LFR needs urgent fixing

I’m curios, can you provide an example of this learning?
Because LFR has so little going on that there is really no chance of learning anything more than what you can learn from doing a world quest.

Havent you seen outrages on this forum about bosses too hard in lfr? Thinking about coven, kil jaiden, guldan, ghuun. The mechanics are there.

How? It’s awful… You don’t really learn anything, Everything is dulled down to the point of it being pointless if you want to learn watch a guide. Anything is better than using LFR. If you went into a Normal group and said ‘I learnt the fight in LFR’ then they’d just laugh at you.

LFR has no tactics and Most mechanics are dumbed down so an LFR group can do to. Seriously, you aren’t doing your self any favours.

They might as well not be. People only fail on LFR on ‘Difficult’ End bosses, because they don’t have enough High item level players to carry them.

Sometimes just seeing the room and the abilities in person can be far more helpful than viewing a video, where the UI, camera angle and brightness settings can make things look very different from on your own machine. Many people learn through experiencing the content themselves, rather than by watching. And yes, you can get that experience in other difficulties, but not everyone has a guild/community or can easily get into a pug group. Everyone learns in different ways and that’s totally fine. If doing LFR is encouraging some people to go on to higher difficulties then that’s great.

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Well, i learn nothing from a guide. I try but i dont. I need to experience. And i have already learned a lot in the first wings. So you learn nothing, fine. But i learn a lot there.

For your information; not soaking armageddons at KJ was just a wipe in LFR. the mechanics are there too.


Are you really trying to convince someone that their way of playing this game or learning is not the correct way because you don’t approve of the tool they are using?


Why the hekk should they have to be carried…?! If you’re over-geared & queue for LFR with a view to carry lower geared players, you need to get therapy for egocentricity.

I don’t think the point was convincing someone that their method is not correct.

I can relate with Tjsod about the fact that for me video are useless. I watch the boss in game journal and then I need to practice.

The amount of mechanical difference between Normal and LFR is barely there tho. Of course Tsjod can do whatever he prefer but from a difficulty curve standpoint, imo getting into lfr is an inefficient way of getting into raidings.

There are no “wrong way” to play the game but for sure there are “not so efficient” ones. If it works for him sure, go ahead.

You don’t need to be overgeared to carry people in lfr, you just need 2 working braincells and a bit of will for killing the boss instead of leeching the rewards.

i dont understand what the fuzz is about in this topic. The fights are almost the same in normal as in LFR. With some stupid exception like fights as desolate host in ToS where you never fight the boss itself in LFR :stuck_out_tongue:

I do not have access to normal. I am pushing m+ with my guild but the guild does not raid. So i am slowly learning the whole raid (12 bosses) in LFR and when that is done i create my own group for normal. And i am not going to mention and /yell ‘i learned the raid in LFR’ like someone said here.

If they are so similar, why does normal exist in the first place then? It made sense when it was added as flex due to the scaling option but after this was added to hc, i don’t really see much point in it. If you want to blame a difficulty for bloating ilvls normal is the one.

Everyone have access to normal man, you push keys, your ilvl is worth enough to get you an invite for the normal.

This is my point. What I was trying to say is that since fights are almost the same, do not be scared to jump into normal.

You are a decent player considering you were pushing 17ish keys last season, you will behave fine even in normal.

Idk they could scarp it for all that I care. Both normal and LFR are barely different, I would scrap LFR because I don’t really like automatic raid group creation but all in all it does not matter if normal get scrapped.

The problem is i am going to wipe the groups because i know nothing of it. I never debated i am not able to do normal (or heroic). I just have to learn the fights. And the comparisment with M+ is just not fair. I am doing these dungeons since season 1 where i also started in first normal, then heroic, then mythic. It also took a long time to get to +10 in s1 (allthough i blame underperforming bear and resto shaman (me) for that matter too).

I was not comparing, I am saying you are a decent player and that is enough for normal.

You said in LFR the mechanics are there too, if there is a raid wipe mechanics you will wipe there too.

Failing sometimes, is part of the learning process. I would not be scared of failing a mechanic in normal if I were you.

why dont you buzz off to make your own thread’‘LFR IS BAD DELET’’ thank you stop derailing my thread

LFR is way more forgiving. It is also usually not an immediately wipe with 1 mistake in there. Or i just die myself and the group is still able to kill the boss. On higher difficulties you have to perform. Especially in pugs.

Even in normal you would probably end up dying and leave the group do the boss without you. But how many times? Once?

I have seen people dying on Shadar puddle more then I would like to tell and no one was raging because of that.
Of course if you die 3 times in a row to a puddle, well is normal people start to get impatient.

It is hard going from boss to next boss, and you know nothing about them. I am going to fail everywhere. Idk how other players knows everything before having done it :man_shrugging: And i am the last one asking for carries. I prefer to carry others.

Did you go to school? In that case, how did you learn there?

As you may have noticed if you’ve read my whole post, I’ve said precisely

Which appears to exactly match what you’re saying. However I truly believe if you learn literally nothing from the dungeon journal and guides, you need serious work in both reading as well as listening comprehension, as well as simply pay more attention towards it? I understand if you scroll from top to bottom in the dungeon journal, reading the skillnames, you won’t know how the fight goes, but if you actually attempt to learn something through it, I don’t believe that there’s a single person, without literal learning disabilities so forgive me if you actually have any, who’d learn nothing from it. And guides are even more broken down and easy to understand. Surely you’re overexaggerating here.

Assume i got learning disabilities. Yes i went to school, no i learned nothing from books.

I did assume the very opposite and apologized for assuming wrongly if you actually had any. The part about reading comprehension seems to hold truth.

Understandable, I hope you went well through school anyway.

I believe I found your issue and it seems to be not properly reading.

The general help for that one would be try to remember each sentence after you’ve read it. Take your time reading through sentences. If you have trouble understanding or reading a word, try looking it up, or writing it yourself.

If you’re at the end of a section, try to rephrase said section in your head and compare them. If there’s differences, try to find what you understood wrong and rephrase it in your head again.

And the most important part is, don’t rush reading through things. Reading isn’t a race, it’s you sifting information from written text, so take however long you need to read, there’s no shame in being a slow reader either, so relax.

That’s all the help I can give you with reading comprehension, I’m not a teacher but I hope it helps :+1: