There is an option to report a character’s name.
I always report some notes when looking for group like “Big … needed for a 15”.
I don’t know if this can be controlled as there are so many using bad language in groups being spiteful without awereness of anything.
I would be really close to my child if he was playing to check the influence from it.
Why isnt he banned permanently? He jumps in every discussion being hateful!
We are talking about BIG psychiatric issue.
guild name checks out, welcome to the real world bruh
Very eloquent.High educated are we?
When we start a new sentence we use Cap letter.Like Guild.
Then you judge the guild name for no reason at all just to spit the poison you have in your brain to any direction (me or someone else).
I meet your kind every day.
Trust me we are not the ones with the “Problem”.
At least in my opinion, if your child does not know what the context of that name is, it is too young for this game (younger than teen) or too sheltered.
Why is it that in this bonkers society it is more serious if something is alluding to something lewd but but violence, killing, theft etc are fine?
It is the parents who are supposed to be doing the parenting and not the entertainment industry.
I don’t think she is asking the entertainment industry to do any parenting here.
But since her child likes the game she would prefer not to have this language so free and available.
But you know how people are if this is left unchecked.
Bootyslapper has place for other sites for a username and noone will complaint there.
Well, maybe the character is a pirate and likes to slap his loot (Booty)?
This is exactly what is one of the many things that parenting involves. Cutting off the access of ones child towards content that the parent deems not appropriate.
That the OP is asking is for something about the game to change for everyone because they do not want to make a decision that will affect just their child.
Whenever that forces a company to take an action, it is generally a net loss for the majority, like when we lost the ability to comment on YT videos depicting our favorite childhood series/movies.
That happened due to some grooming kids on the comments there, apparently.
I wonder if someday the forks will be banned because someone goes on a stabbing spree.
Nooooo, it’s my favorite table thing!
World of Warcraft is not for kids and never was.
Why you even want give kid a game about killing, war and rape?
Are you insane?
People those times think that everything is make for kids I tell you it is not!
I still don’t understand why even WoW get 12+ Teen rating. when game from root is full of stuff designed for adults. Also when kids have salary that allow them to pay monthly subscription and buy ingame items from shop?
Because that’s, technically, real life.
Because there is no blood, nudity, nor mature language.
Lies, lies, lies.
Mature language:
Nazmir location is full of blood rituals, cinematis and quest where you can see blood. We have vampries that use blood as a weapons. Venthyr covenant is all about blood.
All female dragon aspects all almost naked, elfs are half naked.
And you forget about drug addiction. We have this many times in diffrent qquest expansions and zones, but most I remember mana addiction. Like Blood elfs and Nightelfs have.
Half-naked isn’t the same - I didn’t create how the rules work.
That was removed in Shadowlands.
And it’s the only instance where it happens.
Lorewise it’s just anima, there is no blood.
Well, not blood as in ‘‘Gore’’.
Blood elves don’t have an addiction anymore. And addiction comes in many forms, not just drugs. And I assume you mean Nightborne, and not night elves - that has also been fixed.
I agree with OP but not with same view.
I believe immersion breaking /outright stupid/insulting names should not be allowed not because some might find it not good for kids.
I find a lot of peoples name silly and stupid, but as long as it isnt immature (man, I’ve seen so many fellow swedes with immature swedish names) or rude, I dont care.
If they’re rude - I generally report them.
At times like this I ask:
Who will be the one deciding where the line that should not be crossed be?
In Battlefield V’s chat we could not even write the word “stupid” without getting filtered.
We cannot write the word “clan” any more because someone decided it is associated with the other word that starts with “K”
Each time an inch is given, a mile is taken
Blizzard, they’re really good at it too.
Do you like fruit bowls?
Moreover, what counts as “immersion breaking/outright stupid/insulting” is far too subjective.