Let's make it an interview #3

the utter destruction of the Burning Legion and all demons.

QuestionHow much is a live worth? Would you slay thousands to save one one life, or end one life to save thousands?
And to make this question easier to understand the Thousand lives are people you've never met and will never be grateful of your deed.
the one live is someone or something close to you.

Now which option would you chose?
What would you save?
"The one. If it was the right one. I wouldn't do it for myself, but for my mission? Without a second thought."

Question: Where did it all start for you? Is there a moment you can pinpoint in your life that set everything else in motion - the first domino to fall?
"That would be me leaving Zandalar. Right after my wife's funeral. The Dark Prophet, Zul attended the ceremony, which at the time I thought to have been a great honor. In truth, he was looking for recruits. This was at the time King Rastakhan authorized the expedition you see. For a while I wanted back... see how my children are doin'. But that place is no longer my home and the Zandalari are no longer my people. The forests and planes of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms are my home and the members of the Alliance and Horde are my people now."

Question: If you can pinpoint it, what is the most important thing in your life? A treasured item, a goal or an ideal for example.
Da mos' importan' ting be da tribe. When da 'orde die, an' it will eventualleh, same wi' da alliance. When dey both gone da Trolls gone still be 'ere, an' da tribe be 'ere too.

A Troll be worthless wi'out loyalteh ta dere tribe, simple as dat.

Question: What's your favourite colour & why?
"Red, actually. Surprising isn't it?" she giggles. "I'll give you two guesses why..."

Question: if there was one thing, any one thing except cause harm to anyone but you could do without consequence, what would it be?
"I'm not quite sure there would be anything."

Lakun pauses to think for a moment, then shakes his head.

"No... Nothing quite comes to mind. Particularly, though, because consequences teach us to better ourselves. When the skies thunder with anger, you do not fight that, nor do you ignore it. You ask the elements what has upset them, and learn from that."

What is the longest journey you've ever made on foot / hoof?
"There were some months after my.. 'freedom' where i wandered together with my companion, Snuggles. We wandered from Winterspring to around Un'guro, this took some months and it was a grand journey. we made lots of friends in the time.."
She lets out a low sigh
"Including a female groin-kicking orc called Kosh'amon.. I miss those days"

Question: Were you on argus? if so, What did you do? did you snatch something valuable? learn something new? if not. did you want to go?
"No, I wasn't here really. Was never the travelling type, and getting to a... You know, ruined demonic world wasn't really any concern or interest of mine. I'm not in any way military, why would I want to be here?"

Question: What's your favourite kind of wine?
"Ever since I left Suramar and had a nice hard liquor from Orgrimmar I could never go back to touching that swill. No offense."

Question: Say you're military and you spot an enemy civillian. They are unarmed and terrified, but your commander orders them to be killed. What would you do?
"I draw my weapon and do what must be done. If this so called 'commander' does not surrender to face the court martial, he is deserving of a swift end by my blade."

Question: Have you ever loved? Do you currently? How did it work out, or if you are in love now, what sort of future do you see together with your significant other?
Wha' sort o' love? I'n i love da tribe. Dat coun'? If ja mean personal love between mon and womon... why? Ja make wi' da sexeh an' have o' whelp, den ja move on, none of dis attachmen' ting. Wha' da mon gone do anehway? Be I'n I dat 'ave ta look aftah da whelp, da faddah be dere ta protect an' dat all.

Question: A magical being approaches you and tells you they can and will create peace on Azeroth for a thousand years but in order to do this you need to commit a truly horrific act. They refuse to tell you what you must do until you agree. Do you take the chance?
Rorick looks at the interviewer as he shakes his head.

"I couldn't say if I'd kill a thousand innocents to save a million. Kill a million to save a billion. This whole question's awfully vague, is it? Leaves a lot of room for trickery. Before you know it you've agreed to blow up the world and leave the handful of people left in no shape to start wars."

Rorick ponders for a moment.

"If we're going to have a thousand years of peace, we'll have 'em on our terms. Not by the power of some mysterious wish-granter."

