20/07/2018 15:18Posted by
lol I'm actually tempted, but there is no actual point. My point will stand if i don't make one as there is no point to it at all. Thus proving my point.
Sorry, I missed it, but what was the point that is proven here?
That there is no point in naming a community after its sexual orientation when it is of no relevance to anything especially when everyone is welcome.
I probably should not be admiting this online but when i was 12 Years old i used to feel like im Bi person for a short time until i realized some things about my self like where i feel comfortable in so i became Straight at the end(ouch that hurt my soul to admit T.T).
Sorry to burst your bubble but absolutely no one cares :)
As a side note, as apparently most of you don't have enough grey in your heads, labels aren't cool and labels don't define !@#$ :) Each person is so much more than his skin color, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Labels are created so that people can be divided into different groups for them to be later on influenced more easily.
Being gay is a mental condition like any other. Being "abnormal" naturally makes you feel uncomfortable. The media literally takes this group of people, caresses them telling them how they're the most perfect being out there and that they're actually completely normal, and all of a sudden they've won this whole group of people by targeting their "weakness" so to speak.
It's actually for the safety of those very people to ditch the stupid labels, accept the fact that they have a yet incurable mental condition, learn to live with it and join the community as a whole making the best of their lives (as should anyone, really).
And don't get me wrong - I could care less for people's mental conditions. But I do care when people constantly shove things I don't care about into my %^-*!@# face. Gay pride here, gay pride there, rainbow flags everywhere, men walking as if they're on fashion show and women walking as if they're about to pound the hell out of someone, people participating in LGBT guilds so that they can shove their sexual orientation in the face of everyone in-game, etc. And when I get back from work and turn my TV on literally every single modern TV show should either have a gay/lesbian main protagonist or some sort of homosexual p0rn scenes in almost every episode. Gay people are statistically so few that out of the dozens of dozens of people around me I don't know of a single person that is gay. Yet when I watch TV, browse the internet or just play a damn video game it appears as if 9 out of 10 people are gay which is getting absurd. I'm honestly tired of rainbows, the four letters in LGBT and all this homosexual p0rn in the media at this point.
Making a Straight White Males community sounds rather absurd, right? Making parades in the city center about my straightness is even more absurd, right? Hell... if I parade about my whiteness they will lock me up in jail for being fascist... Hope you get my point :)
I feel like this goes deeper than a forum post. Seek professional help friend.
he removed his comment and you put it right back up xd nice
That there is no point in naming a community after its sexual orientation when it is of no relevance to anything especially when everyone is welcome.
It's a name, you name a thing to represent what the thing is. I bet I am more than welcome in a coffee-loving community, but I wouldn't want to look stupid by joining one looking for tea just because the name was not reflecting the theme of said community.
lol I'm actually tempted, but there is no actual point. My point will stand if i don't make one as there is no point to it at all. Thus proving my point.
If there are people who want to create/join any given community, it's reason enough to it's existence. They don't need to validate being there .
The point of communities is literally to make communities based around everything and anything. Why this one in particular is a sticking point to you is beyond me.
20/07/2018 15:18Posted by
Morra Sorry, I missed it, but what was the point that is proven here?
initialisms are triggering.
O <------- The Point
You guys------------------------------------------------------> o
Anyway, no one seemed capable of actually answering my questions without getting offensive or acting like a snowflake child. Oh well, to be expected I suppose.
Good luck with the community.
Anyway, no one seemed capable of actually answering my questions without getting offensive or acting like a snowflake child. Oh well, to be expected I suppose.
You gave it your best shot and stayed polite and to the point to the end, I salute you for that.
If anything, it makes me sad how LGBT people are represented by people like Aurissa, who is just flat out disrespectful and shamelessly aggressive towards anyone who has questions to ask or struggles to understand something.
[quote="176195262465"]I probably should not be admiting this online but when i was 12 Years old i used to feel like im Bi person for a short time until i realized some things about my self like where i feel comfortable in so i became Straight at the end(ouch that hurt my soul to admit T.T).
