They do have mechancis but for some reason everyoen gets buffed while doing random heroic/normal for some REASON, and then it is like joke .
and some people do it while ridiculously overgeared.
Lvling dungeons > heroics at 120 /normal above 110
In terms of “difficulty” even if you were new.
Ofc they have mechanics but why a player should care about a mechanics if failing it 10 times in row punish the player with like a 10% health loss total.
true that for some REASON exists .
Like why everything is made for 5 years old smashing head and beign successful.
EVen leveling dungeosn posses more challenge and threat than random heroics.
So beyond satchel rewards / fast doing quest for dungeon/could probably do mythic 0.
I question people why they even do rhc beyond story same for lfr.
Story modes.
But do you actually enjoy LFR or do you just do it for other reasons?
Does not .
It is not you just queue and do that is what you do.
Why should you just queue up for it thats it.
Everything queuable with random match making system should always rewards the worst .
And how it is broken in first place when you said it needs fixing?
Yes, why not? what other reasons?
People who want to see story that is workign for them!
And ultra newbies.
I dont give a damn about the story. I play since legion and i know nothing about lore. It are just enemies with a red bar above their image that needs to be lowered.
Players who queue for LFR with the sole/main intention of p!ssing off players who want to DO LFR content are the problem… not that LFR exists…
nah, old LFR should reward what it always rewarded, just like old raid tiers reward what they always rewarded :))
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Actually, because there are not many people queuing for older LFR raids, people who joined late can’t see the story because it takes hours to queue. For example, horde players have a quest to stab G’huun’s corpse with a dagger. There aren’t many/any groups running Uldir on higher difficulties, and LFR queue take hours and hours because there is no incentive for many players to join them. In Legion, because any raid/activity could drop a legendary or a tier piece, there were more people doing the older raids. Because the gear is rubbish and tmogs are horrible, LFR queues are super long and some players are not able to have story mode or any other mode.
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That makes sense what did you expect?
IT worked like that always!
Can make own /join guild ask others to do it?
If someone has
Can make own group and do it.
Why there should be any ?
This is like playing for “corruption” i do this wq which rewards 420 gear just for that . not becaseu i want that item.
I find people who do stuff for just that not very good with their time.
As it should be.
This is mmorpg live game want to know all play since day 1.
You skip obviously you miss things.
Why it should reward more than anything what is not random match made queue in first place?
Want better rewards= increaese difficulty= not random made group anymore= normal raid so what is any of your point?
I’m just legitimately curious because it’s not a good source of gear and in other posts you just said you don’t care about the story.
Not trying to attack you, just trying to understand. What stops you from doing normal mode instead?
- better gear drops
- roughly same difficulty
- no need for a guild as there are thousands of communities without experience / attendance requirement
- often more skilled / coordinated players
- roughly the same amount of time requirement
Or in short (again, without judging or attacking you, its your choice, I just want to understand) : why chose LFR over normal mode?
I would have same question.
Oh I didn’t see that post. Fair enough