How is your relationship with your parents?
Relationship with parents was very good.. They both very caring.. Until Sargeras came with his deal.
My mother did not accept offer for power and did what she could so others could flee, but it cost her her life.
My father chose to take the offer and became thrall to Legion, doing very much evil to the worlds he visit... I took no joy in killing him, but he was beyond saving and had to be put down.

With Lines being drawn in the sand among more races of Azeroth, which factions you think will join the fray, and for what side?
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"Don't remind me of those suck ups. They're tools! They do whatever it takes to get in good with the nobility no matter what they ask! If one asks them to jump off a bridge they'll say "which one?" if it'll put them in good standing of the Suramar hierarchy. And apparently I was supposed to be proof of THEIR worthiness! I was supposed to be just a bragging right! I'm glad to have dissapointed them in the end...."

Thuldrell begins to calm down after hearing his own words. A look of regret etched on his face. He sighs

"They're long gone now... their greed lead to them becoming "Felsworn" and getting cut down during the Suramar campaign. It's probably for the best though, doubt they'd like their only son joining a clan of "barbarians"."

Thuldrell spits on the ground.

Edit: ninja'd

"Not a damn clue, and I'd rather not see this war last long enough for us to start conscripting the neutral races to the point where there are none left. Though the Vrykul might be interesting here in the Horde... but that's just me. At this point people are going kind of crazy on it. I heard some troll woman start chirping up about "Snake people" and "Little fox people" from some desert place on Zandalar, woman's been taking too much peacebloom I say."

Question: What would you consider most important in life? And why so?
"Well..." Lytandrah taps her chin twice, lays back in her chair and crosses her legs. "With the Legion's !@# kicked, I seem to be fresh out of a job. I've been thinking of finding husband dearest who I may or may not have ran out on to join the illidari. At least to see how my little ones are doing." a playful smile materializes on her face and she shrugs. "Or travel around a bit. Now that I'm not hell bent on killing every demon there is and opened my... well not eyes but you know what I mean, I've met the most wonderful potential traveling companions."

"So to anwser your question, the most important thing in my life right now is to have fun until Sylvanas and Anduin decide to blow each other - and probably everyone else - up. After something does get blown up, I'd say Lord Lor'themar could use another set of twin blades don't you think?

Oh yes, I've thought of an overall anwser. The most important thing in my life is what I am doing at the moment."


If you could bring someone back to life, be it a historical figure we could really use right now on Azeroth or someone from your own past that you miss, who would it be?
"A hard choice indeed you have given this orc."
The orc would then take about 5 to 10 minutes contemplating on an answer.

"I believe I would bring back Vol'jin. you see when he was placed on the throne of bone and hide. it gave me hope for the Horde for the orcs. now an undead rules this throne, now tell me what salvation is there in death accept from leaving this world. I watch and wait, begging the elements to show me the way to follow the warchief or Leave what I love."

the orcs sighs though deeply depressed on the matter.
"May I not fall on the wrong path like my ancestors did."

Question: if you had the power to change an event in history what would it be?
"Why the fall of Quel'thalas of course."

Question:"If all possibilities of timelines were open to you, but you could only pick one? Which would you pick and what would change?
"One that would benefit the Sin'dorei the most, obviously. Then the Horde, then Azeroth. if no such mixture could work, I'd settle for Sin'dorei or the Horde"
She taps her jaw
"Or perhaps a timeline where i didn't get stuck with these sort of enhancements"
She inclines down to her claws

Question: Do you have friends on the other side of the 'fence'. How do you lot get along despite the factions being constantly at war?
"Why yes. One of my best friends became a void elf. I can't very well talk about it if or how we keep in contact, lest one of us gets in trouble."

Question: if you could choose to become anyone else, any other race, background, occupation or skill, what and who would you be?
"Anyone else? I like being me, damn it. Can't think of anyone else I'd rather be. With that being said, I have to admit I do wonder what it'd feel like to shapeshift like a Druid. You know, turn into a bird and take to the skies. That has got to be a wonderful feeling! Even better than hopping on a gryphon's back."

Question: What's the worst thing you've ever done and why did you do it?