Let's make it an interview #3

Question: How would you convince Thalyssra to stay in the Horde (if you are a Horde member… or not, it would be fun to know if any Alliance member would prefer the Shal’Dorei to stay in the Horde) or abandon it and join the Alliance, if you would have the chance?

"Tricky one, but I think it’s doable. She hasn’t built up much loyalty to the Horde and mostly joined it because joining one of the two dominant powers of the world seemed wise at the time, plus the Sin’dorei impressed her while the Kaldorei… didn’t. I believe I can leverage this. If there’s any way of swaying Lor’themar, I’d start with that - he’s really her only connection to the Horde, and a close confidant, according to our intel.

"With recent events being what they are, it won’t be hard to convince her that Sylvanas isn’t someone she should be following. She just fought a war to escape one tyrant, I doubt she’s thrilled to shackle herself to another. Of course, she won’t cast aside her commitments so easily, it’d have to be a long-term project, as diplomacy often is. Frankly, my strongest argument is to just point out what the Horde is right now, and what the Alliance is doing.

“Reports say there’s a bit of bad blood between her and Tyrande. I don’t think she’d let that alone hold her back from doing what’s right for her people, but if she thinks one of their prospective allies will shun them, it weakens my argument. Aside from convincing Tyrande to change her tune on the Shal’dorei - basically impossible in her current state of mind - my best counter would just be ‘screw Tyrande.’ After all, my own people joined the Alliance from a place not unlike hers. We’re ready to support the Nightborne unconditionally.”

Question: That was intriguing, so let’s reverse it. One Alliance leader - your pick - is having doubts. What would you say to keep them in the Alliance, or push them to join the Horde?

“My king, you should end this war and work together with the horde. Look, Windrunner is stubborn and she will do everything to not lose. She will even sacrifice the whole horde in order to be victorious.
While I admire and approve sacrifices, I think that there is one that would be better for whole Azeroth. You should bent the knee, my liedge. You are the one calling for peace, just kneel and see what happens. I believe that the number of deaths would be lower than continuing in this war. A true king would sacrifice himself for the good of his people. Why don’t you trade her yourself for peace?”

Question: Imagine this situation: You wake up in a cave with three posters above you. They are dying, because they are poisoned. But you have the antivenom - only for one of them. :frowning: Who would you choose to cooperate with? And why would you choose him over others?
Note: in order to make this interesting: Teleports are not possible, you need to walk away and face the dangers present in the cave dungeon complex.
(Inspired by SAW movies) :wink:

Its a no brainer.
The NIghtborne Mage Thyrellas.

Well she is one of our new allies, Her people are cousins to us! And Horde. She is a Mage, she can blast any threats from afar whilst I confront them with a whirl of blades, or my Longbow. We will get out of this cave complex, and when we do, I can ascertain what of the local vegetation, fruit, fish and fauna are edible, as a Farstrider I am trained for survival in hostile environments. Assuming we cannot progress far enough to be free of what is preventing us going to Silvermoon by Portal ( always worth checking) then looking at making a temporary home, whilst I wait for the Sun, Moons and Stars come out, so I can figure out where we are. Some Energy food is going to be good for that, so ehh, Mage, good for that, whilst I gather nuts, berries, firewood and hopefully snag a curious critter or two, or maybe something bigger… Gather big leaves, build a lean-to, affix it all together, so that there is shelter. Set out my eating bowls and tankard to at least try and catch some dew as water. “You still sure you can’t teleport us out of here?” "Yep, still can’t. Alright, lets get sleep, the fire will keep animals away, tomorrow we’ll look at getting some material to make a raft, “Closest Landmass is ….-That way, once we get out of range of whatever is preventing you from doing the portal thing? Then do the Portal thing…”

It’s a dream team, you have one person who can magic up Sugary Energy food, and at some point -Will- be able to make a person, and one person who was like, -trained- in this Survivalist shiz and how to live in hostile environments.

Now -My- QUestion is this. Your Faction can take in one of the Other Factions races, with all bad blood left behind, complete integration.

Which would your character choose?

