Is that a Rocky Horror Picture Show mog???
It shows promise if it is…
Anyway, on topic - what actually constitutes an offensive name?? Apart from the obvious racism and outright profane ones. A play on words is absolutely fine, within reason, but I will say one thing to the OP - give it a few years and your kid will most likely possess the ability to swear like a sailor, no point hiding silly names on a game from him
Not to be rude, but there are no way you can change that, the Parents allow their kids to play games, they are aware of things like this, World of Warcraft ain’t close as bad like others, Fortnite, where people say and do stuff, a game a lot of kids play, same with FPS games, for some reason that’s a thing for small kids, your complaint to me makes no sense, u assume this is a child game, it’s mostly adults playing it, also the other MMO games, they got 18+ transmog, and it’s very obvious ones, if you fear your own kids seeing bad words, just simply be a parent and don’t let them play games that’s harmful, although I played wow in my very young age, didn’t pay much attention to the words, didn’t even know what they meant…
What? I was using the word ‘effortless’ correctly, as in something I find easy to do, taking little or no effort for me, or let me guess, is this another one of those words that reddit kids are trying to corrupt from it’s actual meaning?
Anything that makes people not name their characters from the most obnoxious words / memes. Is a support from me.
The less i have to be reminded of a constant Kindergarden when i play the game, the better. Cus thats literally what it feels like. Sooo many people make names in the game that gives you the feeling of being in high school and not in a fantasy world.
I am actually offended by you being offended by this trivial none issue.
If you don’t want your kid to experience these kinds of names simply don’t let them play the game anymore (that being said, I doubt they are old enought to play it anyways if you have to explain a name like Bootyslapper). You might not like it, but the world doesn’t revolve around you and your sensibilities.
Personally I think it’s a dumb name that doesn’t fit in the game world, tho it’s certainly not “lewd”, but I would never be arrogant or entitled enough to complain to the manager about it or demand it to be censored.