Everything is in the title. LFG people are extremely toxic, insulting and leaving after 1 game. The process of finding teammates is a pain in the ***. Add solo/duo queue for god’s sake.
the only good lfg arena experience I’ve had was in wod. everyone was extremely chill back then
I’ve not had any problems. Just word your group to filter out toxic morons.
“no-pressure games”, “playing to learn” or similar usually keeps away people who can’t handle 2 losses in a row.
I imagine people queing solo, losing games and proceed to /w the people they were grouped with how bad they are and how they should delete their account and (enter random flames here) and that they should stop poluting the solo q with their presence.
Yeah, solo queue would really end toxicity in wow pvp. Kappa.
And then you get flamed on forum for your low rating and and bcos of it you’re not allowed to have any opinion about pvp
PvP community is rotten. There’s maybe 1 sane person out of 5.
+1 (: but they wont
you ever played soloq in any other game? its the most toxic environment ever lol.
Why would you ever willingly queue for something even remotely competitive with randoms? It’s like putting a gigantic “Throw literal feces at me” sign on.
Your only purpose in the world for these people is to get them a win, and if you fail, you are personally responsible for their lives being miserable, and they will assure you that they’ll hunt you down and hurt you IRL for daring to not carry them to smooth victory.
Just gonna sneak this in here, since people are complaining about it again…
Then there’s also
that thread, the OP made some decent suggestions as well there.
Duo queue xd
So you wanna queue 2s ?
give us soloq plzzz
Look at Overwatch. The solo/duo queue system has several smart elements preventing toxicity (e.g. selecting role before queueing, etc…).
Also: I prefer the option of playing with less skilled people for a while (and improve and get more familiar with the meta in the process) in order to have the opportunity to play with skilled ones instantly whenever I want rather than spending hours running in Oribos waiting for people to apply, send/answer “cr?xp?” messages and stuff to play 4 games with 3 random groups. First option: I could spend 90% of my gametime playing arenas whereas the second option is just 5%.
Overwatch is a shooter and i remember it actually being quite dead. Wow is not a shooter.
Stop comparing apples with pears.
Its 2021 and still people get mad about random internet trolls
Just ingore and dont care about them
Games being different does not mean the idea cannot be integrated. That is wrong logic: LoL and Overwatch are not the same type, however, both have solo/duo queue system. (Example using same logic: cars and motocycles are two different things, they should not be able to use GPS).
Regarding wow, here is an idea to integrate that system if your fear is that it will lead to people comps they do not enjoy/have expertise in: add an option where the player can add restrictions on which class he is willing to play with (there would be an upper bound on the restrictions he can put) or something.
Yeah, and neither of them are MMORPGs. Overwatch is a shooter, LoL a moba.
Wow, i never heard this one! Kappa
This will result in heavily long queues and won’t help the possible toxicity when people lose. Especially when they spend like 10 mins in the queue because only wanted to play with classes x and y. They will be extraordinarily salty then.
This will result in heavily long queues and won’t help the possible toxicity when people lose. Especially when they spend like 10 mins in the queue because only wanted to play with classes x and y. They will be extraordinarily salty then.
Interesting remark. I think there will be a natural trade-off then between the number of restrictions one is willing to put and the time one would be willing to wait to queue, similarly as the trade-off of queuing as DPS or tank for heroics or LFR.
I can see people who would be willing to not put too many constraints so that they spend their gametime playing the game and becoming better instead of just waiting. If you watch streamers, a bunch of them play random comps at 2400 so it consolidates that almost any 2 dps + healer comp has the potential to get to 2.2/2.4 at least.
Also, I hope running into good likeminded mates during some of these games and just add them in my friendlist to queue for more!
What is the main problem you see with that proposition, Bloodlock? Do you have any idea to improve it?
Raids are often just as toxic and people insta leave when they don’t rush through it and wipe like once.
This is true, however you can’t compare a high rated streamer with the average joe. Drainer could probably get r1 as MW if he played with Whaaz and Raiku. Also even if they play exotic comps they usually play it with people they have played with for years already. Try playing an exotic non-meta comp with a person you have never seen before.
yah solo queue would fix the toxicity in arenas
Somehow, I kinda like playing with random from time to time as it improves my awareness and improves my flexibility.
Yea, its true there can be sources of frustration in that system, but I think it inherently comes from the game being a team game: someone can always be frustrated or angry because one of his teammates took a suboptimal action that led to loosing the game.
Although there are some aspects of the concept that could be improved, I still strnoly believe that the solo/duo queue solution is radically an improvement to the current situation.