It took us some time to realise that FOTM classes weren’t going to be nerfed any time soon, and with Blizz’s non existent comm’s, we don’t know what they’re even doing behind the scenes.
I’m stuck trying to get 1600 rating so I can upgrade my capped gear (205ilvl), that’s gating me from progressing (actually being accepted into LFG teams). I main feral, which is fun. It’s not so great knowing it takes 4 weeks to get a weapon however (I started as Rdruid, hence the conq staff).
Brings me onto the main point. LFG tool sucks. If there are so many players in PvP atm, why am I spending more time queueing than playing?
I just want to practice, I want to play…
I can’t practice, because finding teams (I use discord channels too) takes an extremely long time…
When I do get into a team, we generally have a loss streak vs melee cleaves out gearing us…
Then the cycle continues, I get frustrated and I log out.
Basically in the EXACT same position on my alt kyrian druid, 90% of the games are just WW/Disc or Hpal/Arms both with 40k hp from getting easy 226 ilvl from RBGS
It’s impossible to climb vs people that have 30% more hp and flat throughput, and they all play the FOTM S++ tier specs that just faceroll over people doing like 6k dps with 3 buttons too.
As a MW monk i cannot even play this game. I usually list to ppl 100rating lower than me and still getting declined. Yesterday i dropped 150 rating because i played with 1300 CR ppl. It is crazy out there in LFG world. SoloQ would be great, FOTM bastards would be pretty mad that they qued up with MW monk.
Need at least 1 to 2hour to find somebody on Rival range. So i started to play with lower rated peoples cuz i want to play but cant on my rate cuz there is no people in lfg.