Lewd names shouldn't exist within world of Warcraft for kids

Oh please, cry me a river! Please S-T-F-U

heaven forbid your kid sees a name that has Butt in it but its okay to go an a genocide killing spree on boars/bears/humans and what ever that has pulse and some things that dontā€¦

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WoW isnā€™t made for kids. Their target audience is teen+, ie ppl old enough to have developed some social skills.

Personally, I actually like your visible erudition, your posts are very entertaining and enjoyable to read. Especially for someone who loves language in all forms, gets excited by the classics, loves poetry and is a voracious reader of both fiction and non-fiction.

Context is everything, if people wanted knowledge about the game, they would use the plethora of sites that already deliver this.

Open forums are here as a means of discussion, entertainment and to share your views, opinions and dare I say it, individuality. People donā€™t have to read them, thatā€™s a choice.
So while being concise has itā€™s uses in certain situations, I canā€™t see the relevance on an open forum.

Continue being you, you canā€™t please everyone, but just for your shown level of knowledge and skill with words, you are memorable on here, you do make an impression.

Wouldnā€™t it really be a bland and boring place if we were all the same :slight_smile:

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Imagine thinking this makes you somehow better than everyone else lmao

No idea how you come to that conclusion from that quote just makes you look bitter and wanting to flame for no reason.

Tynmaerae comes across a real nice poster and polite.

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That is very kind of you, likewise you are always an entertaining and polite poster!!!

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This has to be the weakest self-insert fiction Iā€™ve ever read.


That name is just a description of something some people enjoy doing. What is wrong with it?

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well now >.>

Itā€™s breaking the rules of a name.

Did you really need to necro this thread? I think you found your answer amongst the 500 or so replies.


Of course, because kids with their cellphones at young age do not have access to way more offensive stuff because their parents where to busy to handle them so they threw a cellphone to their faces, but wow lewd names is the issue.

Calm down karen.

Make wow 21+ game any day, you wont lose anyone really.
Who would actually miss this tiniest part of game population, its not fortnite where its core. Or we need to keep internet predators happy?
Most people here are 30+, building this game for 12 y.o. wont bring them into what they see as an ancient game only the fossil plays.

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XD i agree.

Wish wow was rated 16+.

Another alliance.
Another terrible take.

And you cant even play game if you are 12+ you need account made by someone older and pay for it lol.

Speak for yourself grandma.
Join guide ask people and you would be surprised so many newcomers are playing and teenagers.

I like you holystyle but your insults and how you speak to others is getting tiresome.

You do not need to be so angry all the time.

You should be banned for bumping this sad thread AGAIN.


Would ā€œLoverocketā€ be acceptable? :thinking:


One should not call herrself "

To me these says i am grandma and back in my day vibe.