Could you implement the choice to only join fresh (=no bosses dead) raids in the LFR tool?
When we had the option to see if it was a fresh or existing run people didn’t join the in progress runs and they became impossible to refill.
So now it’s pot luck. Theoretically you shouldn’t be put in another in progress run if you queue up again after completing that one.
I might be wrong, but I think there already is such an option.
It would also be good to have this option for 5 man instances.
When I was levelling I had to queue 5 times for the Deadmines to get the instance quests completed due to you not getting the quest for the next boss until you had done the quest to kill the previous one, if you joined after the first boss kill then you wouldn’t get the subsequent quests and are forced to run it again if you wanted to complete all the quests.
They should implement the deserter debuff regardless when you quit. WIll reduce the amount of people just doing them for one boss and then quitting
this is common in normal, heroic and mythic pugs too. I run my pugs Wrathion - Maut - Skitra because if I kill mythic Skitra then it’ll be almost impossible to refill the group for Maut. Maut is harder than skitra and less ppl need loot from it.
I think Hive - Ra’den is the most pugged wing of this raid by far.
That happens in LFR too. Was in runs and half wanted to do Maut 2nd, half wanted to do Maut 1st.
Tanks chose to do Maut 1st and their were complaints but no one left.
Games generally don’t allow for that, because then nobody would join instances that are in progress, so if a player leaves - that’s it, your run is now officially dead. Go back out, queue again, kill the boss(es) you already killed, get no loot, just in hopes your run won’t die again before you get to the part that you need.
It’s the same in R6:Siege, too - players want to be able opt out of joining games that are in progress. But that would mean if one player left the match, the game is wasted.
I guess it could be done if there were more severe punishment for leaving a run - like a 24h cooldown before you can queue for anything, all of your gear breaking and getting a 1h resurrection sickness on top of that. Then it can work, because nobody would leave… but can you imagine running an hour long dungeon with people who don’t want to run it? It’ll be a disaster.
Currently there seems to be a semi intelligent system that will not put me in ongoing raids where I am saved to all the rest of the bosses.
I think it is taking some account of our lockout unless it is a fresh run.
I would also like the option to only join in-progress runs, so I can skip straight to last boss in the wing, it’s incredibly boring otherwise.
You still won’t find a group. Lfr is dead thx to elitists Complaining. Lfr Ilvl is trash worse than the world quest reward.
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