Let's make it an interview #3


If you would build a base for your faction.
Where would you build it, how would it look and what kind of troops are stationed there aswhile as why you choice that place to build a base.

“We’re taking Alterac for the Alliance. Honestly, I don’t particularly care if my Wildhammer cousins drown in a high tide of Forsaken but strategically we should be all over Alterac. We’ve got my people and Ironforge to provide experienced squads of mountaineers and we could descend upon the Horde like an avalance. Hah, maybe even with an avalanche or two if we blow up the right places.”

Dangerbeard pauses for a moment.

“Oh, you meant where to build a fortress. Not where to press the attack. I’d still build that fortress in the Alterac mountains though. We’ve got the mountaineers to make even Sylvannas herself regret ranging in that general area. We’ll use the terrain to our advantage. The terrain that our people have had in their veins for centuries. Even if the offensive doesn’t go as smoothly as my optimistic side says it would we could bury them in a controlled avalanche or two. Or three. Or seven, just to be sure.”

Question: What are you most proud of?

The moment i conjured my imp for the first time.
So many things could go wrong but i aced it.

I was so proud.

You could end the faction wars forever.
All you would have to do is let the black empire win.
Would you?

“That has to be the worst question, but let me give two answers…
Short answer: No…
Long answer: Nooooooooooooooooooo…”

Where do you see yourself in a year, and what do you think will lead you to this destination?

Behind Suramar’s impenetrable shield
Why? Because that insane corpse will eventually kickstart an apocalypse
Or her pal, N’Zoth
After our once beloved Queen … borrowed the Tidestone from the Temple, I see no reason we should let the Eye of Aman’Thul, our birthright in the hands of Kirin’tor, nor inside that not-really-guarded temple… take it back, reignite the Nightwell and let’s hope Azshara will remember fondly of Suramar and leave us alone

Question: a Forsaken, while experimented on their Blight discovered, with a little a modification, it could be turned in to a highly effective weapon, namely, with the modification, it could wipe out an entire race, and only that one, but the “price” is total immunity for the other races against any form of the Blight. That Forsaken decided to sell it to you the formula
Would you use it? Wich Race would you exterminate? Why? Or instead of hate, would you do it to save the other races of Azeroth?

Undead naturaly.
Assuming there not immune.
I mean it would remove the scourge, the forsaken and a great many other headache.

If they are immune.
They cant go 5 seconds without going to war.
Removing them all would fix my eternal headache.

You are convince to join N’Zoth as one of his commanders.
How would you defeat the alliance and horde?

"Assault the rear gate of Orgrimmar with a small force, whilst a larger force distracts the front. Simple. Stormwind is a tad more complex. Await winter. Make landfall in Westfall, capture westbrook. Send rogues into the sewers of Stormwind to sow chaos. Have them burn food supplies and close the inner gatehouses of the city districts, assault the front gate. Hold out, and keep a persistent sewer-assault raging from within Elwynn. Assault once the defenders have been starved and once dissarray has spread.

I think this question is foolish, but I am a Marshal for a reason."

Question: How did your parents raise you?

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They raised me and my sisters and brother with love and care. My childhood on Argus was a happy one. All was lost, like my life work as an archeologist, Scholar of Antiquities… and my sanity when Archimonde and Kil’jaeden sold us out to the Legion and Valen to the Naaru.

Question: Would you help an ex-Legion member Eredar to be accepted in your faction?

I would attempt to bind them as my demon.
Failing that i might try and trick them into believing that being demon would allow them to “join” or faction.
Otherwise i tell andiun that this demon wants a second chance and shoud be send to valen.

You could have a spell that kills anything in your current zone including you.
Would you use it?

“I’m really trying but I can’t come up with any scenario where using such a spell makes sense. I don’t want to kill a whole bunch of innocents so unless I find myself, say, atop Icecrown Citadel with nothing but Scourge around me that’s going to be a problem.”

Question: What is the greatest ‘what if’ of your life?

What if… I raised my voice against the Naaru “help”
They sent one, ONE crystaline ship to “help”, large enough to “save” the ones who followed Valen. They promised help…
In truth, they forced us to watch our planet becoming smaller and smaller as their ship speeded up. Even Valen was horrified
Then they renamed us Exiled Ones
Took some of us away and made them Lightforged, the rest os us travelled planet to planet and each time had to abandon it… and the Naaru helped none of the inhabitants. The judged them “unworthy” I guess to be the part of their Army
Funny… Sargeras needed the Eredar to be the leaders and brain of the Legion (I doubt even He trusted a Nathrezim…), important part of his ragtag band of Demons
And the Naaru? Needed us for the same reason.
Every time we left aplanet we know, it was destroyed because of us, and the Naaru not even considered to help them
They could have sent more ships not just one… enough to beat back the Legion, or at least gave us a chance to fight and die noble heroes… or maybe win
Insted they “saved”, indictronited and used us…
Sure, we are alive, but the price was too high if you asks me
What if… I raised my voice against the Naaru “help”? Lauder I mean… Probably would have been executed as a traitor…
Even death is better than that twenty five thousand years of insanity…
Then again, maybe I’m not that crazy… just the world is too cold, cruel and insane

Question: Roessler’s question was too good to waste on me, so what is the greatest ‘what if’ of your life?

