Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Ah, yes, the zero EA advantages in action


10k WoW Eu forum poster:

´´uhm akthually there isn´t really any advantage because… :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:´´

Also bananas, how on earth did this EVER get past testing? Like how? It is one of the most important things about a launch. Except for like Pandaria, I think I have played every launch and I dont think they have ever screwed up this bad (what a coincidence this screwup happened first time EA was launched).

All these extra costs to exploit the WoW addicts, and they cant even manage the most simple balancing in the game. Or maybe Blizzard genuinely cares for nothing but their lobby game M+ and RWF raiding anymore. Who knows.

:100: :100:


How about fix the ah first?

The tsm bots undercut and cancel listing auto, cant buy certain mats.

Also whatabout the bountiful keys earned during ea? They gonna reset in s1 launch or i start less keys cos i didnt buy the premium pass?

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If levelling now becomes a chore you will lose customers simple . I got to 80 on a Boomer it had gear from the last xpacs events and did ok, was it 1 shotting anything no. Not once. So im not sure what is apparently or allegedly going on it seems those that moaned levelling is too easy are far in the minority and it seems most of them suspiciously are on low alts.
It certainly appears like a calculated move by Blizz to keep the rest of the playerbase that couldnt afford EA subbed longer. Guess we will see how much longer it takes to level alts. If after doing all those pre-expansion events and levelling up that gear grinding flightstones we find our new expansion 70’s are hitting like a toddler whats the point in the events and getting better gear?


The next Taliesin & Evitel video gonna be lit. :smiley:


6 over-geared players: mobs die faster on leveling !

blizzard: ok, we will make the mobs harder for every under-geared player, but only during leveling.

me: blizzard, thanks for convincing me not to buy the expansion, or at least wait for a sale.


please dont change anything

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Casual blizzard ruin the fun.


What about all the people with early acess who already got to level their army of alts? No hate to them, but this doesn’t seem fair.


I really think these changes need to happen, but the timing of them…


Yes gear is very powerful, but who cares, you had months of beta testing to find that out…
If you guys couldn’t make adjustments like that before, why would you bother doing it now?
Besides most people cares about endgame content and this makes it harder to level a alt…
Thankfully i have 3 level 80…
Early access is such a garbage and this change makes it even worse


Tipical poorly thought-out knee jerk reaction by Blizzard. This could have been handled better. Do better, be better!


That went fast, maybe needed change, i dont know. But i do know that i would be nice to have the guild banks fixed and items back with the same efford, waiting now 2 weeks for a fix.

Yeah, nah. I don’t like that. Fast combat is way more fun than bullet spongy mobs.

Why would I want it last longer? I swear the ones whinging about it aren’t thinking much further. You will be max level fast… so you’re just slowing down people alt’ing. Great job. Not.

This issue is solved once people start leveling chars without gear from radiant echoes or awakened raids.

Also, Blizzard on this you move rapidly? Where’s my guildbank already?

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i think you are over-estimating the meaning of “army of alts”. how many alts can you max level in a few days ?

but how many alts someone has is not the point. its the making the game harder for absolutely no reason, and not on release. its not even about fairness.
its the forcefully raising the difficulty in the middle of game and not on release. if i wanted hard game, i wouldnt play wow.
now i for sure wont buy this expansion until sale, i have no interest in wasting time on running to corpse.

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nah - now much more people will buy EA to benefit from it next time

kinda genius :wink:

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So what did alpha, beta PTR test actually do these days?

Only 1 day after official release, one of the most noticeable things change like this?

PTR sounds totally useless.


Endless bugs
Warband bank issue
Some of the worst balancing I’ve seen in years
The optics of this change, whether good or not.

Blizzard really want WoW to die don’t they?

Shame because I genuinely had a lot of fun doing the story and campaign.

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Hey another benefit to the early access crowd… Well done Blizzard.

But the shills are happy and now people might buy it the next time and thats all that matters right?

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Oh, great. Wonderful.

So anyone who DIDN’T gear and DIDN’T get Early Access gets a big ‘Up Yours, LOL’, basically?
Yeah, don’t see how that’s a TERRIBLE decision, at all :roll_eyes: Good job, 10/10… /s