Leveling Difficulty Changes Incoming

Or honestly just fixed it a few weeks later. It’s the fact that it happens just after releasing the cheaper version that gets people.

EDIT: Autocorrect is doing my head in right now. If my Good I am going crazy.

I disagree. Only those few complaining in forums will think like that. Most people dont even read such posts or patch notes and just wont notice but have a better experience.

So while I agree that it would be better if they noticed and adjusted that in the beta, I dont think they should keep unbalanced and less fun experience just to pamper people that want to keep bad balancing because other people needed some minutes less to get to 80.

This balance fix is necessary.

Seriously Blizzard. These are issues that should have been discovered during Beta, hell, it should have been discovered by internal testing before Beta.

The War Within is obviously still in Early Access, cause you’re clearly still testing and adjusting it.

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DONT. ITS fun for newer players too feel strong…
Also its not fair to do it after EA players made 20 max characters.


Blizzard couldn’t figure out the most obvious thing after months of alpha, beta and PTR test? And it has to make this change right after EA period and 1 day after official release? Oh, come on!

There are already a lot of players think EA is unfair advantage and Blizzard’s conspiracy to push people to pay more. All these inexplicable moves only strengthen that view.


By that logic every online game is forever early access. Name one game that doesnt have constant balancing adjustments in this genre.

Its no fun to have zero challenge and feel OP from start to end of leveling. There isnt any progression feeling this way.

There is a difference between making Balancing Adjustments as the game progresses. And literally making a massive change to the leveling pace and scaling, days within release. This is something that should have been tested and just working from the get go.

Mention a single other MMO, that within days of their release… Hell, have ever been like “Oh, people are leveling faster than we anticipated, we’re gonna change that.” beside from WoW

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That unfair

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When does this go live?

It already did.

They literaly sh1ting on players who just started


Weird, I just tested with a lvl 70 paladin and I’m still one hitting things left and right… I’lll try to find a rare :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Actually I would say every MMO release had hot fix balance adjustments in the first weeks. I already said by myself that I think stuff like this should be noticed in beta, but still its not “unfair” because overall it delivers a better experience for those leveling after the patch. Especially the people that don’t constantly think about other people having some illusional advantages. Its no race.

There were dozens of threads in the early access time by people complaining that leveling feels way too easy and fast and that its not fun to feel OP the whole leveling experience.

And now people complaint to get a better experience just because they fear they have some disadvantages, while its the exact opposite.

Hotfix isnt online now. Read the blue post.

Makes sense, I’ll wait and see what impact this has… if any

Still don’t care and wont buy your early access scam next time sorry… lm not planning for a world 1st having a bit early lvl 80 doesnt bother me


I’m very dissapointed Blizzard, EA was a huge mistake, now this … Thanks for ruining yet another day of TWW launch … even tho it’s just day two right? right?!

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The change is not even out yet. ive been levelling and its still doing tons of damage

Sure Blizzard are even diplomatic about explaining damage procs on certain trinkets; increase by a ‘small bit’ or whatever they say - rather than a number or %.

dramatic? change is not even live go level.

fun isnt it ? :smiley:

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