The Tauren. Perhaps the most noble of the races under the Horde banner. I understand their loyalty to the Horde but I don’t believe that loyalty is respected but the Horde’s current leaders.

The Tauren care about the world, the Horde does not. I met many Tauren that I came to respect during my time on the Broken Isles, they are good people and deserve to be treated as such. The Banshee queen sees them as a means to an end rather than people. In the Alliance they would be treated as people.

Question: You are to be wed to a faction leader against your will but you are allowed to choose who it would be. Who would you choose and why?

Well, let’s see…

  • Tyrande. Although she has the looks and had one of the biggest and most powerful armies of the world, she pretty much squandered it against a much smaller foe despite having a massive home field advantage and night vision. Which is a bit of a turn-off…
  • Sylvanas. I’m not into dead things, and I have spent enough time among cultists, demons and power crazed lunatics to know Sylvanas is the fast-riser type who’s about to receive the universe’s karma hammer any day now. And boy do I not want to get hit by that too!
  • Baine. The fur’s a no go!
  • Moira. No. Too short.
  • High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque, King of the Gnomes. No, see above. Doubly so~
  • Regent Lor’Themar Theron. No! Out of principle. I hate that guy and his average looks, and would sooner shove him up my succubus’s butt than have him touch me! He stole my estate!
  • King Genn Greymane. He is a king without a kingdom; has too much fur, both in human and worgen form; so nope… !
  • Trolls. Their leaders just keep dying all the time, which is sort of a deal breaker.
  • Prophet Velen. He’s just too old…

On the other hand, Anduin Wrynn would be the best. He has the looks, though I know he’ll be old and wrinky in but 40 years. But more importantly, he is young, inexperienced, a virgin, and still very naive. Through him, I could lead the biggest faction on Azeroth, and by leaving no children, I would become the immortal queen of the Alliance!

Question: You are going to be captured and likely remain a prisoner for some months or years by one of the races on Azeroth. If you could choose which race to surrender to, which would you choose and why?


The Ren’Dorei would be the logical answer, we are listening to the same whispery songs of the Void and they guards that shattered shadowy world of Telogrus like a miser his gold… but I doubt I would be kept there. Or would have any meaningful conversations. They are a bit crazy
So the race I would surender?
The Nerubians
Because despite their origins - their aqir ancestors arose from the organic matter seeping from the Old Gods’ massive bulks during the primordial era of Azeroth - after the colony of aqir that traveled north and discovered and overthrew the tol’vir society in the northern wastes of Northrend and adapted the tol’vir’s architecture for their own purposes… they evolved
And some point after becoming nerubians, their society broke away and opposed the Old Gods that their people once served as aqir, specifically Yogg-Saron
Now I will let this sink a bit
Something that came from the very essence of the Old Gods… broke free from them. Not just individuals. Not just a cabal or an exiled group of researchers. The whole race. While their qiraji and mantid cousins remained loyal servants and slaves.
Now many belive I am an insane, a bit murderous but totally crazy cultist who would kill the planet to present it on a silver, azerite dripping plate to her many tentacled masters.
Thats not true… I’ve embraced the Void for… reasons. Mainly because Sargeras, you know the Dark Titan who corrupted my people and stole my world was so afraid of the Darkness, he formed the Burning Legion and started to wipe out everything, so the Void would not have it…
My enemy’s enemy…
Of course things happened and I found some wisdom freed from the shackles of sanity, but… that is another story
Back to the question!
The Nerubians did the impossible! Found and forged their own destiny, their own fate!
True, they are xenophobic and almost died out… but those are traits they share with the Exiled Eredar (Yes. Yes we are like that. You know its true!) . Not to mention we share the same ideals… well, not the light-indoctrinated bortheres and sisters of mine, but you know what I mean! They and I and the like minded “free” spirits.
To be their prisoner of war would present a great opportunity to learn from them…
…not to mention the fact they recognised the vallue of keeping alive a prisoner of war for further negotiations would open the possibility to recruit them to the Alliance, or whatever great group we are in at the moment!

Question: Do you have a special someone in your heart…? And if yes, what would you do to save her/his life?

