LF a female toon for 90% co-op PvE & 10% clean strictly IC romance

what is this thread lol

If she’s a prostitute I’m the whole brothel my guy

starts sentences with ‘And’


Literally using every artificial method of thread dragging I can fathom. The ‘NO YOU’RE THE TROLL’ is usually a late game pull but hey, whatever works. :rofl:

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Tubri2.0, he upgraded his imaginary GF to Wife.

but u didn’t

was this something to be assumed as well; and you didn’t say how you’d ensure they’d be adults if you did

you didn’t actually answer mion at all unless you meant something to be inferred from your vacuous ramblings

Take a shot every time this guy says illiterate or illiteracy


We’d all go to hospital within 5posts then

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Take extra if he spells it wrong?

or intelligent lol

man’s the amalgamation of r/iamverysmart, r/niceguys, and r/ihavesex or r/incel


It’s a romance-RP ad, followed by an ocean of bored people nitpicking and picking on whatever can cure their boredom and frustration with life or the game, of illiteracy, stupidity, cynicism, trolling, cliché memes, and very few trying to be civil or have a modicum of common sense or literacy when reading OP or others’ posts. That pretty much sums it up.

Artificial? In case you’re illiterate or vision-impaired, literally all I have to do is naturally respond to your trolling, memes, and stupid arguments. No art or artificialness needed. You’re providing all the raw material that I can naturally and organically process into counter-sarcasm.

And he upgraded his well-used escort into a GF. :man_shrugging:

I cannot cure vision-impairness or illiteracy. Please seek help elsewhere.

That one is good … from “ensure they’re girls” to “ensure they’re adults.” What do you propose? Ask for their credit cards or IDs? Hahaha.

You, lot, are hilarious, I swear. :joy::joy::joy:

If you can’t see the illiteracy, then … the only logical conclusion is that you’re also illiterate.

Please, don’t make that stop you, though, do take a shot. Pull your best meme from the trash can in your skull.:joy:

You’re a bit right here, for the first time. I am actually very intelligent. That was proven in school, university, work, and even IQ tests — if those still count.

Unintelligent people think that that would make me “arrogant” or “full of myself,” but self-knowledge almost never means arrogance, especially when you know your weaknesses as much as you know your strengths.

And, clearly, one of my weaknesses is feeding trolls. I just … can’t stop myself from feeding them, man.

Here, have some more on me, so you can find me more from the trash can in your skull. I’m curious what else you’ve dumped in there.

show me your degree certificate sans name right now

man’s got me taking 5+ shots in one post smh :pensive: :fist: :pray:

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Did he now?

You know, as an intelligent person, I can always “sans-name” any degree from the web. :joy:

So, no, if you’re intelligent, you’d know that I can’t prove that to you, especially if you’re not willing to believe to begin with. I’ll tell you one thing, though, I’m a valedictorian in the American education system. I was the best student in my school academically and athletically, and I do have a certificate for it saying that I’m the “All Around Senior Male” and my school told me that nobody earned that in the school’s history before me.

But … I guess I’m making all that up, because you read this “story” a lot on the web. :joy::man_shrugging:

do you have this tattooed on your leg for the ladies’ eyes only

babe wake up new male just dropped

Ladies and gentlemen we found it, the biggest redest flag I have ever seen


I’m creased, troll or earnest, this is great.