i was born (85) and am still put in the same generation as yours (99) …
i feel like i got the short straw tbh.
i was born (85) and am still put in the same generation as yours (99) …
i feel like i got the short straw tbh.
you know when i was little if something bad or offensive happened to me do you know what i was told to deal with it ?
“pick yourself up deal with it and dont let it happen again”
i wasent told to go crying to the public because i got my feeling hurt…
You are allowed, when you are in company with people of similar age. But online you are not in company with people of your age only.
Yeah, idk who does that but we are not the same generation in case of how we have grown up.
Behavior-generation itself however, is not limited to birth-generation. My greek-german uncle used german youth-language even before it became popular. Such things do not limit to when you were born or became an adult. It is a sub-culture thing.
Like I said the age of consent is not the age of adulthood.
Legally that is still 18 in most EU countries.
funny story actually…
my brother was being bullied by a girl who lived 3 door up from us… he went to my dad and told him what was happening…
my dad told him “to go make her stop and dont cry over it”
so my brother picked up his plastic cricket bat walked over to the said girl and hit her across the face with it lol…
she definitely stopped for good…
but my brother did get a slap on the booty for that one.
That’s not great, either, in my opinion.
Now, I’m not a teacher so I probably don’t know what I’m talking about, but I was a kid, and therefore I think I do…
When I was a kid, there were some teachers who could teach us and others who could not, and the main difference was their ability to command your respect to the point where you would not dare cross them and their morality, which of course itself has to be good.
In ideal cases they are supported by a good principal that commands even more respect.
You know what held me from running around and shouting and being a general prick to everybody? Because I knew that, if I did, I’d get in real trouble with Per Thygesen. And if he for whatever reason couldn’t handle me he’d send me outside the class room and I’d get disapproving stares from all the other teachers walking by, and if that didn’t help I’d go to “Ole Groves kontor” where I’d sit next to the principal in silence for the rest of the class and if I didn’t behave myself my parents would be called, and if they couldn’t handle it I’d be removed from them entirely, and I loved them.
It is an ever-escalating ladder of unspoken threats where you will never be physically harmed or mentally hurt. You’re just scared of the consequences of breaking rank yet find that much is permitted and there is much fun to have even if you don’t.
You learn authority.
And if you know authority, and you know authority doesn’t want you pushing and shouting and cursing, then guess what? You won’t be cursing and shouting and shoving and pushing at all.
Once you learn that you can be taught a subject.
I only ever got to “Ole Groves kontor” once. Nothing happened. He only stared at me disapprovingly for 5 seconds and then I sat in silence for 20 minutes. Last time I ever did it. Ole Grove is a kind man, by the way, I know that now. But back then, oh I was terrified of getting on his bad side even though he never showed one.
That’s what good schooling means in the young ages imo.
Unfortunately I still got bullied sometimes. And some people got removed from the school and letters were sent to their parents. I didn’t have a perfect childhood by any stretch, but the teachers did not neglect me!
for me i learned less from teachers and more from observing others mistakes.
i got sent out of class a few times… in my time in school but i wasent exactly a example of a great student. i was too switched on and gave my teachers a hard time because of it.
if i wasent jumping out the class windows mid lesson to skip lessons… i was ditching lessons completely. lol.
i turned out alright in the end…
had to ditch some lessons cause my gals at the time wanted to meet up … you know how it is when ur a teen back in the day
i got a lot of respect for dating a girl a fair bit older than i was… and with that no one messed with me etc.
Oh, well I tried that for a brief spell and my mom literally took me physically to school, kicking and screaming if she had to, until I learned that I had to go there, end of discussion.
Also, turns out I like mathematics, and we had maths every day. That helped.
That may be true in real life, but there is no law, unspoken rule or religious/cultural commandment that everyone should behave child friendly on the Internet. The internet is, after all, not a nation or single culture. It is basically the digital international sea without any real laws and rules.
What users do on your own platform, is your territory to enforce law and order. But if a company like Blizzard would see a problem there, they would take action. Since they do not, there is no problem for others than yourself.
For example, the OP complains about sexual joking names. Simple solution. Don’t let your child play WoW/Online games then.
In case of sexuality, in germany it is 14 between same-aged and 16 for 16y or older.
It is indeed not. Teachers should try to make kids question their actions with empathy for the hurt faction/person, not say either “deal with it” or “voice it”.
In fact I think, a bully would only really learn their behavior is bad if they are both socially and physically punished (I don’t mean beating the bully by that). For example, first a private talk between bully and bullied in presence of the overseeing teacher (including conversational pressure), later an in-class public explanation in front of all the other class-members and THEN the physical punishment via detention (for example, 4h detention with other bullies, where they have to produce something productive within the time or they get another detention).
To make an individual let lose of bad behavior, you have to make them uncomfortable. So uncomfortable that they don’t even think about stepping out of line again. That can be achieved by both restricting freedom of their freetime via work and social pressure within the class/school.
That is how I think schools should handle it.
What? just what ?
Lol my school did all of this. You’d make a great teacher or principal.
I still got bullied. I was probably one of the most bullied people at the entire school. But I was not forgotten or neglected and I was not told to “just deal with it” - not in the slightest. It was a good school.
The age of consent has nothing to do with this entire conversation. It’s a bizarre angle brought in when discussing legal adults. In the UK you can have sex at 16 but you still aren’t an adult until you are 18.
Discussing legal adulthood is the real bizarre angle here. Well, they’re both bizarre actually. I think you’re the first one who brought it up - to me as well.
my mum and dad supported me said i was doing the right thing by doing my own thing.
i wasent a bad person i still had respect for others etc…
i just preferred to do things my way on my terms, rather than being told to sit listen and obey .
I didn’t. I stated that child still applies to a person under the age of 18.
You brought sexual consent into this. Which is wholly irrelevant.
I didn’t. I stated that child still applies to a person under the age of 18.
But it doesn’t. Only legally under UN convention, and not even legally in Denmark. Nobody was talking about UN laws or age of consent or anything of the sort before you did, and then you got me sidetracked.
Age of consent does not make you an adult.
Your point is irrelevant.
tbh this entire discussion is irrelevant and a waste of time