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I love this thread and I’m not about to let it sink all the wat to the bottom.

Dangerbeard gives the interviewer two tumbs-up with a grin on her face. She points the tumbs at herself.

“Always looking out for number one. I got married, years ago. Not sure if he’s still alive or if he knows that I am and I am perfectly content to keep it that way. No, I look out for myself and I will go to any lenghts to save myself. I will fight dirty, doublecross you, triple-cross if need be. I’ve spent enough time locked away to know the value of life and freedom to enjoy that life. I’d be a fool to throw that away for anyone but myself.”

Question: What was your rock bottom? How did you get out?

Deazur hesitates before answering the interviewer:
''Heh… Quite the story actually, the very same story that is making me question why I even made it into the army. You see… I have a prison sentence… For an accidental murder case that… well… I made look really damn bad.

I was a reckless youth, drinking my life away, and participating in petty theft. There was this small time crime-boss, actually my former, now deceased best friend, who picked a fight with me for a failed assault. I was under the guy’s wraps, he had to pay to get my mistakes cleaned, he might just have had enough of those mistakes…

Anyway, he attacked me, knocked me out, and when I woke up he was just there, laying on the ground, and bloody… and in my hands was the murder weapon he was stabbed with. By then I figured that someone set me up. Someone set me the damn up, framed me for the damn murder, the murder of my best friend for god’s sake. Luckily he meant basicly nothing to no one around all of Boralus, he wasn’t that known, not even around the gangs in Boralus.

Deazur looks distressed for a moment
''Nothing heroic was done that day… God’s sake, I didn’t even do anything, I was a nobody. Sorry about such a long story, I guess, I just had a lot to vent.

Question: What did you do to get to where you are now?

Question: What did you do to get to where you are now?

"Oh, boy. If you want the whole list, we’re gonna be here a while. I’ll just summarize for easy reference.

"After being a Farstrider for a century and change, I went to Outland when the Dark Portal opened back up. Once there I… had a falling out with my sister, so I sought out the Arakkoa, found an outcast shadowmancer and convinced him to take me on as a student in return for my services killing his enemies. Yeah, buckle up, it’s not gonna get better.

"So after that, and after fighting some demons on the way, I came back home as a shadow-wielding sneak. It was, at the time, a pretty rare skillset; most who called themselves ‘rogues’ didn’t know any magic. Times have changed, obviously, but back then it let me leverage my skills to get my choice of assignment from Halduron Brightwing. He was remarkably patient, considering what a lousy subordinate I could be.

"Then the Northrend campaign came along. I refused to fight the Alliance on moral grounds, and the shades made it hard to sneak around the Scourge and Cult of the Damned holdings, so I got assigned to deal with the Scarlet Crusade.

"Now, I’m no one-woman army. I can’t storm into a fortress and kill everyone inside. But what I could do, and what I did do, was much subtler. I left curses, charms, scattered around their camps and forts. Things that afflicted their minds with darkness. I played on the paranoia they’d spent so long cultivating, turning them against each other with carefully-planned murders, terror strikes and illusions. I pitted brother against brother, broke minds and twisted souls, because I knew it would cost fewer of our own lives than a proper assault.

"And then I did it again. I kept doing it. I learned more dark magic from any source I could find, all our evil enemies and shadowy allies. I went back to the Arakkoa on Draenor to learn what their future counterparts had forgotten. I traded knowledge with Umbric’s then-Blood Elf group, and eventually joined it entirely.

“And along the way I left a trail of shattered lives. It probably would’ve been kinder had we just invaded and killed them in battle, but then we lose people. What did I do to get where I am? A lot of mistakes, and a lot more awful things on purpose.”

Question: What is your greatest regret?

"There are… several, that I could call my greatest regret.

Most recently, I failed to save a friend and cohort of old, from their greatest enemy. Herself. In fear, and isolation she turned to cruelty and wickedness, to protect her children. In doing so she summoned wrath and rage upon her very name, and ensured a cycle of hatred without end.

On the broken shore, my father in law; whom I have, never been on good terms with, quite literally stabbed me in the back. In a cold rage, I turned, and one swing of my hammer ensured none would suffer from his foul ways again.
My, daughter, estranged from me, will never forgive it.

