Lewd names shouldn't exist within world of Warcraft for kids

No yours is.

The OP’s child saw something and their parent wanted to report it. Then you lot all all went off at a tangent about a child playing WoW when every person under 18 in most of the EU is a child when playing this game.

As I have stated repeatedly the age of the person wanting to report whatever it is they did found offensive is irrelevant. I do not understand why some of you became so obsessed because the OP has a child that played the game and reported an offensive name.

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Well if you take that tone so is yours then as the game is for 12+ not teens+
12 year olds are not adults in any country that i know off and the OP was asking about rules and reporting which AD as a role playing server has different so yes the name is reportable for them.
Myself i would not report it but there you go people are making far to much out of this post with the usual iam right your wrong bs.

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Go on. Use your brain yourself. Think about what I said and what I mean. I won’t explain it to you more than this regular explanation.

Not sure if you are being serious here :thinking:

It has nothing to do with the topic, outside of “sexual name” topic from the OP. Just wanted to mention that my country has different numbers for serious stuff like this.

For example drinking. Mild alcoholics are allowed with 16. Harder stuff with 18+. Driving: With 17 in overwatch of an Adult. With 18 Alone.

Does not contribute much to the original topic, I know. Just wanted to mention it.

In regards of “games age verification” I would say this. If a game is rated for 12 via PEGI/USK, that does mean the content is meant for humans of the minimum age of 12+. Unlike our OP thinking that a rating of 12 means people have to behave fitting for 12y old children in the game, which is wrong.

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I wasn’t the one who made this about children. You and others strangely obsessed that the word child was correctly used.

had a meeting with the head teacher once for my behaviour…

the headteacher didnt like i was ditching classes and not wearing school uniform instead wearing my casual skate gear to school and skating around the school hallways…

my dad literally layed into the headteacher telling him they should be applauding me for having the guts to do things my own way…

after that i was never called into the head office again… and i was allowed to wear whatever i liked for the rest of the time i was there lol.

i did end up leaving school with merits and commendations though so i wasent a overall bad student.

I don’t think so. The game’s already been sanitized to death and the last thing we need is someone asking for even more.

And wanted to tell us about it and share our opinion.

The tangent there is talking about EU laws.

12+ is literally 1 year off of thirTEEN and in the US the equivalent rating is Teen, but fine, you can have that point scored if you truly want it.

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Adult = person will be judged in court without special conditions.

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My response was not based on your original comment context but the main posts context. I am not judging you here or anything :slight_smile:

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No points needed i am just saying my view no need for you and your tone.

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No, they’re certainly not adults.

I would actually personally argue that 12 is still a child, but there’s a range between there and adulthood where they’re not behaving like children nor behaving like adults.

And that particular demographic does not need to be protected from the word “booty”, and only that particular demographic has been OK’d to play the game by the ESRB. As a parent you can do what you like and you are free to disagree with all this, but I think that having a child outside that demographic play the game against recommendations is on you.

So either: The kid is a teenager and there is no problem, or the child is not a teenager and the parent was warned. So yeah.

Punyelf is extremely, extremely antagonistic, returning to an already discussed point repeatedly with short and curt phrases that does nothing to further the discussion even in her own view.

It’s trolling, plain and simple. I should honestly report it instead of responding to it.


I know it’s just gone off at some weird tangent :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

teen and child is two different things…

if op let a child play wow…

op is at fault

and they have no right to moan if said child saw seomthing bad while playing… as they shouldnt be in the first place.

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They aren’t. A teenager is still a a child until they reach their 18th birthday no matter how you twist it. Unless your country has a different age for adulthood.

In the UK you are not an adult until you are 18.

When my son was 14 he was still a child.

However it’s wholly irrelevant. See an offensive name that you feel breaks the rules. Just report it.

Oh thel Sit down SHUT up and Bew quiet. No one cares, the game isnt desidnged for kids anyway which is why theres a age limit raiting. And talking about lewdness in the game? Your one of the Creepiest, Most perverted players ive ever met… So if your gonna complain about someone elses name. Take a look at your own actions and behaviour, Because i know people that have left the server, and the game, because of your behaviour …


Your actions on internet can lead for you to face court trial. To claim that internet is some sort of international lawless realm is wrong on so many levels.

UN exists, interpol exists, international court exist, your country exist too.

i was a "young adult from 14 - 17… in uk … hell i started working my first full time job after i left school at 14… and landed my first job at 15.

and i am from the uk…


Then stop bringing it up. He isn’t. Nobody is. You’re the only one who keeps doing it then wondering how we got there and calling upon us to stop the weirdest tangent ever.

AKA: No u.


Maybe i should make a character called “butthurt”… XD
Sorry can’t take this thread serious anymore.


The original name was changed in the OP as to not be ‘naming and shaming’ so THAT is not the original name. I wasn’t here to see what the original name was, but I assume it was further inappropriate and the game has certain rules regarding names for a reason. Quoting laws, or the ESRB isn’t very relevant when there’s a discussion about a RULE from the code of conduct.