Having to sign a ToS to engage with someone tho… thats rare.
And really weird.
And kinda creepy.
Just roleplay?
Yeah, it is.
female is an adjective, just fyi - using it as a noun is dehumanizing (and the OP hasn’t really used it in that way anyway)
it’s moreso his tones how he writes that’s also objectifying or infantilizing women
imagine not even kissing your homies, smh rokmore’s fellas are emotionally starved i bet
are you even homies if you can’t share a lil kiss ?
man the bar for friendship has plummeted huh
Sticking my tongue down the throat of friends is just how I show platonic affection
Fantastic point that I didn’t catch.
Furthermore, in pursuit of clarification: What’s really the deal with
And what exactly is the point of
If the peculiar personal player preference is so imporant to a 100% IC romance?
It’s genuinely perplexing.
“But if the person is a dude its weird!!1”
In the spirit of Mion, here is Vixi’s quick guide how to find a roleplay partner & or do romance Roleplay.
Step 1. Ask a friend if they want to roleplay what you have in mind, if they say yes just go and get started. (Optional)
Step 2. Just go out and roleplay. If you become friends with someone or your character finds a person they like after getting to know them(so not just instantly) then see if it it can be turned into a character relationship. (Not needed if step 1 is done).
Do not do:
-Weird checklist over terms and conditions.
-Take it OOC by demanding prefferences of the person OOC.
Basically, just go out and roleplay instead.
My guide is shorter.
- Actually interact with women.
- Go outside and socialize.
I got an IC wife for 1-2 years.
That’s how you get cooties!
Getting big stop digging vibes in this thread friends.
Sure is a lot to unpack in this thread but the most loud bit is the very /r/niceguys vibes
Yeah, so you and others “have been burnt” and had bad experiences in your past. Are you projecting those experiences on me? I ALREADY said that here’s the damn ignore/block button if any of what I say doesn’t prove to be true. And if I were looking for one or two hours of fun, there’s damned Goldshire. I don’t need to be sitting here responding to all this trolling, illiteracy, and ignorance, and following up to more trolling about my “superior intelligence,” when you don’t even need to be all that smart to see the stupidity in so many cynical conclusions here. Seriously, anyone who can read properly, would see that I never said that my roleplaying partner needs to be a cis-female, as several illiterate trolls here have concluded.
And “super common” doesn’t apply to me, clearly, at least because you don’t read an OP like this every day. And as I already said, you can cope with immersion doing that stuff with your friends, then power to you, but the occasional immersion makes this very awkward for me. And I’ve heard of enough examples of “RL friends turned lovers” and “WoW lovers turned RL lovers” to know that you’re just trying to clearly BS me when you claim that it’s never awkward to do this with friends or it never bleeds, even slightly, to the RL friendship. This is clear BS; I just couldn’t be bothered to call you, people, on it earlier, but even in the off-chance that it’s true for you and your friends, then power to you and congratulations on doing something differently from all those friends turned lovers that I mentioned.
5 Likes, so far, on this comment. And some people think I’m referring to my superior intelligence when I refer to the utter stupidity and illiteracy of some trolls here.
In case you didn’t know, /party or /instance chat can be considered OOC, especially when other PuG members are being addressed, and the vast majority of PuGs don’t really say anything at all more than hello, and that’s if they even said that. And questing can very much be done in-character by two roleplayers who decide to do so. So, I really don’t see the problem with 99% of communication being IC.
Yes, you did a little, and I see you tried really hard there to make it sound logical and well-thought out but no, all that won’t help me when the occasional immersion kicks in. I gave more examples of how powerful immersion can be above, heartbeat rising when playing horror games, people crying while watching movies, and people saying “I died,” whether in a raid or while questing. And I also mentioned the countless “friends turned lovers” example. If all this cannot convince you that it can be very awkward to do romance with friends sometimes, or that it may occasionally bleed into RL from either direction, then that’s your prerogative but I know better than to think what you’re saying applies to everyone.
Huh, “female” is objectifying! Who would’a thunk it! Our passports are objectifying us, all governmental forms do, even matchmaking websites also objectify its users!
The most interesting part of this argument from a few of you is that all of you, without exception, completely ignored the fact that I also wrote: “male,” and never said anything about “male” being objectifying.
I bet with this level of cynicism and spite, you can easily accuse anyone of seeking underage girls if they use the word “girl,” accuse them of disregarding the feeling of some ladies by making them feel older with the word “woman,” and also make fun of their formal “tone” if they use the word “lady.” Hehe.
I mean, seriously, humans are so creative that they can find fault in, literally, anything.
Because I don’t think that it’s right or just to treat men and women differently in many things, and it just strikes me as bizarre that a few of you chose to see objectification in “female” and completely disregarded the fact that I also wrote “male.” You even went as far as to ignore the response where I highlight this fact, in case it went over your head.
So, this begs the question, is the word “male” objectifying of males too? And why? And what can we use instead, especially when we don’t know the age of the “male” we’re talking about? “Man” may not apply to a teenager, for example. And even if you, personally, think those words, which are used in almost all official forms, are objectifying, then you could’ve at least realized that I used the word “male” just like I used the word “female,” so clearly I wouldn’t be using either condescendingly or in an objectifying spirit.
