LF a Blizzard response: All talents that reduce Spell Resists in PVP no longer works since Phase 2!


[Not a bug list May 18 - 2021]

https:// tbc.wowhead .com/news/burning-crusade-classic-not-a-bug-list-may-18-2021-322401/

“Cloak of Shadows cannot increase the resist chance higher than 80% against other players’ spells. The full 90% chance to resist does apply against non-player creatures.”

And now:

https:// us.forums.blizzard .com/en/wow/t/all-talents-that-reduce-spell-resists-in-pvp-no-longer-works-since-phase-2/1114096/5/

“This was first reported to be 80% in the beta for original Burning Crusade. However, a later change to the resist formula during that Beta resulted in Cloak of Shadows granting 90% resist chance in PvP. Ultimately, original Burning Crusade launched with Cloak of Shadows resisting at 90%, and that was not changed throughout the original expansion.”

So to sum it all up, the current game they are emulating was/is based on the BETA version of retail TBC instead of the proper 2.4.3 state of the game + they can change their previous statements however and whenever they want.

There is no guarantee that the current behavior is correct because as stated above, they could be wrong yet again. Unfortunately all it takes for ppl to accept this state of affairs is to trust them with the deaf explanation “we compared it with the reference client and core” and thats it.

I really hope that you didnt change this huge core mechanic just because of the Cloak of Shadows spell (it really looks like it so far, especially with the Wand shoot stealth/ninja change that makes Wands NOT work against Cloak of Shadows anymore as well → another mind-boggling change btw).

Noone would care if you made Cloak of Shadows even 100%!! I repeat… NOONE. I bet people would agree that it is a good change. What we are pissed about is that the current game is nothing but rolling a dice and there is no mitigation that the player can do (which was possible until now).

Boosting rogues, boosting meta specs/combs and indirectly NERFING non-meta specs + HEAVILY increasing overal RNG by dozens of % is exactly what this game needed all along. /bravo

The currently emulated game is FAR from actual retail TBC experience, but this one particular change that will make all players miserable is aparently very important to preserve. The “some changes” approach is really showing here.


Has there been any clarification yet?

No, and there won’t be via the forums as Blizzard don’t read them and don’t post unless it’s a patch note update, just make a bug report ingame

Kaivax did respond to a post on the same topic on the US forums though.

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So you are asking them to post the same reply here instead of someone just linking it?

It has been linked twice already.

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So they are saying it’s working as it should now so they won’t change it again.

Yes. A rather strange occurence considering they “don’t read” and “don’t post” on the forums.

On the US forums they do but they stay away from the EU forums, except for nonsense posts like “what’s your favourite cake” and stupid things like that.

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Don’t feed Dottie.


I’m right though.

can we please revert the change? it does not make fun to lose games because of resists which are random. it burns me out. i already play less PvP but i comes to a point where im just do 10 games on my 2v2 team.

i dont get it. first you change in PvP the rating system and put in rating requirements which gatekeeps over 90% of the players from season 1 weapons.
what was is the consequence? LOW PARTICIPATION in arena!

than we got only 12 weeks of arena points instead of 20, we get less points in general because most people dont even play at 1500. the best 35% were at like 1400?!

do you even think? how can you change a rating system but not the arena points. and than, how can you put rating requirements when there were no requirements back than.

can you for once make a community welcome change? is it too difficult for your devs?

there is zero communication about PvP in general. it is frustrating to play your game sometimes. also there are so many boosters and bots for gold farming. it is annoying

This need another bump

and another one

At least my eye of maggy procs more often

  1. Revert the spell hit nerf - not a single person asked for this, and not a single person is for it
  2. Disable belt in arena - changes the game in fundamental ways, both for healers and DPS
  3. Disable skull in arena - changes the game in fundamental ways, both for healers and DPS

Those 3 changes alone, which should take about an hour of work each, would instantly make the game more enjoyable for pretty much everyone involved.

The skull and belt are very diskutable topics, in no means clear to everyone

So should we ditch those talents for good until blizz fixes this crap?

Why do people in this thread call it “stealth nerf”? I’m almost sure it’s just an accidental bug.

Blizz will fix it after they do the research and the coding. I.e. in a couple months, maybe a few, maybe a year, maybe never.

I’m curious, is it the same with “reduces the chance of your X to be dispelled” talents?

It’s a stealth nerf because

  • it worked fine (and as expected according to general public’s memory and private servers, a manifestation of that memory) in P1. Nobody complained.
  • people noticed a drastic change in behavior in P2, and took to forums to report it as a bug
  • turns out it was a cherry-picked change (this is why TBC is merely emulated) brought by the devs for some reason, with no information in patch notes or explanation until the blue post.

What is particularly interesting here is that nobody wanted this change. I feel as though even devs didn’t want it, but somehow brought it back and were sort of relieved that it may have been like that for a little while towards the END of the original TBC - so they wouldn’t have to touch it and change it back, pleasing the #nochanges crowd.

If we’re going to have only the final patch for an entire expansion (which is actually quite good for PvP balance sake, especially for Wotlk), why not go back and not introduce changes that literally nobody wants.