His comment here
Please remove this, the guy removed his comment and you put it back up, it's not nice :D
Its alliance only D:
We dont concern ourselves with such matters on the horde side.
Thrall is our token Lgbt guy and thats all we have.
If anyone is interested on the horde side; I do have a community which I have been waiting to set up since communities were announced. It's Battle.Net wide so you can play with us on any Blizzard game.
https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/17620731946If you're alliance, please don't leave this community, this is just for those who are Horde or who play other blizzard games :)
the guy removed his comment
Oh highly unlikely, probably got deleted by a mod after multiple reports. In b4 he starts crying about how he is the victim and how le evil sjw corporation conspiracy blizzard is taking away his free speech xD
Whooa that escalated quicky. You try to spin it but the fact is that yes teens should be left alone when they're in their puberty because that is the process everyone is going through and they need to figure it out themselves.
And I was more disturbed by the "Queer kids styff" where that show was aimed at kids around age of 3. Which is actually very harmful.
Are we misunderstanding each other? I was talking about how it's nice for young LGBT people to see that there are many that are just like them. It's probably especially important for teens who have intolerant parents (or simply parents who didn't have to think that they might be hurting their kids with their words). You are talking about...what? I don't get the thing about 3 yr olds.
OT: it's interesting to see that the concept of communities escapes the people who are probably the most likely to form one: fans. Hell, you probably come to forum to be in a community of people who like WoW. Do you have IRL people telling you you're unnecessarily segregating yourselves and that all games matter? Why would you comment specifically on WoW forums if you can talk about ALL games? Why wouldn't you wanna be besties with that Call of Duty fan? WHY?
If anything, it makes me sad how LGBT people are represented by people like Aurissa, who is just flat out disrespectful and shamelessly aggressive towards anyone who has questions to ask or struggles to understand something
It has nothing to do with him.
His comment here
Please remove this, the guy removed his comment and you put it back up, it's not nice :D
He hasn't removed his post.
It has nothing to do with him.
It doesn't, no, but you've been just as snappy towards everyone else in this thread so far.
I probably should not be admiting this online but when i was 12 Years old i used to feel like im Bi person for a short time until i realized some things about my self like where i feel comfortable in so i became Straight at the end(ouch that hurt my soul to admit T.T).
Sorry to burst your bubble but absolutely no one cares :)
And don't get me wrong - I could care less for people's mental conditions. But I do care when people constantly shove things I don't care about into my %^-*!@# face. Gay pride here, gay pride there, rainbow flags everywhere, men walking as if they're on fashion show and women walking as if they're about to pound the hell out of someone, people participating in LGBT guilds so that they can shove their sexual orientation in the face of everyone in-game, etc. And when I get back from work and turn my TV on literally every single modern TV show should either have a gay/lesbian main protagonist or some sort of homosexual p0rn scenes in almost every episode. Gay people are statistically so few that out of the dozens of dozens of people around me I don't know of a single person that is gay. Yet when I watch TV, browse the internet or just play a damn video game it appears as if 9 out of 10 people are gay which is getting absurd. I'm honestly tired of rainbows, the four letters in LGBT and all this homosexual p0rn in the media at this
Uhm, what in the world are you watching/gaming if I may ask?
That sounds absurd
And be glad you DONT have to have a straight parade.
Its ok to be a little gay.
20/07/2018 14:25Posted by
Morra Yes, continue to isolate yourselves, that will help you become considered a normal part of the society...
So if, say, I like to paint trains, and would like to join a community of people who also like to paint trains or support train painting, to, say, idunno, find friends or discuss latest trends in train painting, would it also mean isolating myself?
This exactly... you can never see any effort to create something like this without the usual "its not needed" "its not gonna help" its a game, let people hang out with who they want...
Seems like a lovely bunch of people and saved me making one. Thanks friendos, glad to join :)