Let any race be any class

Correct. All race/class restrictions should be lifted. Except Demon Hunter. I imagine that would be just a tad awkward.

Pandaren paladin, go!

Makes more sense than a panda DK. We already have priests!


Why? In lore, all races can be Demon Hunters. The restriction in the game is, if anything, one of the only restrictions not supported by lore.

Implying race is a meaningful choice to begin with.

I agree with letting and race be any class. Some of the restrictions are stupid anyway. If “lore” is really all you have to complain about
 just don’t change it on RP realms.

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First of all, all Demon Hunters were Night Elves
 Then Illidan recruited Blood Elves to his side and taught some of these

So the Illidari Demon Hunters are exclusively Night Elves and Blood Elves.

Their entire existence was dedicated to one thing. And that was the destruction of the Burning Legion.
While demons still exist, the Burning Legion has been stopped.
Without Sargeras holding the reins, the Legion is likely to fracture into different factions, vying for dominance.
While dangerous they aren’t the world ending threat they used to be.

And here we come to the problem, in my opinion

There’s no reason anyone would go through the ordeal that it is to become a Demon Hunter anymore.
The remaining Illidari will need to find some new purpose in their lives of course.
But why would a gnome, for example, join the Illidari and live a life of constant struggle, as Fel energies gnaw on his every thought, his entire existence will now be to fight these urges to be a specialized weapon against an enemy that no longer is a great threat.
And many Demon Hunters fall to these Fel temptations, becoming the very thing they hate.
Additionally, there’s no reason they would even take in new recruits
 To condemn others to the life they’ve had.

From the Illidari point of view they sacrificed themselves so others wouldn’t have to. To protect their home and their people from the Legion.

So no
 I don’t see any reason as to why anyone would take the step to become a Demon Hunter now that the Legion is defeated, nor do I see any reason for the Illidari to recruit more members.

Sure if Sargeras escapes one day and unites the demons into a new Legion, then we can talk.


The first (after Illidan) Demon Hunters were Night Elves who underwent their own ritual to blinden themselves to see demonic and magic energy. While the majority of those that followed were Night Elf sympathisers many other races also underwent the transition.

Therefore, this is not true.

Character creation of those races, in the timeline, happens immediately following the Cataclysm and before the third invasion of the Burning Legion. This was my theory all along, and it is being confirmed in Shadowlands.

As above, “new” Demon Hunters would simply be created during the invasion. The only way that your issue exists is if you assume that character creation always happens at the latest point in the current timeline. While this is the case from a gameplay perspective, it is not the case from a lore perspective - otherwise why have we even been able to make Demon Hunters since the end of Legion? For all intents and purposes, all new creations of the first five races of each faction happens immediately after the Cataclysm
 otherwise why are the other races still recruiting, too? The same applies for Pandaren, who are all created during the initial discovery. The same applies for allied races, who are all created during the BfA. There is literally no reason why this doesn’t apply for Demon Hunters.

You would need to add some sources to this
 As I’ve never seen any Demon Hunter that wasn’t a Night Elf or a Blood Elf.


Why would the Illidari suddenly have access to a lot of recruits from all kinds of races when Illidan’s followers were for the most part Night Elves, Blood Elves, Naga and Broken?
In addition to demonic races.

Still don’t see a reason for Illidan to decide visiting Gnomeregan is the right choice for new recruits.

The history of Demon Hunters (as well as a good dozen or so other classes) is written in the Alliance Player’s Guide published in 2006.

If you’re really so concerned about Gnomes walking about Mardum during the invasion (because this is the only part that isn’t actually written into lore) then just have them start in their own starting zones. Same with the other races. Unlike Death Knights, who were created solely for the purpose of their invasion, Demon Hunters have existed in lore since the first Night Elves underwent the transition, they just haven’t been playable. As a result, there’s nothing wrong with having a Gnome Demon Hunter who just wasn’t recruited into the war in Mardum.

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The RPG books are no longer canon though.

Sorry, I just don’t think it fits the racial fantasy, nor do I see any reason as to why they would join or why they would be accepted into the ranks of the Illidari.

