What penalty?
I never asked for a penalty… I just want them not to get the loot that the others worked for.
If someone is trolling the key and it’s bricked you won’t gain anything either way… So leaving would change nothing but you not getting loot/score if they manage it without you.
And they loose out on loot that you would get and could trade, so it’s not worth it either way.
Then instead of leaving they’d just afk until you kick them…or not. Makes no difference to them.
But in reality people don’t go afk, they just do what I’d call “minimum effort”.
Afking is obvious sabotage and should be punished as such.
And someone who makes the effort to show minimum effort in a key that only lasts longer because he does so… This person has lost any reason. Let’s be fair… How many people will do that?
So not running keys is a penalty too because I don’t get my loot? Blizz, where is my loot? Why am I penalized for not playing my toons?
Ofc it should be punished, along with a dozen other types of behavior. The problem is identifying it.
I had a couple of groups where a guy kept dying early on, and another guy simply quit. I asked him and he said “I didn’t sign up for a boost”. We never wiped and trash died quickly but I can’t fully blame him for leaving.
I also had a timed run where a guy played terrible, not even making an effort, called him out for it, finished the run and he whispered “thanks for the boost noob :)”
On a different note I’d agree that flat out leaving the group should bar you from getting loot.
All in all I don’t really mind people leaving, as long as they’re doing it early in the dungeon.
You’ll barely get rid of those people who are getting free boosts, but at least they waste their time with everyone else and don’t go play league until their loot is delivered.
And the one leaving saying that he didn’t sign up for a boost. Will he be sad about not getting loot or score out of the key? Don’t think so. He will just go on.
More rewards wouldn’t fix the issue. Maybe a dinar like system where you can buy the items you need over time and even if you finish out of them you get the same amount of currency. That way the “good” players would feel more motivated to actual finish keys
Calling not getting loot for leaving a dungeon early a penalty is just the same.
That post was sarcasm. Just saying since it seems that you didn’t catch it.
But yeah. Stay in your bubble. Every time I join these discussions I wonder why I don’t leave any group the moment I dislike them… I should really start doing that.
I wouldn’t mind then. I am tank, I get a new group within seconds… But stupid me finishes the key. How dare I’m pissed that the leaver gets loot.
I have no problem helping people, if they ask for help in advance…
But these people never ask in advance.
Guess its overrated to be polite and honest.
This, i doubt there are many people who leave keys just to troll… usually there is a reason.
And these posts never try to address those reasons, they try and package it as “everyone should be nice and boost people for free, as not to do anything to ruin their experience” while they completly ignore that the person who ended up leaving had his experience ruined as well.
Healer legit didn’t heal himself other than a lifebloom ticking on him on chargath, he died several tries. I went chargath first exactly because I don’t want to waste time in there only to find out the healer can’t actually handle it.
It feels like good players looked at the dungeon pool and said “stuff this, we are skipping and coming back in WW”
So now the majority of groups are bad and it’s a rare thing to get a decent group.
This has made healing super unfun, unrewarding and just annoying, cos most of the time you’re gonna be in a group with bads.
So now I just play my prot pala, which I can somewhat control being alive with all the utility. Plus, when the group falls apart, it’s slightly less annoying.
I’ve also watched streamers doing 12, 13 keys and they still have bads too.
It’s not applicable, period. In PvP games, if you have a leaver or a troll, the game can just naturally end in a few minutes by the opposing team winning. A M+ run can continue as long as the servers are up so it’s always going to be a grief fest of who leaves first.
There have been propositions about a voting system to end a run, but even that has a major drawback in the ability of holding randoms hostage in hopeless runs, and you need only read threads like this one to see that there are plenty who would be happy to do so.
This topic has been popping up at least monthly on this forum for years, and I have yet to see a proposition for a leaver penalty that doesn’t have major griefing potential that results in even greater waste of time than simply having someone leave a group from time to time.
To me it really depends. I rarely leave keys but if I do it’s clear from the very start that the key is doomed.
For example I’ve had groups where we just couldn’t down the first boss. After 4 attempts I left. Same example but when I stayed is that the run went fine until Vexamus and we wiped 3 times. I stayed because I wanted to finish for a chance of loot. We killed it on the 4th try. Ofc the key was over time.
If I see 15 deaths before a single boss is dead there’s a good chance people will leave, and I don’t fault them for it unless the key was listed as ‘complete regardless of timer / weekly vault’.
Joined a sus key this week and the owners took like 10 to 15 to find last role we needed i dont remenber what it was, was hosted by server’s i usually avoid, we got into key. We only timed it cause of raw dps, healer wqs boosted afk and his healing was barely at 100k with nearly 30 deaths