Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

The point of beta testing and streaming is:

Beta testers are fools, who do free work for a company that make them pay for their products. These testers helping Blizzard to assure the game is playable on launch. Company priority is: it is playble, and the majority of game working, so we wont ask for refund or they dont have to compensate financially after we bought the game. Everything else after that. Most of the bugs overlooked even you report it during beta, cos if it doesnt affect larger aspect of the gameplay it is simply: not priority.
Streamers also fools; work for front line marketing a product/company that is milking them. And yes some streamers getting famous, but the majority are just not… still in the hope to get famous, they are marketing the product by showcasing their game or talking about it. This is why at the beginning of every exp. or seson there is a big streaming promotion.
Blizzard love these guys all, cos they are doing free testing and marketing for them whilst they (Blizzard) gain the mahussive annual profit.

The End


So you hear and read feedback, that is from a non early acces abuser a low budged guy that ONLY pays for a full game and monthly sub witch your company hates

We HATE your desicion it is the worst Blizzard have done since the company exist, make leveling faster for the poor people

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Thanks for crying all the time and making leveling tedious again.


Most of the people just want to finish their chores quickly and be done with it.
nerfing players will not do you any favors.
Especially when leveling alts

I had early access but I procrastinated because I was having way too much fun playing Black Myth Wukong instead.

In fact, I think this is a good time to cancel/pause my sub for now.


It’t very hard for me to believe that someone in retail wants a more difficoult leveling content


They exist. Like the people who seem to look for old abandoned toilets because they like the smell of decomposition


You should wait as many days as the early access lasted to make the change, giving poorer players the same equality that early access players got.
Didn’t you notice that RWF guilds were leveling up 20 characters per player in a day? Gingi leveled 3 accounts at once in dungeon. Twitch is available to everyone… :slight_smile: yet you didn’t change it after the first early access day. I find it impossible that you didn’t notice after the first 24 hours, yet you didn’t change immediately.
Not fair.


It’s a shame for this change to be implemented immediately at the end of EA.

In my opinion it would been better to not change anything at all. It feels nice to level up quickly at the beginning. Most quest rewards give inferior gear to what I got during prepatch anyways.

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Horrrrrriible decision half way. You havea god damn 6 month beta for a joke!

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There’s been a lot of criticism in this thread about when Blizzard has decided to do this in terms of EA, and I completely agree.

The fact that this wasn’t fixed already and then they change it just days after the full release while giving those who paid extra good time to level looks super bad. From a PR standpoint this is a total and utter nightmare.

That doesn’t mean I don’t think they should’ve fixed it, but maybe not now…

Please please please listen to our beta feedback, and please please please please don’t do EA ever again!


As someone who bought the War Within expantion in December 2023, i feel scammed. What a sh!tty behaviour


And of course the real issue of people feeling weaker as they level up from 70 to 80 does not change.
I miss how from Vanilla to TBC all but the most geared raiders were getting strong upgrades right away

Congrats Blizzard, i was on the fence if i was to buy this expansion at all, and now i am not even going to bother. Sub cancelled as well.

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Oh that’s been a problem for ages. This one is a deep issue, and not really the problem at hand here, now. But certainly a big issue, I’ll grant you!

But I don’t think they’re going to fix it because they did the same to Diablo 3 and 4 in which the feeling of getting a level is somehow even more important.

Blizzard doesn’t understand stats in role playing games, which is ironic because it’s practically all they make these days.


Nice poor tax you are putting now. Early access didnt have much content but you reward them with easy alt leveling and now punish people who bought the normal game to not be able to catchup as easy as you promised gj. You managed to monetize exploit early and often finally.


one of my alt was 79 and a half I was like lets jump into a dungeon to finish off maybe the scaling not that bad. We died like 4 times in the dungeon tank overpulling and my alts healing was like half that it was yesterday. What is this…

edit. I’m not 100% sure that it is live yet maybe we just did not have a 70-72 lv in the group but it felt weird nonetheless.

Nobody even knows how far the adjustments reach and still they complaint and rage already.
I would actually had prefered a more challenging leveling experience, because even with S3 DF gear it felt too easy.

I dont get why most here say that EA players had an advantage, because I actually think leveling after adjustments to the scaling will feel way more fun and balanced. So its more like the people starting after the change will have the advantage to have a more fun experience.

People blasted through NHC dungeons in a pace that caster or dot classes couldnt even start to deal damage. Even bosses died in a couple of seconds. Thats no advantage, its boring.

Further I doubt these changes will increase the time needed to level to 80 a huge amount.
I was lvl 80 shortly after arriving in the third area. So most of your XP will come from quest rewards and only fighting will take slightly longer.
I bet overall it wilk take maybe 1h longer if even.

just got the normal version after all my friends lvlt x characters with early access , why not leave it that way and dont make a pay to win , after all said that there shouldnt be an advantage ?

Because they perceive their new-found difficulty as unfair.

Now, I completely disagree with them as you do, but I know this is a common opinion and it has to be respected in the sense that paying more shouldn’t boost the speed of your progression.

Of course many of these people probably buy the €60 boost, but… you know. Still. It just looks bad.

The fundamental issue here is that surely they tested this with a decked out s3 character or s4 character? I know I did on their servers and I told them about it, which begs the question of “why now?”

It feels malicious or antagonistic to people who paid less, and rightfully so. This should not happen. It should’ve just been fixed out of the gate. And they have to make sure not to give players so much power progression. The difference between the lowest and highest geared characters is far too large for them to take make this work properly.

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yeah the change would not mind anyone if they did it a week before , its the timing that is annoying