The first Night Elves who joined Illidan and were taught by him, joined because they had lost something, or maybe everything, to the demons.
The first Blood Elves joined possibly as a way to strengthen the ties between Illidan’s forces and those of Kael’thas, or to strengthen the Illidari. I don’t know.

But even so, from what I’ve read 4 out 5 outright die, succumb to the Fel energies, go insane, or commit suicide during training. It’s that tough.
Why would anyone do that unless they had absolutely nothing left in their life except for a burning hatred against demons?
The Night Elves at least, have fought the demons before.
And the Blood Elves might have done so as well
 At least the ones that were attached to Illidan’s armies.
So they have ample motivation.

While I don’t see this for the other races.

But I think we’ll just have to agree to disagree here.


A fair point, but there’s still nothing to indicate that what’s written there is no longer true. Every single word of it is still an accurate representation of Demon Hunters in the game, so I don’t see why this one particular sentence wouldn’t be.

I think it’s up to the player to establish their own motivations, as it is with every other race/class in the game. Sure the Night Elves and Blood Elves are most common (which is supposedly why they’re the only ones playable) but the only way to refuse to allow other races to be Demon Hunters is to ignore the only piece of written lore that existed about them until Legion. If you want to do that then
 sure, I guess. But until it’s confirmed by Blizzard (probably won’t be) then “lore” arguments are, if nothing else, equally invalid on either side.

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The fact that they aren’t canon means that unless Blizz states otherwise, anything in there is untrue unless supported by a canon source, like Chronicles for example.

Of course, but it ruins the “fantasy” a bit if there’s hundreds upon hundreds of players using “rare” race class combos.
Say for arguments sake that there exists 1 Gnome Demon Hunter in lore, and he’s a special case.
Then you make them playable and you have 800 of them running around
 Then they aren’t exactly rare

Take Night Elf Paladins for example
 There’s one or two examples in-game through the Paladin Class Hall in Legion. The exceptions to the rule.
But if you make them playable then Night Elven Paladins will be common.
Personally I don’t mind Night Elven Paladins, as Paladins seem to be just someone using faith (not necessarily in the Holy Light) as a weapon of sorts, but I’m just using it as an example here.

Did you forget that in Drustvar they were litterally hunting witches?

Except Worgen, Goblins and LF Draenei.

Their official wording is that it’s “better off being considered” untrue. There’s still a good chance it is. Like you said before, agree to disagree.

Well, sure, until you consider that, from a roleplaying perspective, nobody in the game is “canon” if you don’t interact with them and make them part of the canon you’re playing.

Some parts of the lore have, can, and should go out of the way to make for a better playing experience. For example, basically all of the storyline heavy raids, like Naxrammas. The players’ characters never cleared Nax in lore at all, but we do in the game, because it makes the game more fun to play. I don’t see why the same can’t apply for rare class/race combos.

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Some of it might be, I wouldn’t know.
But personally I’ll consider it untrue unless supported by an outside canon source, or some Blizz lore-guy points to it and says “This is canon.”

Well, maybe you can ignore what you see on your screen. I can’t.

Sure, some of it, but not on all race/class combos. But that’s just my opinion.

Vulpie bites Tyrandé Ouch!

Seen you bite quite a few people
 And every time you say ouch.

If it hurts every time you bite someone, I’d suggest seeing a dentist.
 a veterinarian I guess.

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The ve
dentist said it was an impacted tooth
but, that if I bite enough people, it should help loosen the overlying tooth
and you can’t argue with science.


I agree, I mean the lore got thrown out of the window with void elves so who gives a crap anymore? I want Pandaren druids, I want that red panda cat form from the fan concept on reddit.

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No. It can’t

 completely agree
 with you

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You can play a mechagnome now yet you only play blood elves? Hmmm

Aside from some specific things that are obviously difficult (demon hunters need four base models and several variations for each race, just for the metamorphosis to work, on top of all their unique animations) I generally support this venture. Is it kind of weird that a walking corpse can be a druid? Sure, but those wicker-and-bone forms the KTs have don’t look like regular animals to me, either. I’m sure some justification can be pulled out if needed.

Because of those new assets, some releases would have to be staggered as a matter of practicality, but as an end goal I agree: Let everyone be everything. Unchain the classes.