LF a female toon for 90% co-op PvE & 10% clean strictly IC romance

man i didn’t even get through the five shots before i gotta take some more

all in the name of an all around senior male i guess :pleading_face::fist:


See, you can meme about anything, whether it deserves memes or not. You can also disbelieve anything, no matter what kind of proof you see. It’s not really about me; it’s about you, what you can and cannot see, and what filters you’re wearing on your eyes and the hypothetical filters on your brain through which you see and understand the world around you. You, trolls, have no interest in having an actual conversation, finding the truth, or understanding anything; you just want to justify your prejudice, you want to find other gang members who share your distorted views and cynical vision of the world around you, so they can reassure you that you’re not weird, alone, or all that different, and not even a bad person since there are so many others like you. And ultimately, a troll doesn’t see other trolls as trolls per se; he or she sees them as his or her tribe members, “normal” beings just like him or her.

It’s almost the weekend and I had some free time, so I had my fun too and fed you what I could, and as the saying goes, all publicity is good publicity, but it’s time for me to leave you to exchange memes with each other before you can find and move on to your next forum-trolling endeavor to try and fill the emptiness within, which will never be filled that way.

Goodbye, my trolls.

And if anyone has anything friendly and intelligent to say, please do send in-game mail or whispers.

Thank you.

I can smell the doritos, mountain dew and BO from that post

Have a pleasant evening.

I’m in the market for a Grimtotem male who can heal and love me. You in?

I found a copypasta about Ben Shapiro’s sister but it’s not appropriate for the forums


… I was only gone for a couple of hours, goodness.

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Send it to me on Discord plez

Moderators should have locked this thread about one hundred posts ago… We took the bait, had our laughs and now it is just getting sad. Flag as innapropriate/trolling and move on.

spams Shadowmend again

At least, I can see your face again. Rejoicing must be had.
[Edit] I mean litteraly, the icons are no longer broken.




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I am, once again, unsure if this vulpera is a man or a woman.

You wound me deep, Boush.
You wound me… Deep!

Wait, what does bisexuality have to do with being meme savvy?

I’m not a cynical, bitter, spiteful shadow of a human being.

I have doubts about this statement.

the uno reverse card was in rainbow

I have ascended