Level squish survey

No my friend, sadly i wasnt playing until late Uldir. Started back then, nice to know i missed all the fun lol!!!

Do you recall the dismount bug with the introduction of Cross realm zoning. I think it last almost the entire pandaria xpac before they finally fixed it.

sorry but is bullocks. and m+ is the prove of that being wrong!

Its always open to abuse as long as it is NOT account specific.
And should not when ALL players are target of this squished ALL be asked?

nice takeing four words out of context there!
if you only ask player pro level squish its ofc NOT objective…

Well my survey was relevant to my account and I could only answer once. That was the point I was trying to make. As opposed to the suggestion that there could be a general survey linked and anyone could take part.

I would imagine Blizzard are trying to get an idea of how the player base feels. You don’t have to ask the millions of players that have accounts to figure that out. They can get a general consensus from a selection of the playerbase.

I’m against lvl squish but would like to have a different progression system.

Like ESO does with the Champion system. You can lvl your character until lvl 50 than you win Champion points.

The champions points take a lot more time to win and also makes the game less tedious.

Blizzard could for example turn it more RPG style, like you win a “Champion - Hero - Legendary whatever name” point and you can distribute it through some stats or spells.

Why not for example adding some Spells level? Like all spells would have 5 levels or whatever you want and each level would make the spell more powerfull or add some effect.

For example :

Shadow volt lvl 1 => Magic damage 5%
Shadow volt lvl 2 => have chance that the next … (another spell name) also heals you 0.05 % health


make the game a little more complexe and RPG

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In a way I think I know what you mean (like masteries in GW2 ?) but if im being honest I cannot see this working out any other way than horrid.
The reason is because blizz has shown time and time again they knee jerk react to stuff.
Imagine if in the next xpac you stayed at lv 120, but instead now you needed to do 100 quests per single champion point and to cap everything now you need 60.
Until you got them all you wont get into dungeons, mythic dungeons etc.
Naturally people will no life it and do it all in 1 sitting and so the arbitrary requirements start.

Whoa this thread turned into something I didn’t expect it to since I merely asked if the survey itself is real or something people faked online.

It’s also astounding to see the amount of people lacking basic comprehension or having the very basic game knowledge.

Level squish has nothing to do with reducing your power, it’s all to do with putting the numbers back at a sane value. Imagine you are a new player, doing your first 12 levels by doing the boring kill/collect quests, looking at your friend and going “I have to do 108 more of those just to be able to START doing what my friend is doing.” 120 levels is insane and unheard of in any other MMO game for a reason. Also, most levels you don’t gain anything and all mobs and quests scale with you so you have no feeling of increasing in power when everything else increases in power with you.

Leveling right now is a pointless mess and we’d be better off without it, but if I had to have it in wow, I’d rather have the level cap be 60 than 130 in the next expansion.

How would soloing old raids work? You wouldn’t get enough levels away from them to solo them would you?

You’re a prime example of what I was talking about. :smiley:

This is just one of my issues I had with them adjusting levelling back in legion. This and the reduction in XP and reduction in power heirlooms actually gave you.
I have made a couple of alts, but not even got close to levelling one beyond 40 yet because it is that irritating and boring.
Among many many things, this is one thing I really wished they would never ever have touched. It makes being up a certain creek without a paddle look like a family picnic.

In the same the stats squish allows you to solo the content. Although you look at a boss and can see they have 6, 7 8 million health your gear and higher level (imagine timeline) is amplified and so you do more dmg.

Did you atleast read what i said? I never pretended that’s a thing and i don’t want it to happen, was just an example of how things could affect different features . I wasn’t even talking about the level squish itself.

Stop being idiot or just start to read the entirety of the posts and not only the things you want because on 4 posts i did you got totally the opposite of what i said.

It’s definitely a good start at least that you, unlike others, are talking about the level squish itself (i.e. just putting the level numbers at a lower value, nothing more). However reducing the number of levels to a ‘sane value’ wouldn’t solve your issues.

In your example, your new player does 12 levels doing boring kill/collect quests (let’s say it takes 4 hours), looking at their friends going ‘I have to do 108 more of those just to START what my friend is doing’. Reducing the numbers to ‘sane values’ wouldn’t change that. They’d just spend 6 levels doing the same boring kill/collect quests (which would take the same 4 hours), looking at their friend going ‘I have to do 54 more of those just to START what my friend is doing’. The numbers aren’t the issue. And changing the numbers with a level squish won’t solve the problems people have with leveling.

If leveling is indeed such a chore (don’t know why, really, I leveled a Velf and a Nightborne dps in the BfA prepatch while questing and doing the odd dungeon, and leveled a Maghar tank mostly through dungeons after they readjusted the xp and honestly it was fine), then reducing the time it takes to level would solve the issue better (i.e. it takes 40 hours to ding to 120 is just as pointless as it takes 40 hours to ding to 60, the solution would be to make it so that it takes 20 hours to ding to 120 - though I disagree, I think the leveling speed is fine as it is, we’re already breezing past most content). And if the issue is that leveling is a chore, then the solution is to make leveling more engaging with better quests or perhaps zone completion bonuses or maybe a world quest system for old zones (similar to the Legion pre-patch invasion event) or whatever, not to rewrite the arbitrary number that stands at the end of the chore.

And while I understand your problems with scaling, it wouldn’t go away with the level squish, so it wouldn’t solve your power increase issues either.

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Agree. Old content will degrade more and the motivaton to look for it will gone. Maybe that`s the way how to push players to Classic since they are slow at “content consumption” and continue to update current WoW content faster to address the need of the younger players asking for more content and faster updates and a lot of energetic drinks.

Level Squish gets an hell naw from me. It is another in completly idiotic ideas from blizzard related to wow that they are doing or thinking of doing during BFA. All their most idiotic changes and ideas in my onpinion has happend in end of legion beginning of Bfa.


If it made reaching max level faster I could go for it, but I think it will be less levels and take just as long… not hearing those dings very often would be depressing.

100% would vote yes

It needn’t NECESSARILY have anything to do with power or stat changes. But as I pointed out above, if all you want is to show different level numbers, write an addon that divides the display of all level numbers by two. Done.

I think something else is hiding behind this, and if it needs to hide, we’re not going to like it.

Asheron’s Call, which began almost at the same time as WoW, was sadly discontinued a year ago, though private servers still run. It has 275 levels, and a large array of skills that can individually be raised to (I thinkl) 226 levels. From the OSRS Wiki, that has only 100 levels, but those 100 are levelled seperately in 23 different skills. Current Runescape: “Players can advance a skill to level 99 (except for Dungeoneering, Invention, and Slayer, which can go to level 120); after that, they can increase their experience up to 200,000,000 - but gain no more levels for doing so. A player’s combat level begins at level 3. The maximum combat level a player can reach is level 138.”

I cannot grasp why anyone would consider 120 levels a problem. 7 year olds can handle three digit numbers. I have some sympathy with the idea that 8 and 9 digit numbers that flash briefly on the screen before disappearing can be difficult to keep in mind, but surely we can all handle three digits that are in front of us consistently?


@All: Very much this. 120 is nothing special, numerous games, both MMOs and others have (had) far higher level caps.

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They should just make us have 60 levels max next expansion and give us something for each level. Done.

Jof they do what i think rhey should en every songle oeice of content will be worked into char progression and the game re streamlined to not be so confusing.

For instance o didnt play legion and i dont get wtf all these pointless vendor trash relics are for. Just an example.