season. Actually maybe had one bad key in like 3 weeks or whatever it is now

People are just making a topic on the forums when it happens once in a blue moon. And when people are pushing on the high end, it is useless to continue a run you wanted to time in the first place.

That’s fair it’s fustrating to lose your key due to selfishness

Also 24 hour ban if 100k st or below 200k overall dps in +8 :slight_smile:

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Ok trying to have an actual conversation here. Bye

Funnily enough I just had one in a +6 Neltharus.

We had a Demon Hunter leave our group without saying anything after we wiped on spear boss. We almost wiped on Mammoth boss as out disc priest could not keep up with the damage. We ended up wiping on the first chain break as he did no prep, and flash heal spam was not enough to keep everyone alive through the chain breaks.

Though, amusingly enough, it was a DH with 0 interrupts and CCs done throughout the dungeon. I had to handle incorporeal as mage with Poly, plus our shadow mind controlled another if two spawned. I think imprison works on them, which would have been more appreciated than me having to hardcast poly during my cooldown window.

In the end it is one of the risks you take when pugging. I just dropped him on my ignore list and we continued on. If it happens to someone too often than chances are high that they also have something to do with people dropping out of their keys.

Unless it is that guy from SL times who was trying to fight leavers by leaving the keys of others in order to raise awareness to an issue he also became part of.

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he has a valid point. people just dont like listening nowadays. its my way or the highway

As someone who can see both sides of the coin, its sad seeing nothing is likely to be done about it, even if its something unconventional like…extending the ignore list. Ive had to clear out mine once already and even then.

Its not an account wide ignore either, nothing is stopping billy depleto from leaving my key when me or him is on an alt

oh this is actuallysomething which i think most people would support .

even people who are against directp unishement for leaving m+

ignore list should be infinite .

it should also be with option of account wide ignore.

that would made lfg much much better place.

thing is - blizzard would never do that

and you know why ? because people would instantly sstart with ignoring weak underperfoming players first :slight_smile:

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There’s an addon which allows you to add ignores that automatically adds it to your alts ignore list too. Guess it depends on how annoying the player was to be bothered to add them :joy:

If groups are friendly I’m happy to stay and keep tanking the key for them while they learn how to beat the dungeon.
Having to use my utility and healing spells to support the group makes me a better player.

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