Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

This is completely normal and happens every single expansion. You have no gear, everything is difficult, very soon you will have much better gear and everything will feel easy, in the next season beyond that your gear will be so good that everything will feel utterly trivial beyond your imagination.

By example, in Dragonflight I was soloing lvl70 raid bosses in the open world, while in my DPS spec, in Season 3 (out of 4). This will happen again in TWW.

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Its ok for now, but that about a month from now. If a new player going from leveling from dragonflight (without remix or prepatch). And right away from 70 (without raids or mythic+), hes going to massacred with his 400+ gear.

This seems really unfair to change now. I hope its not going to be a really harsh adjustment.


But…Why Blizzard?
What gain is there by slowing the Game? o.o

You are not losing money, You are not losing players by keeping the leveling speed the same as in Early Access.
There is legitimately zero benefits to slowing the leveling speed, even more zero sense now that everyone maxed like 10 Characters in the Early Access…


we don’t give a crap about your experience and fun, go screw all of the plebs that didn’t have the money to buy early access.

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Man, the optics on this one couldn’t be any worse, especially after the controversy surrounding the Earthen allied race’s lack of availability post launch. Gonna love seeing T&E’s segment on this!

I will agree though that leveling was a little bit too easy, mobs being just one shots weren’t engaging and it made for a hell of a wake up call when I reached 80 and suddenly found frost mage to be the squishiest thing out there (kindly buff our survivability a bit please Blizz, I don’t like having to eat between every two single mobs because they hit me like trucks and my shield can only tank a blow or two while warlocks are blazing through entire packs).

I think the most egregious thing was seeing people rolling through normal dungeons like they were on Remix toons. I get that it was going to be like that eventually but it should not be anything near that this soon after launch. We shouldn’t be seeing tanks pulling entire normal dungeon rooms, bosses included, with launch heroic gear. Normals should still need to be something of a challenge for the first few weeks of an expansion at least, otherwise we’ll just turn it into farm content and burn through the content pool far faster than we were meant to, and ultimately burn out of the expac far faster.

have they done that AGAIN? i said back at start of BFA that it was mispresenting by promoting the allied races in the feature reel, (zandalari and kul’tiran i believe) but then not having them in the game for a whole patch or whatever.

again, im fairly sure the earthern were advertised in the feature reel (i think? not bothered keeping up with TWW stuff) so they should be in the game on release, even if it requires a chain to unlock that may take a week or whatever.

if blizz have repeated this like they did in BFA, its just sad.

Bobby Kotick must have tears in his eyes

Imagine so many people complaining about so many things and yet all of us are still giving our money to Blizz.
Sadly in todays world there is only one way to make things change, you have to vote with your wallet! (or your mom’s purse/fathers credit card) :smiley:

Dont go crazy.

It was normal for endgame gear at the end of an expac to not be replaced until the second new zone. This has been the case for me for the last few expansions now.

Late game M+ or raid gear either needs to be below new greens or new greens in new expack need to be higher in order to solve that problem. As it is now older purples beat new greens. If you are on older greens then the new greens will beat your old greens.

Maybe this is why people are facepalming through content. I find it rather easy to be honest and this has been the easiest expansion to level in with no troubles at all. Mobs are trivial at best not dangerous at worst.

If you like this type of experience then maybe you should revalue your hobby. Becouse nobady sane what enyoj playing games would ever consider this fun.

Legit only people what enyoj this braind dead leveling and faceroll dungeons are propably just dopamine junkies with adhd.

Buddy, this is 2024, nobody’s using greens. Hell my new alt i created out of boredom few days back was full epic with 480 gear after like 4 hours of midless afking.

There was nothing fun about this joke of leveling.

This seems overall like a bad change? It can feel nice to be a somewhat powerful character when entering a new continent, a lot of characters referrer to you by “Champion” too. A lot of player characters had decent gear coming from the pre-event, which was a nice way to catch up. Although I can somewhat understand that mobs shouldn’t just fall over immediately, it feels a little weird and late down the road to suddenly make this change shortly after EA, when you had plenty of play testing from people buying access to the beta. I will take my time to enjoy the story the first time, experience all the quests that there are but after that, I’d just want to reach max level as fast as possible on my other characters.

My remix characters came back to retail with good gear. But other alts I own in retail had far lower ilvl than remix characters and I was struggling with my lvl 72 character while leveling. I hope scaling won’t make it worse for low ilvl characters.

You are gonna have a blast now.
It will probably be like mop remix where at level 65+ I couldn’t kill a single mob without using all my cooldowns and even then would be a struggle before getting at least a week of artifact power or wtvr it was called


There is no way to reply to this post without sounded like a whiney little child and I’ve just accepted that but the fact that you’ve allowed people who bought early access pretty much free reign of this exploit for almost 5 days and now that the rest of player base comes in to play as normal you completely take it away . I’ve been playing this game for almost 16 years on and off and never complained about nerfs or buffs or any of that i just accepted it as the game evolving but when you are basically, knowingly selling a complete advantage to people who are in a position to pay for it and then taking it away almost immediately for the rest of the player base it completely ruins the game . I love new expansions and zones and the fun of playing with all the friends who havent played in months again its actually one of my favourite parts of the game other than M+ but ive never started an expansion so angry just knowing i could have paid an extra 30 euro to max out all my characters in a couple of hours , freely farm every herb and ore in Azeroth and max all my progressions before the rest of the people can even see game.


Hey that’s nice, lvling was kinda boring when you just got dragged around by the lowest level member in your group, could not even get a feel for your hero talents when someone one shot the boss.

ya’ll need to relax, while it’s a bit lame that they allowed us with EA abuse it for several days doing nothing about it leveling is VERY fast now even with these changes.

This is a point.

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So, what’s the point of alpha and beta testing, early access, streamers, and other influencers, and God knows who else plays this game before us if you make these changes now? Where were the data and feedback then? You had time. All of this is done to collect the data before launch day and to try to fix bugs before it goes live. So, you want to tell us that you couldn’t see guys one-shotting mobs at level 70? You couldn’t see it takes them 3 hours to level from 70 to 80? Oh, come on!

I have a few ideas for the upcoming weeks: you can double the exp required for level up, you can nerf gear, you can forbid all mounts until level cap, we definitely need to do more exercises, increase mobs density so we need 20 min to go from A to B (50 m), and maybe change the name to Classic WOW 2 1.0