Thirdly and oldest… I never spent time with my family the way I should have. My wife grew insecure and emotionally dependant in my absence, my daughter never truly knew her father as anything but a war hero. The changing of the times, and the age of chaos saw to it that she never would.

Failure, murder, taking those you love for granted. It is thus that I have found myself needing war-rooms and battlefields to not sink into a lethargy. When there is peace, my problems find me, and the Light finds my will wanting. When the flames of war die down, I will still smile for the young, the pure, the happy; the sum of my parts leaves me with my greatest regret: That I neglected all else in pursuit of a simple, boyhood dream, to be a knight."

Question: What employment have you had in your life?

Question: What employment have you had in your life.

“When you have lived for more than two centuries you have seen some things. My first real job was as a research and library assistant, but in a few years I became an instructor in Abjuration magic in Dalaran, and I mostly remained so until the third War. Then I joined the Sunreavers and stayed with them, or at least until our dear Kael’Thas started going insane, at which point I saw which way the wind was blowing and left shortly before everything went to hell. Then after a break I joined Umbric, thinking my luck was about to change… only to end up ostracized from Quel’Thalas by that pointy-eared buffoon Lor’Themar and with a large dose of void corruption!”

Mahli’ficia leans back in her chair and crosses her fingers with a thoughtful look on her face.

"To be fair, I have had a run of bad luck when it comes to employment. I can hardly rise through the ranks when the organization keeps being demolished. Fortunately I got my old position as an instructor at Dalaran back, and now I shift between working with Umbric; as a private battle mage for the Alliance, and occasionally doing summoning and ritual jobs for the Illidari who have a crucial shortage of proper academicians…

… However, none of these jobs are likely to make me rich any time soon, so I am considering some more high risk adventuring jobs!"

Question: What was the worst employment you ever had(or still have)?

Oh, wow, it has to be the one time the church put me on a mission to spread the teachings of the light in those godforsaken Blackrock Mountains. Now I’ve heard it’s become not quite as hostile as it used to be, but back then, Nerfarian still sat around that place, so it was pretty much a mountain range of death!

The bishop and I never exactly saw eye to eye, and I’m convinced he just wanted me - and the two rather shifty trainees he sent with me - gone. I was suspected of using traces of shadow magic to ‘convince’ some natives in foreign land of the teachings of the light, but I swear I did no such thing, and there’s absolutely no way you can prove such a thing!

Anyway, we arrived there after the bishop paid for our gryphon flight there (probably just to appear helpful) and we set out. We spent a good few hours discussing who we’d rather die by as we zig-zagged around lava pits: orcs or dark iron dwarves. We eventually decided on the dwarves since we thought there was a chance that they’d be slightly more receptive.

Being in Shadowforge city was like walking on eggshells. Trying to help spread the teachings of the light requires some confidence, charisma, and the willingness to smite anyone who ‘aggressively’ tries to disagree. I was thinking that a single word would trigger a brawl, so naturally, I was rehearsing everything I was going to say in the back of my mind before I reached the city centre.

As it turned out, they were already quite a few light worshippers there, but a lot of them still followed that big unholy fiery guy. Now, if it were any ordinary fire elemental, I’d just smite it and prove the light’s superiority. Sadly, that “big unholy fiery guy” I mentioned was none other than Ragnaros himself, so that wasn’t an option.

There were a couple of native priests, and while they rudely questioned everything I said, I was eventually able to help discuss ways to help spread their teachings, and to subtlety undermine the faith others had in Ragnaros. All seemed well and good, until one of the useless idiots that went with me got himself killed in a nearby pub brawl, which, no doubt the bishop would blame me for. Explaining it to the natives wasn’t any easier, which naturally made my job of spreading the ways of the light much harder.

The worst was yet to come. The bishop wasn’t just satisfied with Shadowforge city. He wanted me to go to Blackrock Spire too. Yep, definitely wanting us killed, but given he has such good PR, there was nothing I could do about it. As horrible as it seemed, I did believe in the mission, so off I went.

