Hi there,
looking for a guild for shadowlands, currently a holy pally 128, recently got keystone master - just came back after a break. Looking to probably change class due to not liking new paladin style but still looking to heal (either druid or priest), would prefer raiding on weekends if possible. Have experience doing a little bit of mythic raiding in legion and would love to still do it (I like challenging content) however can’t commit the full amount of time needed to progress hardcore due to work/study, I would however still like to do a couple of nights a week raiding mythic or heroic for the right guild.
Just to let you know I’ve got a bit of anxiety, so while I’ll be fine in raid and m+ talking about stuff I’m not the loudest person ever. Love chilling in discord just doing keys with guildies. Just a laid back dude.
Don’t mind realm or faction, can transfer.
Thanks for reading ^-^
Hello Thecheese!
I think our guild would be the perfect home for you 
I’ll gladly have a chat on our Discord if you would like.
Feel free to add my battlenet: kanpaigaming@2510
Best regards,
Hi TheCheese,
I believe I talked to you a while back, if your still looking then feel free to add me on battle net, glenn819#1838,
Raid days and times are Wednesday and Monday 20:00 - 23:00 server time.
TOOTH AND FANG COMMUNITY!! ( Founded 2017 - EU -Draenor- Horde )
**Community Status: Semi-Hardcore **
Looking for a friendly, encouraging guild to join? Well Tooth and Fang may be what you’re looking for. We welcome raiders, M+'s and socials to come and join our pack!
About Us
Tooth and Fang was founded in 2017 as a guild building a family friendly atmosphere. Since then we have grown where we have 2 raiding teams, a semi-serious for progression and experienced players and a casual for alts and those looking to take their first steps into the raiding world.
Regular M+ runs are encouraged and actively sort within our discord and guild chat.
With SL on the horizon we are recruiting more like minded people to come and join the chat and events the guild has to offer. Interested in raiding? We are looking for more dps to join the ranks. All are welcome. Interested? Well come and have a chat and we look forward to meeting you.
We are lucky to have a guild streamer who is Affiliate by Razer & Twitch 
Discord info https://discord.gg/KJAWssb
Feel free to share our discord link !
T & F Community
Rat Pack
Hey m8,
I am 100% sure, we can give you a good home.
Look the url and contact me