LF Guild for a Lightforged Draenei

Heya, I rolled a Lightforged Draenei recently and I intend to level her to 120 and all that. I’ve never before played a paladin extensively, and I’ve only briefly roleplayed them in the distant past. But for some reason this time is different.

What guilds are currently accepting Lightforged Draenei?

Aldori Axiom is a guild around the Aldor faction if I’m correct, and The Shaur is a Draenei guild which I think accept lightforged as well :slight_smile: then I’m sure there’s a lot of mixed racial guilds that accepts LF

Does that mean I’ll be roleplaying in Outland then? With the Aldor and all. I’m not sure if I want my character there necessarily. As for Shaur, I’ve heard of them and someone mentioned they’re a dead guild now. Is this true?

Hand of Xe’ra comes to mind too!


Last post was 10 days ago so I don’t think it’s dead :slight_smile:


Archenon Poros, Miralys.

The Hand of Xe’ra is always looking for more Lightforged Draenei to fill their ranks.

We are a high-fantasy military guild. That means, while we do roleplay a military unit, we integrate the special, unique feeling of Lightforged armory into our RP events. :slight_smile: We have a heavy focus on the Warcraft lore and the lore-friendly approach for Draenei RP.

Our DM’ed events offer a lot of interaction and character freedom (every choice of your character determines the flow of action) with NPCs that are played by actual players. We have no rolling system. Our events consist mostly of free emotes (there may be some exceptions). Sometimes we also participate in (guild-intern) RP-PvP or integrate them into our own events for a short time.

We venture out into the world’s farthest corners (when it makes the most sense), assist our closest allies, and always keep up the aesthetic of the Army of the Light, without hanging around Stormwind City 24/7. We also have a main narrative in our guild which involves locating Legion remnants and void cultists and exterminating them before their works bear fruit.

OOC-ly we are a quirky bunch of people who are very laid back (also when it comes to activity, though we do expect you to join whenever you can). We like to have fun together and most of our successes come from close collaboration and support! At the start of this year, we hosted a public memorial event dedicated to Blademaster Telaamon.

Once part of the guild, you can either explore or choose your specialisation in the military unit (e.g. Dragoon, Bulwark, Vindicator, Anchorite, Artificer, Sharpshooter, … ).

If you want to know more about the HoX - feel free to check out our forum thread:

Sadly, after a month hiatus, our thread died off. If you have any specific questions, you can contact me or Telrog ingame (mail or whisper) or you can join our Draenei Discord server (our guild is integrated into the server)!


May the Light Mother guide your paths! Her sacrifice will never be forgotten.


Lies and slander. We are alive and kicking off! Yes, we do accept Lightforged. In fact, 70% of guild members are Lightforged!
So you are always more than welcome to join us or check us out. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask 'em. :goat:

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The Hand of Xera could always use more strong Lightforged soldiers in its ranks. With it comes free healthcare and an overly eager yelling commander!:ok_hand:


Our guild has awakened from bit of a hibernation recently, but we’re planning to get back in the spotlight once again. This weekend we had a Lightforging event for one of the initiates to become a full fledged member of the Army of the Light. Also more interactions with the AD paladin community are planned in the near future as N’zoth comes into relevance.
Even if you decide by the end of the day to join a different guild, or to go all in and make a guild of your own, I would definitely recommend joining the Draenei discord which Kha’raas mentioned to join the community, discuss lore or find inspiration for your character.


Hand of Xe’ra is definitely a good choice to go for! :slight_smile:


Thank you everyone. I’ll check out Hand of Xe’ra they look like my cup of tea.


The Astral Order comes to mind for draenei, while it isn’t exclusively draenei – there’s some solid draenei rpers amongst them.

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I’m wondering if anyone here is planning on making a LF Death Knight and how would that influence your RP?

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