Light following orcs were a very rare occurrence, and I highly doubted those blasted dragons allowed any form of worship that wasn’t directed at their own kind, so it was ultimately a lost cause to an extent. Not only that, but the ‘people’ here were ridiculously xenophobic, so they were probably going to try and have us killed in sight. I realised that I’d likely have to speak in a language that these things would understand.

Now orcs typically only respect power, so the plan was for me to go in, murder a dragon, though not too-big-a-dragon, with holy light, do a quick song and dance and get out of there ASAP. Me and the surviving ‘victim’ made fake Twilight’s Hammer insignia and one of the black dragons, as a result. Those two loser groups seem to get a long just nicely.

He didn’t seem to suspect much, which gave me just enough time to charge up a big smite behind his back and BOOM! Blew his head clean off right in front of those orcs. Now half of them wanted us dead, but the other half seemed in awe at this. I declared that I was just a messenger, and the light would come for all of them soon.

To further set an example, an orc that decided to have a go at me got mind controlled by yours truly, though I dressed up the spell to make it look like it was a light-based spell, and faked a conversion to the light. It got some of the orcs talking about it, but some were not convinced and another huge brawl started. Sadly, my other companion didn’t make it out of that one as I managed to escape.

Now, if you’ve not fallen asleep already, why was it so bad? I was excommunicated as a result of all that - without any form of pay! Those deaths were not my fault, and I took the light’s teachings to the darkest corners of Azeroth! The Archbishop didn’t believe me when I said the Bishop sent me there - which of course he denied, and framed me for getting two trainee priests killed.

Still, I never knew why that Bishop hated me so much. Was it my incredibly long winded ramblings?

Question: Azeroth and beyond is a varied place, and you surely can’t be working and adventuring all the time. Where has been the nicest holiday you’ve been here, or if you have never had a relaxing break on this planet, where would you like to go?

“I wouldn’t call it a vacation but I’d give anything to see the inside of a Titan facility. They’re probably all filled to the brim with dangers I imagine, even the inactive ones, but think of what we could learn about our origins by poking around in one for a bit. If I ever get a chance I won’t need to think twice, that’s a vacation I’d go on.”

Question: What is your current short-term goal?

My current short-term goal? Survive that insane corpse’s reign we have to suffer…
I miss Grand Magistrix Elisande…
Fel, even our beloved Queen, Azshara was better than this… this… damned Lich Queen…
So yeah, short-term goal? Survival.
By any means necesarry!
I would even - and trust me, it is hard to admit this - ally myself with a lowborn treehugger or even with a… uhh… Human or Troll to achive this goal!

Question: What is your current long-term goal?

Question: What is your current long-term goal?

“Secure peace between the nations of Azeroth, defend it against the major foreign and domestic threats, get the voices out of my head and bring the scattered Elven peoples back together again.”

“What? I’m ambitious. All of these goals obviously have a lot of obstacles and a lot more unknowns, but I still actively work towards them. If I had to pick one that gets current priority, I’d say stopping the faction war. Unfortunately it looks like that can only happen if one side loses, so - while I’m always on the lookout for better options - right now fighting the Horde is the main path to peace, as weird as that sounds. Letting Sylvanas win sure isn’t an option.”

Question: What is your vision for a better Azeroth?

Simple: One without The Horde.

It has been proven time and time again that coexistence between the Alliance and the Horde is unsustainable. If a battle to save our planet against the Burning Legion didn’t at least cool aggression, then it is likely nothing will.

The orcs have no place on Azeroth, and some areas of Outland look habitable. They should be forced back there to their native homeland, or forced six feet underground. War and aggression runs in their veins, and it’s all their culture has amounted to. Peace with them is impossible.

The forsaken have proven themselves to be even worse than the scourge: The scourge are forced into evil while the forsaken actively choose to be. There can be no parley with them - only death. Well, as dead as an undead monster can be.

Once these two ghastly races have been dealt with, the Horde will collapse, and if they choose to still remain and fight, well, they can join their orcish and undead brethren if they so desire. Mulgore could make for some great farmland, on top of the great scenery, so I wouldn’t weep for the Tauren if their loyalty to the Horde ends up being what ends them.

