Lewd names shouldn't exist within world of Warcraft for kids

You don’t have valid reasoning for the topic you write about.
Why do I know that?
Because reasoning you’ve given you refuse to apply to anything else but the topic you’ve given.

Which disqualifies it as valid reasoning.

Just rep this thread for trolling

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Glorifying a name that Is lewd Is still not something to be proud about. Also I’ve still stated that I will talk about the topic at hand. I didn’t write about that you just wrote, if you want to talk about that you can make an thread about it. Am not interested in it-

Well, I want to look at topic you write about. But you refuse to give reasoning for this topic or why that should be wrong.
So if you can’t figure out why is it wrong to call characters lewd names, then I don’t see why it should be banned in any form.

It’s because you compare a name with something you can’t compare it with-

I can compare it with whatever I wish.

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You can compare a name to what ever you wish yes. But I will still state I want to talk about the topic.

You want to talk about that, but you refuse to give valid reasoning.

I’m just pointing that out. That you demand something, but refuse to give valid explanation for why should other act as you wish.

weaponised idiocy is the future folks…

be afraid be very afraid

why fight battles when you can influence others to do it for you?


just dont play this game, its very risky and dangerouse. to even let your kid play this game is insane, im afraid your kid is damaged beyond recovery now. i wish you both good luck.

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Yes, I also feel like Thellanah is a troll.
He doesn’t bother with providing explanation, just demands ridiculous stuff out of nowhere.
And he even snuck lewd word into his name himself, if you read it backwards.


I wrote this topic about lewd names in mind and I think Its a problem. Growing bigger in World of Warcraft, People shouldn’t be able to name them self lewd stuff because learning from that people wont treat people with respect.

It can also lead to bullying and people getting left out. Am gonna reply to others now as well. Since we can’t reach an agreement.

If you treat people with respect only if they’re named in a way that you find pleasant then you’re horrible human being and it’s actually good to teach kids that they should respect other human beings no matter what their name is.

You literally promote bullying by demanding people to change their name because you don’t find it pleasant and you refuse to respect their name.

Sure, it definately seems others are inclined to hear out your honest contributions.

In My eyes that name isn’t a name.

bootyslapper isnt lewd, its a normal name.

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can some ppl start a new post some place, troll or not, just something better than this bad bait

I let people do that I can heal.

But it is my name the one my Mama gave me a birth

I find that hard to believe, Maybe a nickname

Thellana My daughter i regret letting you be online at the age of 20, please forgive me.