LFR needs urgent fixing

Or just dont use lfr and let those who want to use it?

People being afk means exactly that. Away. From. Keyboard. When you have 25 people all doing something then they’re not afk.

However I do accept your point about over geared peoole doing the damage of 4 to 5 people.

Which leads me to say, apart from gold, azerite and a chance of a tmog, why the hell are they in “super duper easy mode” if they are all decked out in heroics? Unless they just want to e-preen.

Also if at least one person goes afk on the second wing on a boss like Vexiona?

Yea. Good luck finishing that under that dude’s berserk timer.

Unless if course you’re talking about Uldir in which case.


They can ‘fix’ LFR by putting a tooltip on the button that says:

Don’t press this if you don’t like LFR.


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I disagree, Blizz are the only ones with the stats on how many do LFR but it’s not really a way to gear, however I see no need to deprive the more casual player base of the only minimal ilvl entry requirement ‘anyone can go’ see the raid mode.

I will never understand the desire by some to take away content that others do. Just skip it if you don’t like it.


The same can be asked for ANY aspect of the game tbh.
Yeah, I’d rather do solo raids if I was able to. Playing alongside actual lore characters and having even more story. But I can’t so, I do LFR because it’s the only other way for me to see the raid content for myself (<-- note that wording. I don’t want anyone to suggest to me that I can ‘go watch it’ somewhere. No I want to go there myself, I don’t watch other people play games. Not my thing).

LFUM needs urgent fixes, its been a long time. How old are you now?

I am the exact opposite: I don’t really like more difficult versions of the same thing. It doesn’t make sense to me why I would ever want to do the same content, but just more difficult… Lacks logic imo.

indeed. increase LFR lvl rewards. old and new LFR should be +5 from current hc dungeon. thanks for your understanding

I completely agree with this but for one main reason: quests like the vol jin q line which need uldir for e.g., I spent 4 days trying to get in lfr and a 2hr 45min q when I eventually did, to which about half of us said we were there for the same quest with same wait time.

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While you could have formed a group for Normal/Heroic/Mythic Uldir and probably be done in under an hour thanks to the huuuge power spike from 8.0.1 to 8.3.

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mainly transmog because for reason unknown to mankind, lfr transmog have often the best recolor of the bunch, or a mount drop.
for everything else lfr is a non efficient way to do things.

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Why not jsut get 5 ppl to help you on norma? You can legit solo 2 first bosses

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I mean not even worth doing old LFR for 430 gear when you can just use the 415 tokens to boost your alts to 415, do the leggo cloak quest, get your 440 item and your 430 item then start chipping away at the WQs till they’re 430+ which is like 2 days of work. If you ding 120 with a timewalking up and you can collect some 425 trinkets and rings

Dont learn from LFR. You learn nothing. The mechanics do nothing. Your better off jumping into normal. Its what Every guild and pug does.

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No it shouldn’t and Why should it? Players still wouldn’t queue for it anyway btw.

Thats not how the system has ever worked either. if you want the Tmog so badly, Do a normal run… its not like the gear is any good looking anyway.

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I tried that XD

They are trolling. No everyone has access to normal

Spending 5 minutes reading through the dungeon journal on your preffered difficulty prepare you more for a fight than LFR ever could.

Going “out of your way” to even read or hell, one may dream, watch a guide would be even better.

That being said, I don’t believe LFR is completly useless regarding preparation, it’s just not really good either. It’s worse than any guide or even the dungeon journal, but for people who aren’t capable of comprehending the dungeon journal, guides, or for people who simply want to learn through experience, it’s still fine.

It is not that nobody is interested in experiencing the story anymore, there is almost nobody interested in experiencing the story that has not already done it.

The problem is the story of a raid is experience by doing the raid exactly one time with enough attention to read all lore text during the raid, maybe two times if there are Alliance/Horde variations and you have both faction characters. Just like most people dont watch the same movie or the same TV episode more than one time, there is no reason to play the raid for experiencing the story more than one time.

I am one of those who do not raid anymore and only play LFR to experience the story of those raids, and that means I only play one time every LFR when is available and I have already played the previous story content outside the raid.

By now for LFR from previous patches, there are not enough players who still want to play the story to fill a 25 group, because most of the players like me that do it for the story already did it, there is only some new players left that are not enought for the LFR queue.

How many times do i have to explain i learn a lot in LFR? I keep repeating myself… Other people also say normal is almost the same with mechanics as LFR. So i am learning.

Sorry, but i have notebooks full written of analyses of youtube videos from fatbos and hazel. And then you jump in and you find out you know nothing. Nothing. I have studies half days to get stuff right. I need the images, i need the abilities, i need the mechanic rotation, i need the experience. And especially some words in a book do nothing for me. Nothing. There is nothing to learn from it.