Do you, people, know what the word “misogyny” actually means? I mean, you do realize that it means hatred or contempt of women, or prejudice against them. Now, with that mind, EVEN if I were, for example, a “dominant male” in the BDSM world, and I enjoyed “infantilizing” my girls, as you claim, or describing them as “little” or “soft” or whatever else really, really, really bothers you in my choice of words, then how would, in that imaginary context, be hateful or demeaning to those women, especially in a consensual BDSM relationship where both parties love and care for each other?
If you ever read about such relationships or heard about them, one party actually likes to be infantilized or treated as a baby, or described as little, or “being taken care of” or even “protected” and so on. The other party would do all those things lovingly. So, EVEN in such a hypothetical context, there wouldn’t be misogyny. It would be actually the opposite of misogyny.
Has it occurred to you at all that maybe not all women are “strong independent women” who want to challenge their men in everything?
Now, away from that hypothetical context, has it occurred to you that being attracted to softness and femininity in no way contradicts being attracted to strength of character, bravery, and independence, which I even hinted at in my in-character intro? Has it occurred to you that when a warrior wants to protect a lady in a fictional word, he neither hates her nor pities her nor thinks that she’s weak, and it’s actually exactly the opposite? And they just compliment each other, just like WoW classes compliment and need each other?
No? I guessed so, yes, but I was thinking out loud.
Maybe that’s usually in your world, and maybe that’s why there are countless breakups and fights in today’s world between people in relationships. However, no, you shouldn’t be discussing your expectations or drawing your lines “organically” as you’re going in a relationship; you should be establishing all that in civil, calm, friendly, tactful, and courteous series of conversations before you actually get into a relationship with anyone. This doesn’t “guarantee” the success of any relationship, as there are no real guarantees in life, but it boosts one’s chances a lot in establishing a long-term successful relationship, especially one that’s near devoid of fights. I can confirm this as one who had several social statuses in the past.
I don’t know how fast you type but no, 10 to 20 mins doesn’t necessarily equal 5 back and forth emotes, unless you’re talking about paragraph-sized emotes.
Moreover, almost all rules in life have exceptions, but exceptions are called that, exceptions. So establishing the average way that I want to do things is important, so that when I do spend two hours chatting or roleplaying, then that’s the exception, not what’s expected of me, especially on a realm with lots of hardcore roleaplayers.
And your references to cybering and one-hand are really ones that can be only be pulled by a low-life, especially after everything I clarified in my OP.
Bringing up Goldshire means that if I were looking for what you accuse me of, then I would look for it and very easily find it in Goldshire, not here, and not like this.
Because the question is already answered in my OP, if someone isn’t illiterate. For example …
That was never, ever even implied. In fact, you can easily find evidence that I’m okay doing this with a male writer or roleplayer, if you have enough brains left and enough literacy to actually read.
That’s another example of illiteracy or stupidity in understanding the text written. I never said I only want to roleplay for 20 mins per session. I said that, for example, for every 80 mins of PvE gameplay, I can put in 20 mins of roleplaying. And my post would’ve been much longer if I had to explain each and every point in excruciating detail, like say that this doesn’t need to be super exact or even divided into bursts that way. We may very well multiply the 90 mins by even 5 on the weekend, and just run dungeons non-stop for 7.5 hours, then spend roughly one hour and half or two hours roleplaying non-stop. I didn’t feel that I needed to clarify all this, because I personally feel only an imbecile with no common sense or enough brains would need such things clarified for them.
Never even hinted that I wanted to “ensure” that they’re female. As I said lots of times, I can’t cure illiteracy.
Illiteracy, again. Immersion cannot be “planned.” And if I wanna feel like I “actually talked to a woman IRL,” I can always try Tindr or actually talk to a girl IRL; this isn’t complicated for me. I know that the many guys having issues with this IRL like to think that all other guys share their burden, but I really don’t have problems talking to women IRL. And maybe I’m drawing a hard line in front of taking this to RL because I’m already taken IRL by someone who doesn’t like playing games or writing romance, you know? Maybe.
Not necessarily toxic, unless they’re not really doing much healing for other party members, but in my eyes, this is actually condescending. Like, so many trolls here are accusing me of misogyny and condescending language toward women, when I actually find “pocket healer,” or worse slurs, very offensive when used to refer to a roleplaying or adventuring partner, because it is condescending toward them, and belittles their role in my eyes. And that’s IF they’re a healing class at all, which I never even said is a must, but as I said, lots of people cherry-pick just to justify their forum-trolling.
Because the guy doesn’t know what he’s on about. What he means is the people who call themselves ‘heal harlots’, you know the sort. Pocket healing is something else entirely.
Maybe you’re the problem, not everyone else.
What happens in the context of a private / consensual BDSM relationship doesn’t really apply here at all. This isn’t a DDLG forum.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rokmore. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of basic anthropology most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rokmore’s hopeful outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Victorian romantic literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rokmore truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rokmore’s existential catchphrase “No strings attached,” which itself is a cryptic reference to the 2011 film directed by Ivan Reitman. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Rokmore’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools… how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rokmore tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only (as long as they’re easy on my eyes)- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
3/10 guide. I have no friends, and roleplay scares me.