“What if I never met Merah my Worg?, I’d probably be some dead orc on some battlefield. She has saved my life more times than I can count. If I never met Merah, Nerazh would also be a dead frost wolf pup on some desolate tundra with no name and no family. I thank the ancestors every day for her, maybe just maybe it was fate that led us three together.”

Question: what moment in your life did you realize, “I need to be stronger!”.

Question: At what moment in your life did you realize “I need to be stronger?”

“It was in Outland. My sister had joined the Blood Knights and gone from a warrior about my equal to some kind of super-Elf. It was kind of getting to her head, too. I won’t get into the arguments we had, the emotions of the whole situation, it’s messy and personal, but eventually I decided I needed my own edge. That’s when I sought out the shadows.”

Question: So, we’ve cycled around to peace again. Do you think it’s for good this time? If not, what will start the next war between Alliance and Horde?

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Peace? It’s terrible.
Bad for business an’… sound like an old womon but da world changed. And I’n I do nah like it.

flicks a stone from her palm

Worlds gone flew away, just like dat…

Question: What side of the gate were you on, and why? If you weren’t there, why? If Alliance, were you at the gates? Why? Why not?

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“I was in Silvermoon, actually. I had some personal matters there, to attend to. But if I was in Orgrimmar when Saurfang perished, I would most likely have left before the city was closed off, in an effort to remain neutral and away from the factions’ politics. I found that it is always the wise thing to do to stay out of such things. However, if I was unable to depart, due to realizing the situation too late, I would most likely have still done my best to remain neutral and wait it out.”

Question: Now that the war is over, what course of action do you intend? In other words, what do you consider your main priority, currently?

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“The arena! The glory of the gladiator life! The roar of the crowd and the thrill of the duel! That is the life I was born for… and the life I intend to dominate! There is no small demand for bloodsport, and I promise I will quench their thirsts for it!”

Question: Do you plan on having any children? If so, what are your plans for them? What would their names be? Anything you feel that is important!


Aphranas sighed and gazed somewhere far, far away on the horizon…

“All my life I wanted to have them, but a magistrix 's profession doesn’t support a stable life in a countryside. I do dream about having children, more than one child for sure. I would like to teach them how not to repeat mistakes of my people and still live their lives to the full. The names we’ll discuss with their father and hopefully - my partner for life.”

Sin’dorei magistrix turned her gaze on the interviewer and shrugged her shoulders.

“It may be a simple dream for a Blood Elf but yet I keep it close to my heart. One day I will find the One I seek.”

Her eyes bristled like small stars when Aphranas’ attitude changed from melancholic to inquisitive.

“I have one question for you though. Are you hungry and where can we go for lunch together? I’m starving!”

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Rush laughs heartily at the question. “I always be hungry, so you asked the right person. We can go to this place where they slaughter the animals right in front of…”

Remembering that the magistrix likely had a different palate than him, he stops himself and scratches his head. “Actually, you wanna try the Arboretum? It be up in the drag. It might be the only vegetarian place in Orgrimmar,” he suggests.

“For the next person, I axe this: where in the world Sylvanas be hidin?”


Fnjaa star to giggles at the question “Well, I’ve been asking myself the same question, she’s probably hiding us somewone basements i guss”

For the next person what is your goal in life?

“Oh my, I have several goals! I am a strong supporter of the oppinion, the Shal’dorei should take back the Eye of Aman’thul to protect it, like the rest of the Pillars of Creations. We kept them safe for ten thousand years… and after that? Oh the noble heroes of Azeroth left them unguarded and our once and future… once Queen, Azshara just sent her minions and took the Tidestone…”

She shakes her head with disgust, then sips from her glass :wine_glass:

“Also I firmly belive, we should re-create the Nightwell… just in case. Not to mention rising the Shield again…
Also, we should confiscate the Azerite from the treacherous Goblins, ugh, disgusting creatures, and from those filthy undead to use it to strengthen Suramar’s and Silvermoon’s deffenses”

Thyrellas ponders a bit

"Naturally, my main goal is to further the interests of my Family, the Stelleris… thats without a question. Meanwhile I travell Azeroth with my entourage to try out new tastes and flavours… I consider myself a gourmand, and truth to be told, after ten millenia behind that shield, eating magically conjured food, I could just sink my teeth in Azeroth… so to speak

She smiles innocently

Question: Now, the Fourth War… wait? This was a War? Darling, you have no idea what a war is then, calling this little riot a War, but… eh, let say it was. So, now, the Fourth War is over. What do you think we should do with the Forsaken? Its not just a question to the members of the Horde, if you are in the Alliance, the question is the same: what should the Horde/Alliance do with those damn undead… (their loyality is not really matters. But if you think it do, ellaborate why)