Unfortunately, the Wyrnn lineage in recent years have proven themselves to be moral cowards in securing the future existence of their own kind. Varian choosing not to end the Horde once and for all at the Battle of Orgrimmar over some kind of honour thing, and Anduin, well, he’s an absolute wet noodle of a monarch. Neither of them have the conviction and courage to do what needs to be done to secure a safe and prosperous future for the human race on Azeroth, and unless Anduin has an untimely death, it looks like we’ll have to suffer the Horde’s wretched existence for a long time to come.

Question: Maybe I’m just being really cynical about all this. Maybe peace between all these different races is possible, in spite of them butting heads since what seems like the dawn of time itself. What are your thoughts? Can peace truly be obtained without my…messy solution?

“My people were brought into the fray and we were mortal enemies of the Alliance not too long ago. I don’t see why the same couldn’t happen with the Horde. Only one that I’m not sure about are the Forsaken. I don’t know a whole lot about them but what I’ve seen doesn’t leave me with the highest hopes.”

The Dwarf pauses for a moment, perhaps carefully considering her next words.

“You’ll have the define ‘messy’. Would you consider it messy to eradicate the Forsaken entirely if, in the end, the rest of the Horde and us can get along? That one I could see happening. I’ve seen us and the Orcs get along marvellously, when they were under different leadership. Hell, it might just be the leadership. Cut the head off the snake and maybe we’re good!”

She sighs and shakes her head.

“Realistically, though, I see this war going on for some time.”

Question: What is the greatest injustice that has been done to you?

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Weren’t never good enough, never measured up to my sister no matter what. I know it’s not like this huge thing in perspective but it still smarts.

Q: So what’s like, the biggest compromise you’ve made with your ideals?

That’s an easy one. Brigante disdains torture, he hates it. He has been on both sides of it, but he does not tolerate his unit doing it. We recently (well, fairly recently) brought to bay a Black Marketeer Goblin who went by the name of ‘The Rainmaker’ He had promised the wife and husband team who had enlisted Vengeance. Their daughter had been killed in a letter bomb incident that the Rainmaker had instigated. After a year, we brought him to bay, his decoys, his minions, his other lairs all gone, his criminal empire intact, but his ability to control it crumbling.

Brigante hates Torture.
The Starglows (The parents of the slain child) were present. He could forgo his own sensibilities, or he could break his word.

He just looked Yasmyr Starglow in the eye (By this time she is the second in Command of the Sun Hawks, still is…) and said. “I am walking away. Flight Lieutenant, see to this matter”

He knew what would happen. He knew the Starglows would make Rainmaker Suffer, but he had Promised them Vengeance. That was his mistake in wording, he should have promised them Justice.

He could break his morals, or break his word. To this day he has no idea what happened after he left that chamber (weirdly I’ve not even asked OOC!) but he did hear the wailing scream and the ‘crump’ noise of an explosion, and saw the Starglows faces as they left the chamber. He knew then, he had defaulted on one set of morals, in order to maintain another… The very essence of Compromise…

Q. Which major Lore character, if transplanted to our world, would you trust to be the Ruler/President/Prime Minister of your country

(Poignant one for Brits that, given current affairs. Sadly Genn Greymane is busy, Lor’themar Theron doesn’t want the job, and Gelbin Mekkatorque is too busy being a popsicle…)


To be honest… most if not all (pains me to say this, but even Genn) leaders are horrible. Velen, Anduin, Sylvanas, Thrall…
They done more harm than good to the people of Azeroth and their nation on the long run
So who would I choose?
No, really
Even without the Old God’s armies of n’raqi soldiers, C’Thraxxi generals, aqir legions or Forgotten Ones, zoatroids and the k’thir, lets face it, N’Zoth would bring order to any nation before conquering the planet
Thats… not that bad :squid:
And if the alternative is like Thalryssa, Malfurion or god forbid, Gallywix?
N’Zoth :octopus:

Question: How would you solve the problems of the Horde (killing Sylvanas is cheap, please ellaborate why and how)